Monday, October 05, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

I made a new door decoration With some RED for the Fall season. My hat with the yellow daffodils and ribbon will be put away for next year.

Here it is:

This is a door knob hanger that I though was cute!


Have fun visiting other participants. And please sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment.


Rose said...

Both of those are adorable!

Rona Michelson said...

Your door decoration is amazing! Just beautiful. I am so impressed with your creativity.

Loree said...

I love your door decoration and wish I was as creative.

EG CameraGirl said...

Aren't you the creative one? Very nice door decor!

Hildegarde said...

Wow, that makes a welcoming door.

Carletta said...

I remember the hat and I liked it a lot; but this is beautiful!
It's lush with all the right fall colors. The berries and leaves were just the right addition.
Mr. Scarecrow is pretty cute!

Anonymous said...

Those are both just beautiful. Happy RT :)

Rinkly Rimes said...

A lovely selection of Autumn colours in your arrangement.

Ralph said...

The flower arrangement is apropos to the time of harvest. The scarecrow is not so scary - but with such a disarming look, the crows take one look and fly away, but with a smile...

marian said...

i love your floral decoration in beautiful autumnal hues..very creative :)

ellen b said...

I love Fall and all the great decor that comes with fall! Happy Ruby Tuesday Mary!

Robin said...

What pretty decorations!

Leora said...

How cheerful! I have decorations in my post this week, too. I love your dried flowers.

Jan said...

Mary thanks for hosting, and I love your photos. This week, it's feeling like fall, here, but it's suppose to heat up, again, by the weekend!

Tink *~*~* said...

Love your decorations! One thing we don't get down here in Florida is a proper Fall. Sometimes I miss it, but the feeling passes quickly, LOL!

Tink *~*~*

bj said...

I adore your new fall door arrangement....and the door knob hanger is so cute...Thanks so much for hosting...

Marites said...

you made those? those are really pretty! I just love the colors so much and for sure, a welcome sight at your door:)

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Wonderfully FESTIVE decorations! Most impressive ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Miranda said...

Very welcoming ;)

Becky said...

Love the flowers Mary. Very artistic, and so Fall like. Like the door decoration too. I must get my Autumn decorations out.
Awesome header!

JunieRose2005 said...

These are very cool for the season! :)

I have some decorative guys on my post this time!


Anonymous said...

The door knob is looking adorable indeed.It looks hand-made :) Creative handicraft.
Happy RT!!

Dimple said...

Very pretty door decoration, and the knob hanger is definitely cute!

Meikah said...

Love both photos! Very creative of you, too.

My RT entry is here.

Karen Coutu said...

What perfect shots for fall!

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
your autumn bouquet is just overflowing with the richly colors and flowers of this season.
The horn of plenty makes us forget that frosty king winter is knocking at the door.
Like the knob hanger; let's keep smiling.
I'm going to bed now, it' four in the morning.
I just had to sacrifice some beauty sleep to join in on Ruby Tuesday.
From Felisol

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Is there no end to your talents? very nice

Lindy said...

Love the door decoration; very attractive! Cute scarecrow, too.

eastcoastlife said...

I love your beautiful door decoration. The knob hanger is so cute!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

It's that time: let the decorations begin! You look like you are having tons of fun.

I'm still picking tomatoes, amazingly.

Ingrid said...

Love both decorations, but the door hanger is really cute !

Jama said...

I love that flower arrangement, so lively!

MaR said...

Fantastic decorations.
And love your template too!!

MaR said...

Oh, I have a lighthouse this time :)

Terry said...

good morning beloved IS morning here in southern is 2:30 a.m.
but i just had to say hi anyway.
i hope you don't mind that i used those ruby dancing shoes again. i love them so.

i really like your arrangements here and i especially like the little maple leaf buttoned on to the green hat.
that little face is way too cute mary t..
please make sure you have happy ruby terry

Mommy Scart said...

what a lovely flower arrangement. a great entry for Red Ruby.

Mine is up as well. Have a great Tuesday everyone :)

Auntie E said...

I really like your decorations. wonderful job.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh it's very pretty. I might just have to get something for my front door as well.

Hootin Anni said...

Adorable!! I so love FALL

My R T is now posted...a bit on the eerie side of the yard this time.

Happy day wishes.....

nicquee said...

Your door decoration is a cutie. :)

Mine is up.

Chie Wilks said...

wow..these photos are is very creative of you

Jo-Ann said...

Looks like Fall!! I love door decorations.

Linnea said...

It sure looks autumny in your parts. Beautiful decorations to welcome the season and guests! Thanks for the postcard, too...

Dianne said...

the door hanger is cute

I love your door decor, you're really talented at that stuff :)

Jew Wishes said...

I so love the new look, Mary! How festive and creative, joyful and beautiful.

Stephanie V said...

L'il red patch...very cute.

Martha said...

Your decorations are lovely!

Snowbird said...

What a beautiful door decoration. You wanna come to my house and make me one??? LOL.

moosh said...

I love the colors of fall. Very nice job on your decorations.

Patti said...

Hi Mary,
I'm late but I'm here!

I love your dried flower door decoration. And the scarecrow is adorable.

Happy Ruby Tuesday ~

nonizamboni said...

Your decorations are lovely and make me excited for this beautiful season. Thanks for sharing and for your great meme. I now look forward to Tuesday for some reason

Anonymous said...

Wow Mary you made that? very pretty. I have one on my door but I bought it, I am not that creative. The door hanger is very cute also, great for the fall mood.

Heidi said...

Oh I love that basket! It is beautiful. And I am a sucker for anything scarecrow that has appliques!
Very cute!
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm glad you liked the special Halloween TREAT!!!

Happy day, once again to you.

Margaret Gosden said...

Love it!

Daily Nourishment said...

happy RT to all!

Ruby said...

lovely photos here!

Simply The Best said...

thanks for this very wonderful meme your photos here!

Gemma Wiseman said...

The dazzle of colours is amazing on both items! Beautiful!

annies home said...

beautiful fall bouquet

Ginger said...

I like how you've taken the time to "do up" your front door.

Maria's Space said...


I love everything about autumn, especially the colors.

Lew said...

Nice touches of red in these photos! Thanks for your comment on my red shed. The homes on that short street are old and ell maintained. I was stopped for traffic and just took a quick shot before moving on. I took a lot of photos of red on Sunday - will be posting some next week.

Arlene said...

Very cute and lovely door decors. Very charming and so autumn. :)

Durward Discussion said...

You are so talented. That floral piece is just gorgeous.

prashant said...

Just beautiful. I am so impressed with your creativity.
Work From Home