Saturday, September 27, 2008

Who won the Debate?


Jeff B said...

I went into the debate with an open mind. (no really...stop laughing)

Admittedly, I've been leaning more towards Obama, but I still wasn't ready to rule out McCain either. After last night, there's little doubt that I'll be persuaded by McCain now.

What impressed me about Obama was that he seemed much more prepared and stayed on point far better. He also looked the camera, the mediator and McCain in the eye. McCain seemed to continue to stare straight ahead no matter what. Maybe that's a funny thing to pick at, but my dad always told me to look a person in the eye when I was talking to them.

That has always stuck with me. if the person isn't willing to look me in the eye, then I wonder what they are trying to hide.

Well, I do plan on watching the remaining debates before I commit 100% for either of them. The VP debate should prove to be quite interesting.

Carver said...

To be honest, I didn't go into the debate with an open mind. I don't have anything against John McCaine but I feel very strongly that the McCaine/Palin ticket is a scary choice. If he'd made a different VP choice, I wouldn't feel quite so strongly although I still wouldn't have voted for him. That said I thought Obama more than held his own.

Mo and The Purries said...

I think it was basically a draw.
McCain did better than I thought in the one-on-one situation, and Obama could have been stronger on some points - neither really wowed me.
Best line of the night was on CNN, after they interviewed Biden post-debate. Someone stated they'd like to see Palin do a post-debate interview also, and Anderson Cooper said, "Don't hold your breath." Ha!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

It still is nothing but he said she said....

Putz said...

because of you teach making fun on your blogs at all us liberals{way before this blog}, and because you are too open minded on politics, and because obama was saying mc cain was always correct, rithgt etc...i am swaying towzard ron paul or micikey cain, or pat paulsen, because of you i was lost, because of you i am is all your fault teach, you had a responsibility not to lose me, see what your foolin around wrought???

maryt/theteach said...

Wait a second, wait a second, Barlow I'm a liberal too!! :)

Putz said...

you did a piece on liberals living off the prowes of conservatives, only being around because of their machoness, i am teasing anyway

Tink *~*~* said...

OMG, the teach left a child behind? FOR SHAME! LOL :D

Kidding, kidding!

I noticed that McCain kept answering questions by telling us what's wrong with Obama. Insecure, much?

For me, I don't really care to know every little detail about what the candidates think about this, that and the other thing. For me, there are certain "dealbreaker" issues.

The war - it needs to stop because it deprives the American people of their lives and their money, both of which would be put to better use here at home.

My reproductive rights - they're MINE. End of freakin' subject. Thanks ever so much.

Fiscal responsibility - regulate the hell out of the credit market, since the banks failed to demonstrate that they would lend responsibly. Charge the leaders of the failed banks with fraud. Stop rewarding companies who outsource jobs overseas by giving them tax breaks. It is not true that if you give them tax breaks, they will stay in America. They will take your tax break, AND they will outsource. They are greedy. They need to be stopped and taught how much "enough" is. I don't want to hear anything about free enterprise and blah blah blah. They have proven themselves untrustworthy and they need to be put in time out, like all bad children.

ok I'm done spewing on your blog now, Mary.

(red faced)

Tink *~*~*

SandyCarlson said...

Of course this poll on your blog is completely objective! I love the results.

Ingrid said...

As America is the only country in the world who does such a show with two candidates, we saw a little resumé of the most important things. The speaker also wondered what the candidates did before the TV and finally that it is also very important how you look on TV ! He said that Lincoln with his looks wouldn't have had any chance, lol ! I am still allergic against this old guy McCain !

Hootin Anni said...

You know what I answered. I have a whole write up about the whole thing today.

Hope your weekend is treating you well.

maryt/theteach said...

Tink, you said it exactly right!

maryt/theteach said...

Sandy, I'm laughing that one vote is MY vote... Ha!

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched it yet, but I've got it tivo'd for later.

Anonymous said...

En España tenemos muchas esperanzas en que el nuevo presidente de EE:UU. sea Obama.

storyteller said...

Somehow I'm not surprised at the results of your survey ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Jim said...

I didn't go to bed, sorry I voted that way. I watched PBS with Masterpiece Theatre and The Amazing Race.