Drowsy Monkey is responsible for Mellow Yellow Monday.

A yellow stanchion (along with a couple more) to keep you from driving into Lighthouse Park, Roosevelt Island, N.Y.

Late flower decorations for Atlas Mall, Glendale, N.Y.

Another shot with the yellow stanchion different angle by wallyg
Thanks Drowsy Monkey!
Go to Mellow Yellow Monday to see other participants.
Yellow has many roles in our society ... lol. Some are for beauty, some caution ... it's a great colour! Well, it's the same with red of course ;)
What a great contrast in yellows. Excellent my friend :) Aloha
Nice pics this week. :)
Cool post Mary!
I love the flowers. They are beautifully done.
The last stanchion shot is my favorite. Just a shot of yellow off to the side that brings out the name of the lighthouse.
Great shots! Another park I'll have to check out.
Running around looking at all the yellow Drowsey has cooking. Your post is great :-)
nice capture! I love the beautiful flowers....
Great post (literally)! The flowers are beautiful...very nice post.
Love your yellow choices! Can't miss the yellow stanchion.
The second shot is really pretty.
I always wondered what those things were called - stanchions sounds so strong
great shots Mary
I love the lil bits of yellow found here and there. Nice shots!
your comment made me laugh! the only word I would come up with is "thingie" LOL
I looked it up, you're correct
and would you believe there are whole sites that sell nothing but stanchions
including stanchiondepot.com
I find that hilarious
yellow can be very useful in many ways..like this one you have here.
Here's My MYM entry.
Beautiful choices of yellow. love the flowers
Very nice pictures, Mary. Hope you enjoyed your visit to the lighthouse.
I always love when people drive through those things lol
Great yellow, and those "things" have a name! There is my learn something new every day!
Nifty selection of yellows for this week ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
I love your photos this week. The stanchion is a particular standout. I hope you are having the brightest of days.
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