Monday, July 14, 2008

Manic Monday

This week Mo is suggesting we participate in Doodle Week and do a Doodle BUG for Manic Monday. It's only a suggestion but I like Mo's suggestions so here is my first attempt:

That's the best I can do. I'm really terrible at this!



Anonymous said...

Mary, it's WAY better than I could do, I promise ya! :)

Nice Job.

SandyCarlson said...

Way cool, Mary. Thanks for the fun.

Laura Brown said...

That's not terrible. Claire is going to be jealous. ;) Yours is the first Doodle Week bug I have seen. (Not counting Claire's blog). I don't think I will get mine scanned until tomorrow.

Ingrid said...

It looks cute ! I didn't participate because I don't understand very well what this doodle thing meant.

Ivanhoe said...

I did not even have a time to try it yet. With the whole week of doodling at Mo's, I hope I'll play at least once. That is if my doodles will be publishable (lol).

Putz said...

that bug, looks like something my grandson's do, we painted faces( i had a dingo howling at the nose] AMD ROCKS, AND ROCKETS, I WAS EMBArrassed that my three year old's grandson's rocket went higher than mine

Suzie said...

Great drawing. I think you missed your calling.

Durward Discussion said...

That is a great doodle bug.

anthonynorth said...

Well I didn't even dare do a doodle, I'm that bad, relying on my writing instead. So it's ten out of ten from me.

Odat said...

That's fantastic!!! It's fun isn't it? My bug is my first attempt too at doodling....hehe.

Mo and The Purries said...

Your doodle bug looks very happy!

Travis Cody said...

It's better than I could do!

Happy MM!

Le Butterfly said...

Looks good.

Anonymous said...

No, you're not terrible at this - the bug is sooooo cute!!!

♥ it!