It's Ruby Tuesday again!
And I've got something you might find interesting. Take a look at the following pictures of Golden Pond in Crocheron Park, Bayside, N.Y. :
(I purposely obscured the writing on the sign)
So what are those RED thingys in the pictures? When I visited the pond last week that was the first question I asked myself. My first guess was wrong. The signage around the park says what they are and what they are used for.
Would you like to guess?
Okay, so sign Mr. Linky and leave your answer in a comment. Then go and visit all the other wonderful participants in Ruby Tuesday!
I'll tell you in the afternoon on Tuesday what they are.
The RED thingies are ladders that are used to save people if they break through the ice. The ladders are slid along the ice from the shore, the person in the water grabs a hold, and they are dragged out. A lot of you guessed what they were right away. I thought at first they were ladders to do pruning on the trees... STOP laughing!!
What is it that you and Mr. Linky can't get along? I swear I'm gonna have to send you two to counseling!
I have no clue what the red thingies might be. My first guess would be a call box or a trail map (two entirely different things, but that's what they look like). I'll check back to see if I was close. Meanwhile, I'll leave you with this improvised linky:
Ruby Tuesday #28: Bombs Bursting in Air
Mine is posted up!:) I'll be back for Mr. Linky too!
They look like ladders but who would need a ladder near a pond?
I can't see Mr Linky.
My post is here:
I was looking at the wrong thingies. But I don't have to guess. (I cheated. Of course, it's not really cheating... just using the information available to solve the problem. All the same I won't give it away here... let the others have their fun too.)
I'm guessing they are NOT ladders because I suspect that's what you thought they were. Hmmm. Are they for rescuing people who fall into the water? The person on shore reaches out as far as possible with the red thingy then pulls the victim in?
Dear teach Mary,
If the Americans think like Norwegians, the ladder is for saving people who have fallen through the ice.
In my neighborhood I know of at least three ladders and lifewests place near small ponds.
from Felisol
Is it a rescue ladder?
I think it's some sort of rescue ladder too..maybe if the pond freezes? For some reason I can see people laying across some sort of ladder on ice to rescue someone..
Neat, if it's a rescue ladder. It reminds me of this picture which is of a place where there's supposed to be a life-preserver (one of those donut things), but it's gone, leaving just the place to put it, and the stencilled in cow.
A Ruby Tuesday post will be up here 'round about midnight, GMT time (London, Dublin, and Glasgow, where we live).
I have no idea what they are....will be back to see.
Hmmm. Rescue ladders makes sense. I found something about Boss Tweed and the Secret Haunting of Crocheron Park.
And you are high up in Google searches, Mary. ;-)
My guess is also a rescue ladder for someone who has fallen through the ice.
My RT post will be up on Tuesday morning!
I have no idea, but you made me very curious!!
When we lived at 42nd Avenue, we used to go to Crocheron Park for picnics. I didn't look this up, but isn't the park around Francis Lewis Blvd. and the Grand Central Parkway? I am guessing, but the mention of Crocheron brings me back quite aways to our '58 Ford Ranch Wagon and picnic lunches...
Very springish looking, can't wait until we can have walks like that here to, this side of the much bigger pond:)
My post is here
Thanks for hosting.
No Mr. Linky....Is that some emergency thing.....Mine is up too...
Rambling Woods
Hmmmm . . . bike racks?
I don't think they look sturdy enough to use as a rescue ladder - maybe for ducks or wildlife.
You certainly have us thinking Mary!
Hi Mary,
My first thought was that they are rescue ladders in case someone falls into the pond. Looks like a few other folks thought so too!
I had the same idea that they are rescue ladders when the water is frozen? ?
Good choice anyway for RT. Have a happy day.
To climb up the trees? ;p
Happy RT.
I'm guessing it's a ladder for ducks to get a better view of the pond. ;)
Oh but I cheated and looked at the large version of the second photo to read the words there. It could save a life!
LOL...Mojo...that's funny. Sorry Teach but it is.
I think the special things are ladders.
I see red ladders. How fun and I hope I am correct.
I also hope that my entry today is okay with you Mary.
I just had to use my blooms from my pear tree...but, there is red in the center.
Also I attached a post relating to a what I think is a very worthy cause.
But, I added a disclaimer at the bottom that in no way were you are this project affiliated.
I hope I don't get in trouble. Because we don't have any apple trees with fruit yet.
Seriously I do so hope it is okay that I combined the two.
Well I see by EG's response I have been obvious with my guesses. but, I am sticking with the ladders anyway!!
Looks like barracks/dividers of some sort to me :P
I'll be back later to check out the answers if I have internet access :P *lol*
I also vote for the rescue ladder. Can't wait to find out what it actually is... Have a nice day, everyone :)
I bet if the pond freezes, and someone decides to fall through the ice, those red ladder thingies are supposed to be used to fish them out!
I'm writing this before reading everyone else so I'm not tempted to change my guess.
Tink *~*~*
NOW PLAYING at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
Strolling EPCOT’s World Showcase at Walt Disney World
Something for safety and life saving.
I really don't have any idea what the ladders are for...
