Weekend Snapshot
Well, here's the entrance to my house that I took this weekend. Aren't the tulips and the blossoming trees gorgeous?
Okay I'm kidding! It's really the entrance to a huge catering place known for miles around. When I passed it this weekend I thought I'd take the photo and joke a little with you...

That's beautiful, Mary! I enjoy your sense of humor. I love the colors here.
English teachers got a BIG $$$ raise this year? Probably not, but a very nice picture!
Tulips and tree blossoms! Gorgeous!
I was so happy to see your beautiful house and was about to invite myself over when you let the cat out of the bag.
naughty. *smack Mary's butt*
Ok... at first I thought - Darn! And they say teachers don't make enough money??? ;)
Beautiful pic!
Thanks for stopping by!
I just thought WOW what a fabulous place to live, then you shattered my illusion! LOL
Too cold yet here for cherry blossom, but it is coming!
For a micro second my first thought went "WOW"!!! I read further and laugh out loud.....
p/s: The no.13 house was just opposite my house :) Hhhmmm..do you think we might be living with the same unit number? heeheee...
Dang, they must do a lot of catering to have a place like that! LOL!
Now I am really disappointed ! I just wanted to announce my visit in this beautiful house, lol ! and stay for 3 weeks !!
That's a beautiful shot. I'll admit that you had me going and I thought, wow, Mary sure does have a nice house if the entrance is any judge of it.
my first reaction was "funny she comes across too normal to be wealthy" .. good joke.
It's a lovely building though.
You wouldn't want to pay the taxes on that anyway..
What a great place you have Mary lol! Nice shot!! :D
Haha.. my first thought was that your house looks very grand! Gorgeous flowers!
What a beautiful blossos, and those tulips are so pretty. Great shot, thanks for sharing.
Mine is up:
My Newphew's Scrap Place
Every Beat Of My Heart
You got me!lol Sure the tulips are gorgeous and the the tree as well.
Agring's Home Cooking and Baking
Agring's Simply Digital
oh....I thought it is real you house ^__^ SO big hi hi hi...
Mine in here Thanks
In here we have lots of tulips :D
But i still not make photos the good one :((
Will you visit mine Thanks
well I was suitably impressed that you lived in that in NYC-- I thought wow, she is really rich!! Pretty tulips though
Ha ha! You got me there.
I love the beautiful tulips. Makes the place seem more inviting.
Oh, 'cause I thought it was MY house!
It is very beautiful! Great photo & lovely flowers...
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