Friday, August 15, 2008

Skywatch Friday



On the way home from a day with my nephew. Both shots are through the front windshield of the car. I was in the passenger seat.

I did not notice the moon on the right in the second shot until I looked at the photos on my computer.

Happy Skywatch Friday! Other Skywatch participants are here

I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.
- George Bernard Shaw



Anonymous said...

The moon I didn't see until I read your post about it. It is still a set of nice photographs.


CharmaineZoe said...

I missed a great sky tonight on the way home, there was a thunderstorm brewing with huge billowing cumulus clouds above a dark and ominous lower sky. It was quite spectacular and dont you know, I didnt have a camera with me, rats! Yours are great :-)

Melli said...

LOL! I'm going to be putting up TWO skywatch photos too -- in a few hours! I don't want to put it up TOO early because it also has my Day 6 Dragon Hunt on it! These are lovely - and I LOVE that one with the sun and the moon in the same shot! That's cool!

Anonymous said...

That second picture is a real treat.

judi/Gmj said...

Awesome Sky Watching!

Anonymous said...

Those are both beautiful shots.

Anonymous said...

Great shots from inside of the car! Well, now we can get ourselves entertained when stuck in traffic! Just look up to the skies and be mesmerized by it!

I have two Sky Watch pictures this week, and you can view them in these blogs:
Jenn Was Here and Shutter Happy Moments. Please drop by in any of the blogs if you have the time. Thanks a lot. Happy Weekends!

Anonymous said...

That second one is especially dramatic! Very nice!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Way cool Mary...excellent job

Leora said...

Wonderful to get both sun and moon! I'm glad you weren't driving at taking photos at the same time. How you made a highway into two interesting photos!

Texas Travelers said...

Great photos.

Sky, sun, moon, clouds. You've got it all.
Great job.

Come visit our Rainbows, Click here.
Troy and Martha

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I noticed the moon right off. So cool to capture something like that by accident. :)

Pretty Life Online said...

Perfect catch for SKYWATCH! Mine's up too hope you can drop by and asking for your help.... I was nominated for pinoyworld blog of the week, voting poll located at my side bar... Hope you can vote for me... The way of fortune is like the milkyway in the sky.... Thanks a lot! Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hahhaa... glad you mentioned you were in the passenger's seat! If NOT, I'll be bugging you till the end of the earth! :P

Carletta said...

These are stunning! I noticed the moon right away. In fact that made me smile!

The Mulligan Family said...

Fantastic shots. Just LOVE that the moon and the sun are both visible in the photo. Good on ya! Cheers!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful ! it always surprises me that pictures taken through the windshield are coming out so nicely !

Anonymous said...

I like the street light brackets in the first photo. I have never taken a decent photo from inside the car. Good job.

Raven said...

Lovely photos. That moon is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Its pretty shots my friend...Happy SWF!

Minkydo said...

That second frame is spectacular. I love the sun and sky color.

My SWF post

Gemma Wiseman said...

What glorious skies! Lovely!

JunieRose2005 said...

What a beautiful and dramatic looking sky! I love to see the late evening sky.


marcia@joyismygoal said...

nice set of shots 'caught' they are so fun to see together.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Don't often see the sun and the moon together! Lovely shots.

Pappy said...

Hi Mary. Nice selections. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Pappy

Kelly said...

Wonderful SWF picture! I didn't see the moon at first! Well done and great photos!

Anonymous said...

nice picture. the sun is so bright it blinded

Tom said...

great captures... and great Sky Watchig... I am going back now to look for the moon I missed ..

Daryl said...

NICE .. and i love the dragons too!


SandyCarlson said...

These are amazing--just wonderful. The closing punctuation on the day with your nephew. Perfect.

Jim said...

Hi Mary, you have found a pretty sky. I saw your moon, it has been lovely lately.

juliana said...

beautiful looking sky!

i thought the round object in the second pic was the moon, too, but then realised the almost full moon and the sun are NEVER in the same part of the sky so it must be something else... lens flair or even UFO? ;)

Kahshe Cottager said...

I had to look a second time to see the moon! You got a two for one in that photo!! Sometimes you can get the best shots out the car windows can't you?

My Sky Watch Photos are posted Here and Here

Torsdag 1952 said...

Sorry, I’m a little late because I was sailing this weekend.
So I stop by and say thank you for a nice SWF.