Monday, April 26, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

I thought you'd like to see a very special gift given to me by my sister-in-law, Grace. It's a new Chanel Sheer Colour Lipshine called "Panerea." Panarea is one of the Aeolian Islands that sits in the Mediterranean Sea of the coast of Sicily. Today it has become a premier vacation spot for the glitterati.

My sister-in-law was born there some years ago. She left Panarea with her Mom, Dad, 2 sisters and a brother back in the 1950s and has lived in the United States ever since.



Let's see what you have today for Ruby Tuesday.

64 comments: said...

whoa a purple lipstick... cool!
nice chanel sheer lipshine... :)


ReachBeyondLimits said...

Oh those are cool colors, but I wouldn't look good with them on! :-)

Lola said...

Wonderful color!


Anonymous said...

Chanel makes some pretty colors! Noting is more fun than a lipstick. I alwyas feel special when I'm sporting new lips...

Robin said...

How glamorous to have a luscious lipstick shade named after your home town!

Annie Jeffries said...

Wow, talk about stretching the limits of red. Beautiful shots. The angles you have chosen are as dramatic as the color itself.

Auntie E said...

Oh I love it..I really should wear more lipstick. Hubby love the red ones.
Drop by I'm showing My Christmas cactus In the spring.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Those are some very rich colors.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Look like such a rich color!

Unknown said...

Hi everyone, Im back, hope you like my entry.

scart said...

What pretty lipstick. Happy RRT!

Felisol said...

How cool is that, to have a lipstick with the name of one's hometown.
I like that deep shade of red.
Darling daughter brought me a Chanel lipstick from London. by the name of Rouge Allure.
It's so soft and creamy.
Matching perfectly to my garden red hands!

Unknown said...

great colors! Happy RT!

Anonymous said...

Looks like great colors :)

judi/Gmj said...

sheer anything is great after the age of 60. :o) ... Oh, well, not lingerie!

lynda Howells said...

great shotsxhappy week!xxlynda

nonizamboni said...

Can't beat this, Mary! What a gorgeous shade of red and just the name *Panerea* sounds so romantic to this Italian girl's ear. Many thanks for sharing :O)

Kim, USA said...

Wohoo a CC, love it! Mine us up!

RRT~Garbage can

Gemma Wiseman said...

Those lipstick colours have an exotic tone to them! Must unusual with a hint of hushed mystery!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Panarea -- I am leaving now to look it up (the Island, not the lipstick -- I think I'm too pale and wimpy to get away with wearing that dramatic color.) But I learned something today - having never heard of Panarea before.

You ARE a good teacher !!

Hootin Anni said...

I love that rich, deep purple shade [at least it looks purple through my monitor!]

I wish I was part of the glitterati!! I need to be on an island, rich in culture and beaches galore. Fine food, fine dining, and a bit of nighttime entertainment with glitz & glamour. Awwww, to dream.

My Ruby Tuesday will be up at Midnight Central Daylight time. Or maybe earlier, if I get it finished. LOL

Lindz said...

classic, very sweet

Mimi said...

They sure look good in the case, but I don't think I'd wear the purple- look better on a teen!

Ruby said...

visiting here before i sign-off! thanks for sharing these images! cool lipstick!

Unknown said...

The lipcolor sounds expensive and I'll bet it's luscious! I also love, love, love your header photo of the field of poppies.

My post is photos taken by my fiance during a business trip to Zurich last week.

Take care and thanks for your faithful hosting of RT!

ellen b said...

Very nice gifts! How cool to have a Chanel lipstick named after her hometown!

SandyCarlson said...

That looks lovely!

DrillerAA said...

The header photo is a real Ruby Tuesday winner.

Maude Lynn said...

Pretty shades!

Chubskulit Rose said...


Time well Spent

Karen Coutu said...

What a wonderful find! I hope you'll treasure it forever.

Becky said...

Very nice! I love those colours and the drama of your shots. Love the name, too.

Jan said...

Bet you look great in this color.

EG CameraGirl said...

How thoughtful of Grace! So are you going to show us what it looks like on your lips? :)

The Cunning Runt said...

That's pretty classy! How do these colors work for you? I know some women glow with certain colors and others, not so much.

At any rate, thanks for these photos and their back-story!

who said...

That link in the mr linksy is one letter off so it mine link goes nowhere.

accidents happen

Tina said...

Nice pair of lipstick! Lovely color too.. nice choice!

Dianne said...

I love how you shot the lispticks, right out of Glamour mag :)

Unknown said...

Lipstick can be great fun, if the color is right! I had to enter this - my Mom and daughter's name is Ruby!

Anonymous said...

A lovely gift from ur SIL.
Now apply some on your lips have and head out for a night downtown! :)

Miss. Clippy said...

Rich, dramatic colors! Takes a bold woman like you to wear such bold colors! :D And Chanel, how luxurious!

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

eastcoastlife said...

You should apply the lipstick, take a picture of your lips and put it up for Ruby Tuesday. :P

How lovely to have a lipstick named after one's hometown. I would love that too.

♥ Kathy said...

Those are pretty Mary :) Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

All the people in Panarea should claim some patent money from CC.

Ingrid said...

Wow, what a lipstick ! looks rather brown then red to me. I never wear lipsticks, it just doesn't suit me.
Panarea must have been very poor in the 50th, no wonder that so many Sicilians left their country. Lots of them imigrated to Belgium too, to work in the coal mines.

Terry said...

late again i am teach!
but better late than never, eh?
you have a very sweet sister in law!...happy ruby terry

MaR said...

I'll have to check it out at the store, it looks cool!!!

Happy RT!

Loree said...

Such a beautiful name. The colour of the lipstick is cool too.

toby said...

Those are great colors!

Gena D said...

A Chanel lipstick in any colour is wonderful!!!!! This shade, tho looks like something I would enjoy ... need to check it out! Thanks, Mary for the opportunity to share.
Gena @ Thinking Aloud
Vintage Rose studio
Inspired Living Spaces

Cacai M. said...

I love the lipstick! I want it! ;-)

Here's My Ruby Tuesday: Red Buses (4/20/10)

Have a great Tuesday as hunting rubies.. :)

MOO said...

Ooooh, I'll bet you have lucious lips! Thanks for sharing...

Red Slide at Morning

Lesa said...

Hi, Mary! Just found your meme-- I knew about bookish memes but didn't know there were photo memes-- I'm a bit of a newbie. Why there must be millions of memes for every category of blog-- the mind boggles!

I've linked up my first photo! How exciting!


LifeRamblings said...

that's a lovely gift from your SIL and those are cool colors. i'm sure the lipsticks look great on you. Happy RT!

Tara said...

Such a great story to share and a fantastic shade of lipstick!

Meikah said...

I love Chanel lipstick, too! :) Good RT entry. :)

Maggie Moo said...

That looks like a wonderful shade! I've been looking for a new lipstick and I think I might have just found it> :)

Raven said...

Cool shots.... I like a lipstick with a story behind it.

Tobi Britton* said...

You can never go wrong with Chanel!!!
Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!

Patti said...

Pretty lip color ~! I stopped wearing lipstick.
I do like Burt's Bees lip glimmer or whatever it is called!

Nice angle on the lipsticks. Great perspective.

Marice said...

wow such a wonderful color! take a photo of you with that lippie on :)

Nengskie said...

hello mine is up here. nice one.

Anonymous said...

oh, I miss wearing lipstick!

my entry's up...though a day late. but better late than never!LOL

Jew Wishes said...

Love the purple lipstick...
