Monday, December 28, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Leora of Here in HP made this new badge for Ruby Tuesday. Thank you so much, Leora!

And as a real treat go over to Leora's for a collection of her favorite Ruby Tuesday posts for 2009.

Now for my Ruby Tuesday post:

Vinny (husband) and I went to the movies yesterday and saw
Sherlock Holmes. It was okay. How could a movie with Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law be all bad? (I posted about it on Facebook). while waiting in the lobby of the theatre for our friends I saw this:


Don't forget to sign up, leave a comment and visit others!

I wish YOU

Happy New Year 2010 Pictures, Images and Photos

and Peace and Love all the year through!


Pekka said...

Happy and colorful New Year for You. ;-)

Gemma Wiseman said...

"Ha!" is so right! It looks very dusty too! Been like that for a long time I expect! Great ru by find!

Leora said...

Oh, Mary, you do know how to put a smile on someone's face. You have such a nice way of saying things.

We also saw Sherlock Holmes yesterday. Did you get the references to Houdini? Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle were friends, but then Houdini spent a lot of energy proving that spiritualism, which Doyle believed in, was a fake. I also liked the drawings at the end.

EG CameraGirl said...

The red phone got my attention!

At my mother-in-law's last weekend, we saw about OLD six Sherlock Holmes movies from the 1940s. I wondered if I'd want to see the latest version. ;-)

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! Is that the new phone model for 2010? Too funny. I love it. Happy New Years to you my friend and your family :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to have linked twice but Mr Linky refused my link several times today.

Jim said...

Someone had a poor impression of the Customer Service or else had a broken telephone at home.

You made a good impression! :-)


bj said...

O have the cutest posts..I love this!! Dust and all !!
Happy New Year and Happy Ruby Tuesday...
Thanks so much for hosting this fun day..I love me some red and I have a LOT of it....:O) I can play a long, long time!!
hugs, bj

Kvasthilda, Sweden said...

ROTFL! That's hilarious!

IvoryFire said...

I love that picture! Truly.

Rinkly Rimes said...

I've sent a smidgin of ROMANCE to you for 2010! I hope it happens in the flesh!

ellen b said...

Happy New Year to you! That phone really makes a statement :0)

Felisol said...

Happy New Year, teach Mary!
(And thanks for the old, we say in Norway!)

From Felisol

Patti said...

Ha ha.
That's a fun photo, Mary. You must have been happy to find a Ruby Tuesday shot in an unlikely setting.

Happy New Year to you and Vinny!

concretenprimroses said...

I love Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes so I was hesitating to see the movie. Good to know its worth seeing.
The phone is a riot!

marian said...

what the???looks like it's been missing for a while too HA!! Happy New Year Mary..hope 2010 is a fab year for you x

Linnea said...

Ha...that's funny. I guess you can't complain to customer service if the movie was bad! Happy 2010!

Miranda said...


Karen Coutu said...

Your photo is priceless Mary!! :P

Mojo said...

It took me a second look to figure out what was wrong with this picture. Then I realized, this is just typical.

Diane AZ said...

Ha ha, the funniest thing I've seen all day...and it's red! Happy New Year to you and yours! :D

Ralph said...

Well, what do we expect in these days of 'customer service'. At least the phone doesn't have a rotary dialer!

Kim, USA said...

Happy New Year!!

Mine is up: Salsa and Tomato sauce

Tink *~*~* said...

Wow, nothing like letting your customers know how much you value their input LOL.

Happy New Year, Mary :)

Tink *~*~*

Marites said...

May you have a ruby happy and healthy New Year, Mary! :)

eastcoastlife said...

Happy New Year to everyone on Ruby Tuesday!

Have a wonderful year ahead, Mary and family.

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

LOL ... one reason why I hate to shop!
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Ha!! Pick the 'air' up!! :P

Have a blessed and great 2010 ahead Mary!! :)

Becky said...

Oh Mary this is a hoot. I love it ! Perfect..

Happy New Year to you too.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Haahaha, it literally mean it lol.

My Ruby Tuesday

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

So much for the customer service...

judi/Gmj said...

Giggle! and happy holidays to you!

Unknown said...

love the new badge!

the red phone is so vintage.:p
Happy New Year!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

feel free to call but bring your own receiver/

Queen-Size funny bone said...

feel free to call but bring your own receiver/

paz said...

