Madeleine Begun Kane from Mad Kane's Humor Blog says I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:
A fellow who loved doing tricks…
Here’s mine:
A fellow who loved doing tricks
Threw a disappearing act into the mix
He really got good
married a girl as he should -
Abracadabra - got rid of her quick.

Thanks for participating in my latest Limerick-Off. :)
Very well done my friend. Here is mine
A fellow who loved doing tricks
Went down to the store for some bricks
But when he got there
The clerk said with a stare
We only sell these to the hicks
A trifle while sipping my morning cuppa!
Me again! I see we have to print them!
A fellow who liked doing tricks
Woud take off his clothes just for kicks.
People said he was rude
When he danced in the nude
And he didn't impress any chicks!
A fellow who liked to do tricks
Had a thing for the New York Knicks
Performed at a game
People said he was lame
He ended up acting a part in the remake of Mame
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