Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wanna Laugh #5?

Paris, France

What I think is funny is all the junk in the bathtub!



Akelamalu said...

That sign is priceless!!

Durward Discussion said...

My favorite is the very real and practical sign that I saw in England.

In the US where people seem to fear being identified as one of these, no one would ever use this crosswalk.

Grandma Faith said...

Man, I can't believe that sign. What is a person to do? The potty shot is cute, especially with all the junk in the bathtub. Thanks for the laughs. Take care.

Dianne said...

ahhhh the French - they're so contrary

Anonymous said...

LOL. That's really funny!

Wanna join Emerald Sunday?

~Just Me Miranda~ said... there's some messed up people in Paris.

storyteller said...

Thanks for the visual chuckles ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Travis Cody said...


"Yes officer, I was aware that I was going the wrong way, but since I was also going the right way I think you should cut me some slack."

Ingrid said...

I have seen worse in a bathtube, lol !but the picture is very funny. for Paris such a sign is completely normal ! hehehe

Mo and The Purries said...

My grandparents' second bathroom looked just like that - my grandfather kept his annual tax files in the bathtub!

Anonymous said...

Funny! :) But poor kid to get stuck there.