Friday, September 12, 2008

Skywatch Friday

Photobucket Image Hosting

Photobucket Image Hosting

Photobucket Image Hosting


no one

looks east
~Grzegorz Sionkowski~

Thanks to the Skywatch team for hosting:

Tom, Sandy, IMAC & Klaus

Skywatch Friday participants are here



Putz said...

i look east, west, south, and north....i have a porch where all my birds fly in and they come in from every direction so i always get the sky, but i wished i lived at jones beach so i could get the water tooo....

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful sunset shots Mary.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant material for SWF. Nice colors in the photos.

My Sky Watch Friday blog is at my Canon Pixels blog. If you have time I would appreciate your having a look at the sky peeking through the oak tree leaves.

Anonymous said...

hi Maryt! I like your orange skies. I haven't seen orange for a while. Maybe I need to walk more at sunset :0)

Cath said...

No one looks east because they may miss what is happening west! ;0)

I have another site too so you can find my sky watch at the usual site and a second skywatch on my new site called Cath's Cradle.
Please come see if you get time.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

The first photo remind me of alien antenna's.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

so pretty in pink, and orange and blue!

(I finally posted the NYC Waterfall picture and will post more at a later date.)

bobbie said...

A lovely glowing sky. It pays to look everywhere in the sky.

bobbie said...

A lovely glowing sky. It pays to look everywhere in the sky.

SandyCarlson said...

I just love it, Mary! As always, your city shots feel immediate and fresh.

EG CameraGirl said...

Love the quote you posted with your photos. It goes so well with my Sky Watch post. ;-)

Lots of on-the-road photos today. Is this on your way home from work?
Happy Sky Watch!

Babs (Beetle) said...

I'm late coming round today! Lovely skies ;O)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos and a wonderful thought to go with them.

Michele said...

WOW... truly beautiful and impressive photos... loving the colors of the sky... very nice indeed!!!
Mountain Retreat

Leora said...

That traffic has a too familiar look. I sometimes see sunsets like that when we travel home from the Jersey shore. But then I notice I need to clean the windshield of our car! Wonderful colors in the sky.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, you were on your way home when you shot those pictures? :P

Miss ya heaps around here!!!
Have a FABULOUS weekend {Hugs}

Anonymous said...

Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful hues of orange and grey.

Anonymous said...

beautiful series of sky photos. Happy SWF Teach Mary!

nonizamboni said...

There's nothing quite like a sunset--these are lovely photos. I especially like the lines pulling across the sky--even better with birds.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

As I said to Digital Polaroids, if you can't beat them, join 'em.
Cables and lampstandards that is.

Suzie said...

Beautiful shots. Thanks you for sharing your story. Im so glad your husband was ok. What a terrible day.

Ingrid said...

That's a beautiful sky ! sunsets can be just like paintings !

Daryl said...

Fabulous .. as is that hydrangae you have posted on in the title bar


storyteller said...

Beautiful skies … wonderful quote ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Sky on Fire....

One of my favorite times of the day

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm one of those weirdos who looks in all the directions, including at sunset. You never know what beauty might be just over your shoulder.

david santos said...

Really beautiful!
Fantastic photos...

judi/Gmj said...

Stunning, I am going to have to go to the Thesaurus, I keep using the same adj. :(

Mary said...

what pretty orange skies!

Arija said...

Great changes in colours in your three skies. I personally prefer the composition of the first one with the slanting poles although the colour in the purple sky is amazing too.

vincibene said...

Wonderful colours! Beautiful pictures!

Anonymous said...

the last one is amazing shot,Mary! But all of them are stunning! Btw, thanks for letting me put my ad in in your blog:) It's posted now! :D

Mayet said...

Lovely sunset color!!

Unknown said...

Nice shots!

Anonymous said...

a very gloomy afternoon but one great capture, the teach! see you around.