Sandee of Comedy Plus tagged me for this meme. Thanks, Sandee:
5 reasons I love/hate the Groundhog. After listing 5 reasons (no rules in listing reasons), tag 5 people plus giving credit to the tagger.
Let's see:
1. What do groundhogs know about the seasons anyway?
2. Since the groundhog lives in a burrow, he's probably blind so how can he SEE his shadow?
3. He just gets everybody hopes up that Winter is over and then destroys those hopes with glee!
4. I am reminded of Bill Murray (whom I can't stand) who starred in the stupidest movie I ever saw Groundhog Day.
5. Did you ever see a WOMAN standing around in a black top hat looking to a dumb (that is, non-talking) rodent to tell HER whether Spring is coming or not?

I now tag 5 people:
Jeff B. @ A Word in Edgewise
Becca @ BeccA's Buzz
Tammy @ Mom Knows Everything
Colin @ Life
Jos @ NoDirectOn (not: NoDirection)
5 reasons I love/hate the Groundhog. After listing 5 reasons (no rules in listing reasons), tag 5 people plus giving credit to the tagger.
Let's see:
1. What do groundhogs know about the seasons anyway?
2. Since the groundhog lives in a burrow, he's probably blind so how can he SEE his shadow?
3. He just gets everybody hopes up that Winter is over and then destroys those hopes with glee!
4. I am reminded of Bill Murray (whom I can't stand) who starred in the stupidest movie I ever saw Groundhog Day.
5. Did you ever see a WOMAN standing around in a black top hat looking to a dumb (that is, non-talking) rodent to tell HER whether Spring is coming or not?

I now tag 5 people:
Jeff B. @ A Word in Edgewise
Becca @ BeccA's Buzz
Tammy @ Mom Knows Everything
Colin @ Life
Jos @ NoDirectOn (not: NoDirection)
Good job teach and thanks for playing along. Yep, it's either love or hate with the groundhog. :)
I have never done this one before, I am definitely going to do it. Thanks for tagging me!
Huh!!! I just posted a comment thanking you for tagging me, but it didn't show up....hmmmm
Hello my friend,
LOL I know absolutely squat about Groundhogs hahahaha
But hell, I'm game and will give it a shot LOL
Wonderful and hilarious reasons....us women are just smarter you know.
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