Saturday, July 12, 2008

Photo Hunters - support

Tnchick has given us the prompt SUPPORT.

I thought these were very pretty and colorful and appropriate for the meme today.



Anonymous said...

SUPERB!! Without them, we'll all be living with hanging papayas later in life :P
Enjoy the weekend Mary! {Hugs}

Hootin Anni said...

I love this photo! I thought of them myself for the word, but went with the Astros....and FYI!! ----I LOVE the Yankees too. [especially Jeter hehehehe]

Sarge Charlie said...

funny choice, I was trying to say something witty but oh well, never mind....

Carver said...

Too funny. Fun take on the support theme. Happy weekend.

Patti said...

Interesting angle on these "support thingys" Love the colors here.

Great photo!

Write From Karen said...

HAHA! Well, ain't that the truth!! There would be a lot of women flopping around without the support of these puppies. And you're right! Those are uber cute ...

Write From Karen

Lew said...

Great take (and photo) on the theme!

Anonymous said...

Yup, they give us ladies lots of support don't they!? Beautiful shot. I thought of this, but didn't want to post my own and haven't been to a bra store lately. Happy Hunting!

Anonymous said...

Kind of obvious really, but the colours are great. If I went into the store and crept about photographing bras I think someone would have said something :)

Patricia said...

Love it! Very colorful, indeed! =)

Akelamalu said...

Very fitting ;)

SandyCarlson said...

Very pretty, Mary!

Mo and The Purries said...

Those are some colorful unmentionables!
Love the NYC waterfall header pic!
Have a great weekend my friend!

jmb said...

My daughter tried to get me to go to a lingerie shop for a similar photo.
This photo is lovely and tasteful and they are a great colour.
Have a great weekend Mary

Geraldine said...

LOL, good one Mary! I wish my undies were that pretty!!!! :<)

Leslie: said...

I didn't even think about this for the theme! But it's great! And what would we do without this type of support! lol

storyteller said...

Ah ... very clever! For some reason, this didn't cross my mind either, but I did play today at Sacred Ruminations ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Travis Cody said...

Now that's clever.

Carletta said...

Oh Mary I love the way your mind works to find what it takes to make us smile!

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! I remember my first one which had nothing to support at all !

Karen Coutu said...

Oooooo!! Look at all the pretty summer colors!

Great take on the theme and nice angle.

jams o donnell said...

A colourful and attractive take on the theme Teach. Sadly I might have got odd looks taking photos in a lingerie department!

Anonymous said...

LOL! This is the best support entry I've seen so far. :D

xoxo said...

and thats what we call VERY IMPORTANT SUPPORT lol ;-)

Unknown said...

Now that's a kind of support I didn't even think of *g*

Great idea!

Happy weekend!


me ann my camera said...

Wonderful! You know I wandered through Walmart yesterday with my little camera in my purse and the word 'support' hovering around in the background of my mind, but I did not have the creative genuis to find such as these! Lovely.

Also congratulations on your creative photo win of the week!

Anonymous said...

Now that made me laugh!! Never even occurred to me until I saw all those bras. Great idea and have a wonderful week.

Heart of Rachel said...

That's an interesting bright color for lingerie. Creative choice.

Barbara said...

That's a clever take on the theme.

Debbie said...

How did I jump to this one after the bra week I've been having? LOL

These are beautiful, but I get mine at I know. Sad.