Lovely photos Mary, and my guess is ladders...I have never seen anything like that around lakes here in Oz, so it is truly only a guess. Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)
Ooops! my Ruby Tuesday is on
Silently Mine
It looks like a ladder, but that would be too easy...I don't have a clue.
I don't know what the red things are, but like the pond.
Is it something to help disabled birds get to their nests?
i like the bike rack guess. wow you stumped us this week!!:-)
Pretty place ;--)
As for the red 'ladder like' thing ... I have no guess beyond what others have made, so I guess I'll check back tomorrow to see what it is ... if I remember ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
I forgot to mention that my post is on my photoblog this week.
Carletta’s Captures.
The last one looks like art but the others don’t… They look like ladders to help fish people or things out of the water… but that seems too obvious and silly. Unless they turn into bridges or some sort?
So I am going to go with a vague guess of ‘something not super useful that was donated by someone”
Because I have no idea.
Felisol spoke it out ! A rescue ladder ! The parc looks so beautiful !
Interesting posting, I loved the reds. Thanks for hosting each week, have a great Ruby Tuesday.
Hmmm. Could they be ladders to reach for people who fall into the water?
My guess is they are for rescuing people who fall through the ice when it's frozen.
Is that THE Golden Pond? From the movie?
I have no idea and it's been amusing to read the comments. Why a ladder as a rescue device and not a ring??
Nice park anyways!!
My RT is posted here, happy Tuesday??
Without reading anyone else's comment, my guess is that it's a lifesaving device. I'll be interested to see if that's the consensus.
You know, Mary, I grew up in Bayside and also lived in Flushing in the 70s. Bayside HS is the old stomping ground, you might say. Fun to see pix of that area.
Stunning landscape.
Really have no idea what those red boxes are but I'll just guess they may be little boxes for tourist information pamphlets.
My post is up and it seems that we both spent time in the park recently. Have a good week
I guess they are rescue ladders. To save people who have fallen into the lake.
I love Ruby Tuesdays! Thanks for hosting it. Great pictures this week, too.
nice shots
My entry for RT this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks
First, Mary, it's Red. So it's either something public to use in case of danger, or a thing to participate to Ruby Tuesday.
Second, I imagine since there are 2 handles at one extremity that it can be maintained from the ground and thrown to someone who is drowning.
I don't participate (I have nothing interesting in Red) today, I just take a glance and comment : )
My guess would be to rescue someone or something... OH! I bet if someone falls through ICE! ugh... but who would then want to walk out on it to to take the ladder... oy! I guess you do what ya do! And another HERO is born! That's all I can think of!
Hello!! I'm new here! I love red and stumbled your blog via Jackie (Shinade's) blog. I've posted mine: http://emilayusof.blogspot.com/2009/03/ruby-tuesday-red-rosebud.html
I've added you to my blogroll, yay!
Ahhhh...trail map? Mine's up :-)
what a beautiful view!!!
Ladders to stretch out in the lake and rescue someone on broken ice?
Awesome Ruby Tuesday Mary mines up too! :D
Great pics; I was thinking rescue ladders too...Thanks for hosting again!
wow Rt has grown great park shots I just love benches of any kind
Interesting...are they ladders?
Hi Mary,
Well, I guess I'll go along with everyone else and say they are ladders. But what they are for, I have no idea. Mine is posted. Have a great day!!
I red the comments so I have a fair idea.
How cool :D!
Nice photos...and in a serene setting.
I see your guests are very intelligent and knew, before my arrival, that those are Ice rescue ladders...
Great pictures today, thank you!
I think the ladders are used for ice rescue...don't think it's for reaching fruit in those trees...
As for the other thing, I don't think those are red boxes. They look like the back of signs to me- with either trail maps or historical information, or laws about not letting your dog mess in the park on the front.
Am I close?! :)
My RT is up too. Have a good day everyone :)
I showed my hubby and he says it is for rescue from falling in the ice. I had told him I didn't think they were heavy enough. He says they lay it down across the ice to crawl out and it helps distribute one's weight.
I don't know if he's right or not but it sounds good. :)
a ladder to reach avcross the pond when it freezes over...??? happy rt to you all.
Dear Mary T
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Not sure if it is proper but I did try to get a little bit of red in my post.
If I could of gone to the Sunday School treat this year instead of having to stay home sick, I would of, seeing as I know about Ruby Tuesday this year, well I would have really concentrated on my reds!........Love Terry
I hope you like the "touch" I gave to my picture.
I am late for posting this week! :D
My guess is that it says trash is forbidden! :D
hmmm...what is it? no idea at all!lol! mine is up!:)
My first post!
I wouldn't guess...or maybe a warning that says no fishing ;) Thanks for this lovely meme.
Hi Mary, you have beautiful photos in here. The place looks nice for relaxation.
My entry this week are photos with lil red so i hope you can drop by and peep. It's from the place where the National Hero of the Philippines was exiled before he was put to death because of nationalism.
Happy Tuesday to all!
Did this event last week, but missed the Mr. Linky thing...sorry. Fun thing to do on a Tuesday.
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