Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekend Snapshot

Lovely cottage in Port Washington, L.I.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful looking cottage! :) Happy WS!

Mo and The Purries said...

That looks like the type of cottage I'd love to live in - full of flowers and cats, of course!

Patti said...

It's idyllic! And I love Mo's idea of flowers and kitties.

Carver said...

That is so beautiful. I could be very happy there.

Putz said...

the lawn probably needs mowing, but who cares...

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

How nice will it be if I could retire later in life and spend my days in a cottage like that one! :)

marcia@joyismygoal said...

gotta love those little cottages

Juliana RW said...

looks very nice place...

Visit me in here Thanks

Anonymous said...

quiet place ;)

Mine in here Thanks

Ingrid said...

Wow that looks like the cottages in England along the coast ! I am going there in August ! Youpee !

Heart of Rachel said...

What a lovely house surrounded by lush plants and flowers.

Anonymous said...

Thats pretty cottage and i like it. Have a nice day.