Friday, September 26, 2008

Skywatch Friday

Sunset Across the Ramparts



Thank you Skywatch Team:

Tom, Sandy, IMAC & Klaus


Anonymous said...

sunsets are so pretty!

imac said...

Great shots, love the colours.

Gemma Wiseman said...

What radiant glows behind the buildings!

Snap Catch said...

Great catch for Skywatch! Mine's up too hope you can visit... Happy weekend!

EG CameraGirl said...

The sky is glorious!
Happy Sky Watch!

Louise said...

Nice capture. Love the colors, the water, and the roof or whatever of that building with things sticking up. It makes a nice silhouette!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

awesome golden sky!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

looks warm and peaceful.

Putz said...

to the sky watch team, thanks, and especially to santa klas, double thanks, keep up the good work skywatch team

Anonymous said...

Very dramatic - where are those ramparts??

Enigma said...

What wonderful colors you captured. Tremendous shots all! Thank you for sharing!

Carletta said...

Hi Mary,
These are gorgeous! I like the flag silhouetted against the glow -lovely.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful orange sunset you've captured.
Happy SkyWatch Mary {Hugs}

magiceye said...


marcia@joyismygoal said...

Good title and lovely silhouette of said title

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colors in this sunset! Nicely framed and captured.

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful golden sky !

Jane Hards Photography said...

Those golden tones are so beautiful.

Obama, I hope he can and if I was could I'D BE VOTING FOR HIM.

Anonymous said...

Must have been a nice day - super shots.

Hootin Anni said...

That is so beautiful!!! There is a new meme that has been around a couple of weeks now, it's called Sunrise/Sunset should enter this again. LOL

Have a glorious weekend.

PJ said...

It looks like a perfect sunset. So beautiful. Where is this?

You can fly to my SWF post here.

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Beautiful sunset photo.

And, I LOVE the post below!!!

Daryl said...

Nice ... what ramparts be those?


Lara said...

beautiful photos!

storyteller said...

Simply gorgeous skies above the silhouetted scenery! My Sky Watch is of BLUE SKIES in So Cal (combined with Haiku Friday as usual) … at Sacred Ruminations.
Hugs and blessings,

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Cool shots...Have a great weekend...

bobbie said...

A beautiful golden sky.

Norm said...

fabulous set of photos! a wonderful sunset with a beautiful building...

Lew said...

Beautiful sunset! Hope your 4 classes are going well.

vincibene said...

Gorgeous picture!

Leslie: said...

Very nice! Love the yellows in the shots. :D

Anonymous said...

Very lovely indeed.

Digital Polaroids said...

These pictures are true poems!

Arija said...

Lovely sunsets, especially the second one with the reflected light on the water.

Unknown said...

Love the silhouette against the sunset

SandyCarlson said...

This sure is beautiful! I hope your semester is going well.

Jim said...

Hi Mary, these are very nice pictures. My guess is the Ramparts of Fort Niagra although I really can't remember it good enough to bet money.

david mcmahon said...

Brilliant shots.

Merisi said...

Simply gorgeous sunset scene! :-)

I came over here thanks to David's "Authorblog.