Monday, December 07, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Vinny wanted to wrap the front door like a Christmas present. I went along. He thought it would be easy to do. It wasn't.

We couldn't get the wrinkles out.
We were afraid we'd tear the paper.
The tape we used didn't hold very well.
It was hard to make a bow from such wide ribbon.
It's lucky we don't use this front door. Going in and out would destroy the wrapping.
I thought adding stickers would enhance the photo.

So my Ruby Tuesday friends, there you have my Ruby Tuesday post. I hope it made you laugh.

So show us what you've got up your sleeve for this week's Ruby Tuesday.

Sign Mr. Linky only if you're posting for Ruby Tuesday. Leave comments and visit others. That will make everyone happy! :)

Do you like my new signature?


Mojo said...

That's your house? Niiice!

Even I featured a Christmas-themed shot this week.

Shocked the world I think.

toby said...

Wow - great job. You certainly have proven yourself to be patient and persevering - and it paid off!

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
I like husbands being a bit Christmas weird. The door was a good idea. Of course I your head picture and your dancing shoes as well.
From Felisol

Felisol said...

PS. The link says feliol; I'm celebrating my 60th birthday with champagne!

storyteller said...

Wow ... Mr. Linky is up EARLY today! How FESTIVE your door looks! I know how hard this is having done it numerous times in the past. I don't try any longer ... a wreath suffices for my door these days ;-)

Alas, I did take photos of some red neighborhood holiday decorations but totally forgot to upload them until right now ... and my Ruby Tuesday post is already up at Small Reflections. Perhaps I'll have time to get something else put together on another blog later this afternoon, and if so ... I'll return to add another link.
Hugs and blessings,

Robin said...

It does look festive but I admit I was wondering how on earth you were planning to get in and out :).

marian said...

that's simply FaBuLoUs Mary..i LOVE it :)))

Anonymous said...

I've tried that and couldn't make it work. Very pretty and congrats on getting it completed :)

Diane AZ said...

Very fun and festive, great job! I love the arched doorway too. :D

EG CameraGirl said...

Very cool, MaryT! That must have been quite a feat to wrap tat door!

Rinkly Rimes said...

You'll have to burst through it like a football player entering the ground!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I'll take whats behind door number one.

Carletta said...

I was wondering how you were going to get in the door. I could the bump where the door handle was. You did make me smile! :)
The stickers do enhance the photo.
It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas - my best Ruby Tuesday shots!

Jane said...

LOL, you wrapped it well Mary:)

Ralph said...

The wrapping might be less than ideal, but the bow is perfect!

Fire Byrd said...

Like the door, but love the header photograph. I adore the bridges in Central Park.
Come here via Pam in Oz

Patti said...

I was wondering how you were going to use the door. haha

I've never covered our front door. After reading this I never will.

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

ellen b said...

Well...hats off to your husband having the Christmas decorating spirit! :0)
The door looks great and I'm glad you mentioned you don't use the front door cuz I was wondering how you open it....

Mimi said...

I'm so impractical I never thought of getting in and out!
It does look very inviting though, and it did make me smile.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Makes it very mysterious what is behind the door or if there is a door. I have never been through a paper covered entrance, and I would like to do it.

Ladynred said...

What a great idea. I love it!

Marites said...

that's really cute..the determination paid off:)

Tink *~*~* said...

An inspired idea. Where's the doorknob? If it's not a "Christmas color", you can always paint it... or put a mitten on it!

Tink *~*~*

Tussy said...

Great job, must be hard work. Do you think you keep it last long to Christmas?


You Got a Posty

Karen Coutu said...

Wow, you two did a great job Mary! I'm glad you don't use that door because I was thinking what you would do with the doorknob covered like that. LOL!!

bj said... looks sorry it was hard to do but...boy, it sure looks good!!
Thanks so much for hosting this red day for us....

Annie Jeffries said...

cute. I like the stickers add-on. We have a red door. We couldn't possibly wrap it for christmas. A gold bow might be fun though.

Kim, USA said...

That is very pretty, like a real huge box to me stuff at the door. Thanks for sharing.

My Ruby Tuesday

Kerslyn said...

I love your arched doorway and the "christmas present" door is so cute!

mine's up Teacher Mary. :-)

The Cunning Runt said...

Yes, you did make me laugh!

Thanks for that, and come see my real snow!

Dianne said...

Nice house!!

I admire you guys for even trying and I think it looks fine - wrinkles add character you know ;)

Carly said...

wrapping the door looks very difficult, but with great result!

Becky said...

