Do I have something special for you guys today, Ruby Tuesday!
Take a look at the photo below. Who's the person in the RED sweater?

Yup, you guessed right! It's me at the World's Fair in N.Y. in 1964-65. I'm standing in front of the Winston Churchill pavillion. I wasn't married yet - I would be in 1966. Vinny always said it was that RED sweater that blew him away! Not too much of a beehive hairdo, right?
And here's another photo of me in 1963 when I pledged a sorority at Queens College. These were the costumes we wore for our pledge skit based on Oliver, the play. That's me on your left:

When I started looking through these pix I couldn't believe I had these two RED pix! Just to let you know Queens College doesn't have sororities or fraternities anymore...
I loved looking at these pix (which I edited a bit for color, brightness, and contrast) and I hope you do too!
you looked gorgeous. Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Teach Mary,
You was and are swell.
Outstanding in a positive way.
No wonder your husband fell for you, beehive and that sweater.
Wouldn't it be nice to hear you singing once again.
Anything you can upload on You Tube?
A happy Ruby Tuesday to you and all your visitors.
You look great with red Mary!
You stunner you. No wonder Vinny fell head over heels :).
My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
you are really a beauty mary! red looks good on you!
my entry is up now..
The outfit you wore is a bold ruby, Ah to be young while wearing early 60s garb. Lovely look at the past!
Ha ha I love it you are so cute -you look like caddies:)
Nice photos! Happy Tuesday!
How cute. Boy there aren' many beehives any more. :) You were a stunner I tell ya. Well you still are :) Great phos my friend :)
Ah, Mary, it's always fun to look back!
So you were a sweater girl. :)
Gotta love those costumes!!
Thanks for smiles and the look back.
Definitely your color and my how beautiful :)
What a treat.
You look so cute!
See, red was a big part of your life even back then! Great photos you're sharing with us.
What fun to look back in time, Mary!
How cute ! What a nice time that was, with Rock 'n Roll and sweet 20th !
Stunning photos! Those were the days when dressing up was all part of the fun of living for any age!
Oh My! Those are some outfits! Great photos. Love it.
I agree :)
You look great in red !
Have a nice Ruby Red tuesday :)
you were, and are, beautiful
I was at the World's Fair as well, maybe we passed each other ;)
Hey that's a cool pic, Mary! Oh I know how people wear RED to attract. Including bees. ;-)
Thank you for sharing those to photos with us Mary! I love the second one. Do you still have that costume? :P
Great photos! Now we understand your love for red :)
Hello Mary! This is one of my favorite meme. I always look forward for Tuesday just for RT. Thanks for hosting! Have a blessed Ruby Tuesday!
I'm an officer in my sorority. I think we should make the pledges dress this way. Love your shots!
I love the old times! Thanks for sharing your precious photos. Nostalgic post for Ruby Tuesday.
omigosh. I had that haircut. It's hanging in my hallway right now next to my hubs when he had hair. Thanks for a humorous reminder of a time long past.
Hmmm, the verification word is Missing. I wonder if I'm being told something. LOL
So, Vinny knew what was good when he saw it - lucky guy!
Great look back, Mary, thanks for sharing these. :)
I remember lots of the World's Fair considering I was 4-5 years old at the time. We lived very close by in Queens Village, and visited often. Of course, I remember the Disney stuff the best! Carousel of Progress, Small World and some version of Universe of Energy were all there. Ah, the memories!
Tink *~*~*
look so fabulous:)great post..:)
You looked great!
Red suits you Mary.
Happy RT!
Hey, maybe brides should get married in red "blushing brides"? :-) Love your pics!
Oh Mary, I totally love your photos. You look adorable in both. I went to that fair with my best friend and shot my VERY FIRST roll of film with my new brownie camera there. And you know, it had some pretty neat shots! Thanks for the stroll down memory lane.
It's great pictures of you!
oh wow! glad to see these gorgeous pics...thanks for sharing Mary....:)
Hi Mary, the fun days were back in the 60's..short skirts, sweaters and the nursing school,I loved to go out and dance the twist and were so cute with your red outfits with the girls..Have a fun day.. hugs, Baba
Hi Mary, please delete number 84 and 86 for me from your list.It would not work right with my link until the last time.Thanks.
Great photos! And you look beautiful in red.
I love the photos of you in red. So cute!
How fun to see these photos! Nice outfits :D
Ahhhhhhhhhh, SWEET, Mary!!!!
You look gorgeous in red. That´s my favorite colour! I can understand that your husband fell for you. I rekognize the hair style. I had the same. I am an old hair dresser so I have done a lot of thoose hair styles in -65-66 and I think it´s still a nice style. Have a nice day.
what a fun blast from your past!
Your college pictures are just wonderful! Love the "Oliver" costumes and you look so smashing!
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
You looked great Mary!
Love the trio of reds! You are gorgeous in the red sweater. No wonder hubby fell madly in love. ;)
oh my entry is on the link number 11. niko
anyways its here
thanks for dropping by my blog mary!!
Lovely photo of the past. I love seeing our younger days. And even then you where in the Red. Who Knew this could became something great....
My Ruby Link for you
In the old photo,
sorority sisters smile—
what aren’t they telling?
Your Lover
Love your photos for today! It's been a long time since I've been by to play. Hope you and all your players have been doing well :-)
You look beautiful in red. Wow, amazing that you kept you old photos. I like the second photo coz you all look dolls. :)
Red is definitely your color!
You really did look great in those outfits... red suits you to a "T"!
I like Dorothy shoes. Hair do was good. XXX Don
wow, great pictures
Cool reds...I actually have some pictures that qualify for Ruby Tuesday
These are such fantastic photos, Mary! The first one brings back fond memories of the World's fair. I went there several times.
You are such a cutie!
You looks great in the picture
What a treat to see these old photos. Love the beehive.
I'm new and not very good at blogging. My entry at nr. 116 came in with a link to the wrong post. Can you remove it so I can enter the correct link? Sorry about that! You have a great blog and a fun challenge!
Love those old photos! We were so beautiful, weren't we!
How fun to find red in some old photos! You look marvelous!!
I have some vintage red photos for today---none of me though. Ha, ha.
My Ruby Tuesday
Very cute red pics. Love the hats!
you look stunning especially with the first picture
First chance I've had to check out Ruby Tuesday in quite a while. Picked a good one to come back to. I graduated high school in 1964 and my graduation gift from one of my Aunts was a trip to New York and the Worlds Fair. Only time I have been there.
I also noticed that we were married in the same year, 1966.
What a small world.
Great pics! I've joined in too..
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