Friday, October 24, 2008

Skywatch Friday




This series of photos was taken as I was driving west on my way home several days ago. Don't worry I didn't take them while driving, I pulled over to take them. :)

There are only a few seconds between each shot. In the last shot I now see black specks which I suppose are birds. I didn't see those specks when I took the picture. I don't think it's dirt on my lens. Ha!

Don't forget to visit The Skywatch Team - Tom, IMAC, Sandy, Klaus or Ivar, and all the other participants in Skywatch.

What a blessing it would be if we could open and shut our ears as easily as we open and shut our eyes!
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg



Anonymous said...

Nice looking skies Mary!!

Anonymous said...

Mary, I love the clouds when you can see the range from dark to light -- especially when scattered against a blue sky.

great shots!

Jan said...

Great series. Yes, I've learned that lesson, with clouds, take 'em when you see them, things change fast!!

Jenn said...

where are you that it is Friday already? I had to check the date on the calender and my computer! Love the pic's. The third one looks like two people (upside down) in a dancing embrace with wind blown clothing. (to me anyway)

Dora said...

What a cloudy day!

judi/Gmj said...

Ah Ha! It's Chicken Little and his gang! Beautiful skies.

Tink *~*~* said...

Ah those familiar light posts over the highways!

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Anonymous said...

I like the rays of sunlight peering through the clouds :)
Happy SkyWatch Mary!! {HUGS}

Raven said...

Beautiful skies. Your sepia tones project looks interesting too. Once I can stop obsessing about politics, I'll probably join in.

Ingrid said...

Now I am disappointed, I thought you took the pictures while driving, lol ! But nevertheless they are beautiful !

Dianne said...

I love clouds with dark under bellys!!

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
I love you sky series.
I always seem to find figures in the clouds. Makes me feel young again, lying in the grass beside my dad in our garden, finding pictures in the slow moving, but ever changing clouds.
Oh, yes, I can clearly see a big bird down in picture #3.
From Felisol

Hootin Anni said...

I love the 2nd one especially with all the rays shooting out of the clouds! Beautiful, Mary.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Lovely! Yes I'm sure they are birds ;O)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...


or birds....

Thanks for pulling over!


storyteller said...

I’m relieved to know you pull over to take the photos rather than snapping them as you drive. These are amazing studies in light & dark! Thanks for sharing. My Sky Watch is at Sacred Ruminations with a bit of Haiku as usual.
Hugs and blessings,

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mary: I love your captures. I really enjoy these cloudy skies and all the character they bring to the screen.

Cathy said...

Great Pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Great series and love the contrast of light and dark against the bright blue.

Larry D said...

Wonderful clouds! Im glad you pulled over.

Hope said...

Stunning photos!

Cindy said...

Beautiful and dramatic.

Anonymous said...

These are just gorgeous! Love the sun shining in the clouds.

Colin Campbell said...

Good job Mary.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I missed you yesterday - but your pictures are still there to see. Lovely skies - ours are black today and blowing a gale. Back to outage time already this season.

Kahshe Cottager said...

Oh, I do love to see clouds in the sky! These are wonderful photos. Have a great weekend!

My SkyWatch is at Views From My Camera

Louise said...

Nice clouds, and pretty light coming from behind them!

Carole said...

What interesting clouds! I'm glad you pulled over to take these.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Dramatic sky shapes and colours! Love it when nature turns on a spectacular!