Really funny about the phone. ;-)

Nice badge, Leora!

So, the movie was just okay? I suppose I'll wait for it to come on video/dvd....

Happy, Happy New Year!


DrillerAA said...

Looks like someone else already picked up the complaint phone...permanently!

Regina said...

Hello Mary. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas And A Blessed New year!



Terri said...

I'd say they really don't want to hear from you!

Chie Wilks said...

great one for Ruby Tuesday

Gattina said...

That's exactly how it is "customer service" lol !
Happy New Year to you too !

toby said...

Very funny! Happy New Year!

Annie Jeffries said...

That is so funny and pathetic. It pretty much sums up the state of costumer service these days, doesn't it.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Some customer service, yes? Wotta RED! Wonder what happened to the receiver.

I've posted more holiday lights. They are just too wonderful and I had to. Come see the candy cane arches!


Happy New Year!

Marites said...

*giggle* I didn't realize what's wrong until i took I second look. :D Gee, nice customer service:D

Kranky Granny said...

It feels so great to finally have time to get back to one of my favorite memes.

I hope that my schedule will stay calm enough for me to have the time to visit all the post I missed over the last few hectic months.

I wish everyone a blessed new year.

Jew Wishes said...

Great eye on this one, Mary! LOL! Love the ruby tones!

Happy New Year to you and yours.

diane b said...

Hope no one wants to make a call.Nice find!

Gena @ thinking aloud said...

Wishing you and all participants a wonderful new year! Thanks so, much for the opporunity to post a "red' post!!!!

Mine is now up :

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I suppose that is better than just getting the run around with press a million different numbers junk. At least one knows where one stands.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Wow! Love that red phone! Happy calling in the new year!

Martha said...

Funny picture! Made me laugh out loud!

Happy New Year!

Baba said...

Good morning Mary, wishing you and your family a "happy new year"...

Thank you for hosting Ruby Tuesday..
hugs, Baba

EJ said...

That is what we need to end the year.. HUMOR!

My Ruby Tuesday calls for a new goal this year, to SAVE! Wishing you a bountiful new year!

Auntie E said...

How funny.. there goes Customer service, and Ancient resource,lol.

Marice said...

great capture! have a happy New Year!

storyteller said...

Back again this morning because I just can't quite stop myself from sharing holiday RUBIES ... this time at Happily Retired Gal ;-)
Hugs and Blessings,
My Ruby Tuesday

life's journey said...

Nice entry for RT>>>Mine is up.

♥ Kathy said...

I like the new button/badge Mary :) and the phone is cool! I guess someone REALLY needed a receiver LOL

Stephanie V said...

That`s a good one! Always leave èm laughing.
Happy new year to you!

nice A said...

I like your new badge.
Happy New Year, Mary! More blessings for you in the coming year.

Terry said...

happy new years to you too beloved teacher and to your vinny.
you have been a blessing to me with your ruby tuesday for over a year.
god bless you...
i will post next week for ruby tuesday.
happy new bernie and terry

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

That is a beautiful red color phone. I haven't seen this around for a long time.

Ladyinblue said...

Happy New Year, with lots of RED :)

Mimi said...

This reminds me of a Heineken ad that had a Customer Complaints Department, and you had to brush away cobwebs to get in.
Very funny post, Mary T.
Mine's up, and thanks for hosting Ruby Tuesday- I've enjoyed every one in the last 5 months since I discovered it!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Very funny!
Happy New Year !

Maia said...

Hi Mary,
It's my first visit here, but my second link. I didn't realize that I came from an old link and subscribed first to an older page, sorry for my mistake.
Funny capture with the phone, you have a good eye.
Happy New Year!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

hahahah, they don't want you to make complaints. This happens to public phone s in many places, but I am surprised at the cinema.

I hope you enjoyed your movie and you didn't need to use that phone.

Gunsside - Norway said...

Like yoyr phone !
Happy New year ;)

CrAzY Working Mom said...

Ha! Now that's a good one, Mary! Love it. :)

Happy New Year, my friend.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Hi Mary. I didn't have anything red in my life this week (boy it really is gray here in Oregon). Really I just haven't recharged for the New Year yet. But your post is cute and I have been enjoying some of the others from Mr Linky. See you again soon. Happy New Year.