Thought I'd use one of DrillerAA's badges today for RUBY TUESDAY. I love this one because it is so shiny and RED!
Thanks Driller. I really appreciate those badges you made!
Here's my post for today:

These impatiens flowers are probably gone now. I took this shot back in early October.

I found these orangy-RED items in the Walt Whitman Birthplace out on Long Island, NY. The pitcher has RED trim!

This bit of RED (ooo a RED door!) resides in front of the South Street Seaport Museum, NYC.
Gee, I hope I won't have trouble finding more RED in the Winter! What with all that WHITE snow!
Well, HAPPY RUBY TUESDAY, everyone!
Please sign Mr. Linky and, well, you know the rest!

All three photos are wonderful. They are so fresh and happy!
Beautiful red flowers can turn any window in a picture perfect event. I like the copper thing / I am not sure what is it, but I like old times crafts/. Greetings from NC and my mom Nadine sends greetings from Bulgaria.
I love the angle of your final shot. And all so rosy red.
I bet you're right about the red impatiens being gone now. But the red door will still be there. ;-)
Red shows up beautifully in the white snow, Mary, so don't worry!
All classic rubies, the views of past eras. The window box is a beauty, who designs new buildings with boxes? Yo can't open the windows these days...
The red door on this classic sidewalk, what a nice view of of a real neighborhood. I can imagine the crowds, the neighbors mingling and interacting. Not at all like suburbia today...
You do have an eye for those pretty red flowers that delight and brighten. My impatiens are looking limpy and dull; I should probably just pull them. Love the old-fashioned pitcher.
Such pretty impatiens, they bring some much needed color for me, everything here is wet and gray today.
I love the colour of the impatiens against the black window frame. The other shots are great too.
Hey, don't shortchange those impatiens. Those things are tough. I've seen 'em grow with no dirt!
Wonderful photos for RT :)
I love all the photos especially the red impatient. I used to plant those but they are all gone now. we call them here,"lazy daisy"
Beautiful photos. The one in the museum is my favorite!
You'll probably have to enlarge my submission to see the red...
i love all your photos here Mary...beautiful!
happy RT! mine will be up soon!lovely pix here!
Happy Ruby Tuesday! and have a great start of the month and the holiday season! thanks for sharing all these wonderful photos Mary! take care!
fab RED pics..i especially LOVE the window box & the RED door!
The gentle curves of soft texture of the water ewer really touched me. I could almost feel its silky smoothness beneath my fingertips.
Great photos--love the venues and the small, red details!
Impatiens are my favorite, lovely window box. Happy Ruby Tuesday and thanks for hosting.
The impatiens are so pretty, but they must be gone now. (insert sad face)
I love the pitcher and antiques you found in the Walt Whitman House.
Happy Ruby Tuesday, Mary! Thanks as always for hosting.
your red shots are always good but today's door really appeals to me
It was a pleasure creating the badges and I am trilled that you like them.
You have a very nice set of photos this week. Have wonderful Ruby Tuesday.
I love the color of your door. We have the same color back home..
How about an ornery little fella for Ruby Tuesday?
dear mary t...these red impatients are so pretty..you never know, they still might be blooming, ours are!
these antiques are so cool!
new york surely does keep their museums spotless!
have a great ruby tuesday beloved teach..love terry
Hello Mary! Love the reds you found this week. That window with the planter box is so charming and the other reds are very cool. I love visiting places like this...Happy November to you.
Nifty reds as always! Love the angled perspective and red door in the final shot especially ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
I love the scene from the Seaport!!
I love all the touches of red, especially that nice, shiny red helmet.
I really like your reds, Mary. I'm kind of in a (happily) blue mood with the Yankees working their magic and all, but this is a nice break!
Love all three of your Ruby Tuesday photos! Red doors are wonderful. I like entering through red doors. And I really like the angle you used on it. The red flowers are very lovely and the pitcher and other items are great!
Great post! Those flowers are beautiful, and they put a smile on my face.
I participated for the first time.
Oh, I so want to go to Walt Whitman's place. I've been to Roosevelt's but Whitman's is too close to the city for my family members so they won't drive me there.
I especially love your new header photo this week. And what's not to love with red geraniums, red doors, the works! I've posted a red door, too, with leftover Halloween spiders.
Gone will be the impatiens flowers, but definitely coming back next year :)
Happy RT!!
The door is very colorful. I really like the cooper Wash stand. Pretty and pratical. HRT
Happy Tuesday once again! You're snippets of ruby reds are pretty. :)
My RT entry is here.
Very cool collection of reds! But of course-the flowers in the window box is my favorite!
Mine is a little different this time! I bet no one will have another like it! haha
Wow Mary, you have out done yourselfand I love summer flowers now that all these gorgeous colors are almost gone. Have a wonderful Tuesday.The pitcher and bowl are cool.
Nice variety of shots, Mary. Perfect to liven up a gray evening here in Massachusetts. :)
What great photos, Mary...Beautiful/
BTW, what time do you put up your link on Monday?
Also, may I ask how you center your sticky post? My Christmas countdown is over to the left and i want it centered but can't figure out HOW...I am a little slow!! :O(
Thanks so much for hosting...
I like that bed warmer, beats the electric blanket for safety and power saving.
Very nice findings !
Dear teach Mary,
I love the way you pick up red details which really make your pictures.
The impatiences, The red lines on that antique jar and the summer-look of the open door, the chair on a small pot of flowers. An Italian feeling.
From the cold north.
Those are all gorgeous - and I really like your new banner photo, too!
i love all three photos---they look crisp and restful.
nice red photos you have there.... :) love it!
I like all photos but my fave is the one with the red flowers by the window. Pretty!
My RT is here.
wonderful photos.. Love the glimpse of reds..
Wonderful photos!Here's mine! http://ladyhightowerscastle.blogspot.com/2009/11/ruby-tuesday.html
I love that shot of the flowers near the window, awesome!
Oh how pretty. I love those patient lucy's. I never thought to put them in a window box but I think I will do that next year.
There is something about the photo with the chair....it says so much without words!!!
Mine's posted. "I came, HE SAWED, we conquered."
Here's the permalink to Tuesday's entry.
Your shots this week are wonderful. I see you have a liking for red doors - me too. Have a great day. B : )
Beautiful touches of red! I find myself looking for red to take pictures! It's addicting..
I remember the pitcher and bowl my Mom had.Love the red door. Great October red show.
Hi Mary, I love all of your splashes of "red" color in your pictures..thanks for hosting RUBY TUESDAY... hugs, Baba
Beautiful shots, Mary. I love that last shot. The angle makes it so unique. Very well done. Thanks for hosting. Mine is here.
Happy Tuesday, all!
I love the red flowers. :-) my entry's up BTW.
Lpve all your photos!Happy RT!
Love that red door Mary but the pitcher is my fave it is very pretty!
All beautiful shots! Thanks for hosting this great meme. It's been a while since I've been able to play but I'm back for now :-)
Rubied today...HS band named The Patriots make for good subject
Your pictures are glowing. Just what I needed to spend a good Ruby Tuesday. Thank you
fantastic photos!
you always manage to keep it fresh and beautiful..
wonderful view!
Very nice shots!!!
I love all your photos!!
This is my first enter i ruby tuesday
-and i love all your photos;)
Just found this site so I posted my red shot a day late. Hope that is OK :-)
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