Oh Mary. I love your door, and I can just imagine how much fun you two must have had. LOL I would not have had the patience to do this...I love the brick front of your home too. Is it a historical home?

Anonymous said...

Santa and his reindeers might just crash right through that door :P

Auntie E said...

Love it, I remember doing that while living in Europe. Love the presents added to the photo. I have gingerbread houses for my Ruby Tuesday post. there is one just for you :-)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your posts are so beautiful I almost hesitate to post mine to Mr Linky! But it is so much fun to share and see others. Thank you for doing this and for sharing your own.

roxanestoner said...

Great Door!!! Waou I love it.

JunieRose2005 said...

:) I like it, Mary!

I have some crafty things to show and tell this time!!


MISSY JANE said...

That's a good idea of wrapping off the door. It must be really difficult to make a bow for that, I just couldn't imagine. :)

Anyway it's my first time to join the meme.

EJ said...

Still looks good despite of the wrinkle.

Check out our Ruby Tuesday Travel from the land of the morning calm to the land of the free.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Well, that was a creative project, I should say. That rounded top would have scared me off. And you made it work!

Good thing no one uses the door, as the lack of a doorknob might really impede that. Or not.

Chubskulit Rose said...

That's great idea, so neat!

My Snowy Chinese RT

Ingrid said...

and you as gifts inside ? lol !

Jew Wishes said...

I love this photo, Mary. It brought a smile to my face, from ear to ear.

I love the tones and contrasts, the stickers, and I love the entire concept.


Gemma Wiseman said...

Unbelievable achievement! It seems to symbolise that the real Christmas present is a happy healthy family behind the door!

Linnea said...

That's one heck of a door! Very clever! Thanks for hosting...

Terry said...

maybe vinny got you a NEW door for christmas mary t.
the lady down the street from us wraps her pictures that are on the wall in christmas gift wrap and that looks pretty cool!
mary t it is felisol's birthday today!!!!
love terry

nonizamboni said...

Well worth the efforts! Thanks for the beauty, ummm, and the patience.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

As always, thanks for hosting. We all need a little red in our life.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It looks nice. I always wondered how hard it was to do that. Now I know it isn't for us. Especially since we use our front door about a thousand times a day.

B : ) said...

Love it!! B : )

Marice said...

wow thats sooo creative! nice shot :)

Jientje said...

It was probably one hell of a job to do but it's worth it!

Cacai M. said...

Very nice one! I hope I can have a gift this Christmas.. haven't yet decorated even 'coz I wanted to have that 5'0 x'mas tree but hubby won't. :-( But anyway, it's Ruby Tuesday today, here' s my entry: My Ruby Tuesday #5

Have a good day! Advance Merry X'mas! :-)

Margaret Gosden said...

Yes, nice signature!

Misty DawnS said...

What a neat idea! Even if it was difficult, it turned out awesome, in my opinion!

Clara said...

I absolutely LOVE your door! It would be cool even if it wasn't decorated. It has to be the best door ever!

Snowbird said...

I love your front door package. Gorgeous.

Helena said...

That's a great wrapping job! Glad it was you and not me. :) I haven't even started thinking about getting the decorations out yet, although seeing everyone's great holiday pics is getting me in the mood to. :)

Have a great day!

♥ Kathy said...

I think that looks awesome Mary!! Happy Ruby Tuesday ♥

Anonymous said...

great job on the door!


amatamari© said...

A great idea: never view a door so beautiful!!!

Heidi said...

I love your front door! It is so beautiful! And yes it is really hard to wrap something that is that big. I will just enjoy the picture that you took of yours and leave my plain and simple. But my door does happen to be red. Maybe I could post it someday.

Chie Wilks said...

wow..that's a unique style of decorating

Nishant said...

great job. You certainly have proven yourself to be patient and persevering - and it paid off!

Work from home India

Ladyinblue said...

I just like it :D

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I have seen this done and always wondered how they did it...

eastcoastlife said...

That is so cool! I wish I could wrap my door up like a present but it is too big! :P

Lori said...

I loved it. I think it is very pretty. Yall did a great job.

Sandy from the Heart of texas said...

Love your door decor. It is really pretty and I have tried that project before and you are right! It's not easy to do. I was glad to read that you don't use the door as I noticed the door knob was covered! :)

Dhemz said...

a pretty neat idea....looks great!

thanks for sharing...mine is up as well!

Sarah said...

I just came over from Maggie B's blog. My first visit to your site. Love the wrapped door. Yes, I'm still laughing and smiling. Good thing you don't use this door. LOL
I hope to participate in Ruby Tuesday next week. Looks like a fun party. ~ Sarah