Monday, March 02, 2009


Monday, March 2, 2009 8:30 AM

And there's more to come!



Snowbird said...

Yeah, I hear you guys are really getting dumped on up there. It's chilly here in Sunny Florida but nothing like what you are getting. Stay warm!

Sylvia K said...

I've been hearing about this from several people! WOW! Looks just like our street a couple of months ago! It's still gloomy here, we did have a couple of inches of snow last week, but today it's just gray. Hope you can dig out soon!

Maggie Moo said... too.

Jan said...

I heard it was headed your way. Yuck, I thought Spring was near for you.

Ingrid said...

Oh no ! that's criminal to have snow in March !

♥ Kathy said...

WOW! You have to admit it's pretty :)

Ivanhoe said...

Hang in there! I've heard that east coast is going to get a foot of snow.
At least it looks nice and springy here on your blog :o) said...

it's still snowing here! Now that we all have a snow day,it can stop...unless of course it keeps snowing till tomorrow so we can get another DAY OFF! said...

it's still snowing here! Now that we all have a snow day,it can stop...unless of course it keeps snowing till tomorrow so we can get another DAY OFF! said...

it's still snowing here! Now that we all have a snow day,it can stop...unless of course it keeps snowing till tomorrow so we can get another DAY OFF!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

oh I have had enough of this. I could actually see my yard yesterday and now I have 14 inches of snow. whee oh where is spring....

Mo and The Purries said...

We've been getting blasted all winter, and I am empathetic to your plight. However, I have to say that I am SO glad it missed Michigan this time! :)

Doll said...

Oh how I don't miss having to shovel the driveway! Nice pictures!

storyteller said...

Oh my! I'm amazed at how you all DEAL with the elements of winter!
Hugs and blessings,

Travis Cody said...

We got more snow today! What a nutty winter we've had out here.