Saturday, October 24, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday

Afternoon shadows on Union Church of Pocantico Hills

The Union Church is very simple in its design and furnishings. The absence of religious symbols that early American Protestants objected to is apparent. Over the years, additions have been in keeping with the original design of the Church. The chimes in the tower constantly remind community members of its presence. Lovely stained glass windows are enjoyed by parishioners. There is a rose window, designed by Henri Matisse in 1956, in honor of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller.

Visitors to the Union Church also enjoy nine stained glass windows designed by Marc Chagall. Each window depicts a theme from the Bible. After exert craftsmen cut glass at the atelier, Chagall would actually paint on the glass in an attempt to recreate his original drawings. He added such details as facial features, a bouquet of flowers, animals, and birds to complete scenes in the windows, which were dedicated between 1964 and 1966. Three of these masterpieces honor the memory of John D. Rockefeller Jr., Michael Rockefeller, and Nelson Rockefeller.

Go visit Hey Harriet for her shadow post and other participants.


Anonymous said...

Lovely old stone church! I would like to here the bells ring. I bet the sound is beautiful.

Dimple said...

Interesting and beautiful.

Ralph said...

The shadow adds such style to the stone siding and slate roof. The timeless beauty of the old church is to be treasured. The sun leaves an indelible halo of light above, the shadow allows our eyes to look for the heavenly glow. Nice!

Sylvia K said...

Lovely old church, Mary! And thanks for the history, too, always enjoy knowing more about what I see. Great shadow shot for the day!

Happy SSS!


bobbie said...

Really beautiful shadow shot. I love the bell tower.

Also love your header photo.

Carolyn Ford said...

That bell tower is such a lovely sight to gaze upon...stone, corners that catch giant shadows...very nice!

Anonymous said...

Very nice my friend :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

A very interesting post! Such atmosphere in that old church building. Especially love how so many legends are connected with it!

PJ said...

Nice work Miss Mary, I sure wish I was in New England right about this time.

SandyCarlson said...

Windows by Marc Chagall? That's a must-see. Wow, Mary. Beautiful post.

Beverley Baird said...

Beautiful church and shadows!

Martha Z said...

Very interesting, I would have expected Rockefeller to have been more concervative in his religious leanings.

Becky said...

A beautiful, beautiful old church. It's wonderful someone looks after these ancient buildings and keeps them from decay. I love shadows too always trying to see what's behind them.
On that ball game, lets try for better weather tomorrow!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Belfry in shadow,
yet bells ring out endless light
for all wayfarers.

My Shadow Shot

Unknown said...

What a beautiful banner photo you have! And your church SS is so peaceful. I can imagine the rich bells chiming, calling people to worship and simply reminding people to pause and reflect and rest.

Crafty Green Poet said...

such a beautiful church, i love the roofs and the tower. Thanks for telling us more about it too,

amatamari© said...

A splendid light: beautiful shot!

BLOGitse said...

I'll try to activate myself to SSS again!

robin. said...

awesome photo!! love the stone. very lovely.

Akelamalu said...

What a lovely building and a great shot!

Dianne said...

I love the stone!
and how wonderfully you captured the shadows

Mimi said...

This is a lovely church. Unusually, as I prefer sun to shade, I think the stone looks better in shade.
Love the thoughts of those stained glass windows!

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

Beautiful shadows here and I love the reflections in your header ... simply marvelous ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

MyMaracas said...

There is so much history and character in that church. It is as if the stones were whispering in the shadows.

I would love to see those windows.

Patti said...

This is a beautiful stone church. The shadow you captured gives it an elegant style.

The stained glass windows designed by Chagall must be lovely.

I'm visiting late for Shadow Shot Sunday, Mary! About to post my Sepia Scene. ;-)