Today I have a little gift for my participants. I'd like to send to THE FIRST TEN Commenters (yikes!?) today a postcard of the Little RED Lighthouse at the foot of the George Washington Bridge.
this is what it looks like:

If you're selected I'll ask you to e-mail your snail mail address
and I'll send this postcard to you with a personal message just for you.

How about you sending a post card to me from your city or country?
A store-bought one or one made from one of your own photographs?
I'd love that! Postcards from around the country and the world! Whoooo! Whooo!
So what d'ya think?
I will think it through so that we can all receive cards from each person who'd like to play... I'll get back to you!
this is what it looks like:

If you're selected I'll ask you to e-mail your snail mail address
and I'll send this postcard to you with a personal message just for you.

How about you sending a post card to me from your city or country?
A store-bought one or one made from one of your own photographs?
I'd love that! Postcards from around the country and the world! Whoooo! Whooo!
So what d'ya think?
DON'T FORGET TO SIGN MR. LINKY and leave a comment!
I will think it through so that we can all receive cards from each person who'd like to play... I'll get back to you!
I love that idea of a post card. Love the All red Lighthouse. i have been to New York but don't recall that one. Ruby Tuesday's has been a joy for me. I really love visiting all the bloggers and seeing their photographs. It makes me want to get a better camera, maybe for Christmas.
Love the Little Red Lighthouse, MaryT! Cool idea.
oh my! i'd love to have that. it's so pretty! my RT is up already:)
Hi, Mary,
May I play, even though I don't do Ruby Tuesday? I would love to receive and send a postcard!
It is hard to believe in this view the lighthouse is sitting beneath the mighty GWB. Harder even to fathom that we are in a densely packed urban area. The edit touches on the brilliant red lighthouse look like an oil on canvas. Lovely!
yeah I made into the top ten....
I love the idea! I think you might have missed my sepia post last week. I actually made a card with my sepia picture. It's a hobby I've had for years. I'd love to send you a homemade card. :)
You did wonderful processing on your pic!
Okay, new badges are ready. Come one come all. Pick up a new Ruby Tuesday badge, especially if you're a gearhead.
I love that Lighthouse. It's excellent. Happy RT
Well I was number 11 on the LInky and number ten on the comments. Send me your address, and I'll send you a really nice card.
Boo I missed out on the first 10. :-(
I love the Little Red Lighthouse ~ so picturesque.
And I agree with my hubby, your photo does look like an oil painting here.
Neat idea to exchange postcards..
Rats! I didn't make it for the postcard but I enjoyed it a lot on your blog! Really spectacular shot!
I have a nifty car shot up!
Sorry I got distracted and forgot all abotu posting my link. Thanks for the reminder!
Sounds like so much fun. I'm in!
Happy Tuesday :O)
Hi! I'm going to sign up for Ruby Tuesday one day but for right now...
There is an award awaiting you at
Hello, teach Mary,
The all red little lighthouse is adoring.
Never thought the big city had such small idylls.
I like the way you are pointing out what most people would not notice.
The Ruby Tuesday certainly have made both me and my family more aware of the details of things surrounding us.
From Felisol
Hi Mary, I do like your NY Red Light House card. I never did see that one, is it visible from 49th St or your Battery Park or the ride out to the Stutue of Liberty? Or from one of the bridges?
I will come back for an answer, just mention Jim in a comment here and I'll pick up on it. Thanks.
Happy RT, once again, thanks for doing this. It is fun but is like living on the farm and having milk cows. You can't go far away for blogging world on Tuesdays (and Monday PM's).
BTW, I started out Black and then went to Red because it was the first post I made this month. You'll see.
Nifty RUBY lighthouse ... and post cards too??? Kewl ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Gush! I'm late! red Lighthouse Post card is a good idea.
My RT entry
my RT entry is here
Love the little red lighthouse :)
That's a fun postcard. As a postcard fan I'm excited about your postcard idea. Now I once heard about a sort of chain of postcards system, I am going to look it up again and will let you know. Perhaps the theme of the postcards could be 'red' ?
What a fun idea about the postcards!
you created a beautiful postcard!!
arghhhh.... I'm commenter number 30! I have missed getting your postcard! :(
Love the post card idea! Don't pick me, I'm from NY - let someone else have a turn, ok?
Tink *~*~*
“There once was a man from Nantucket…”
Sounds you know. All you have to do is simply let me know the details :)
Oops..I'm too late for the post card.
I have a few "rubies" this week. Check it out!
Love the postcard idea, not only because I am a postcard collector and new items are always a thrill.
Where can I send a postcard to you? I'd love to!!
Love that little red lighthouse!
Happy Ruby Tuesday!!
That is such a really cool idea Mary. I love lighthouses.
Happy RT.
I did it! I did it! I love Ruby Tuesday!
Love that red light house Come see my cute car (well I wish it was mine:)
Mary, I do not have to be a winner to send you a postcard from my town. In fact I keep a nice supple on hand for just such occasions.
E-mail me (addy on my profile page) you snail mail address and it will be on the way.
This is a nice idea. Would love to see it catch on and cause hundreds of folks to get acquainted.
The first ten cheated ! I protest, lol ! the game is for tuesday and not for monday and besides the Australians the Europeans started tuesday now, because here it's 6 am !! You should have given a time limit.
Cute card.
What a cute lighthouse! I never knew it was there. Absolutely let's do postcards. I love getting mail.
Hi, Mary. Nice postcard here.
Wow a post card! I hope, I'd get one, too. If not today, then next RT editions. ;)
Ruby and inspiring Ruby Tuesday to all again!
Great idea...receiving postcards from all around the world will be fun!
Sadly, I can't have the postcard... But it's okay.
I love the idea! just PM me your address and I'll send a postcard your way, but it's going to take sometimes cos I'm so far away from you.
The postcards sound like fun.
I wasn't one of the first posters, but I would love to send you a post card from my area! Let me know where!
Oh love that! very nice shot!
Lovely lighthouse shot. Beautifully don!
Wonderful red lighthouse! I can send you a postcard from Finland :)
That's a great idea Mary :) I'll be back inna bit to link up with you...I've missed my Ruby Tuesdays ♥
Love the idea! I love postcards as well. Happy RubyTuseday everyone! Please check my entry at
OH! I love that lighthouse picture!!
I have some reds up this time!
Oh, I want a postcard of your Little Red Lighthouse! I promise to send one I've made on Picnik in return!
Today at It's A Blog Eat Blog World, I have a pic that I took on Sunday during my Quest For A Homegrown Tomato.
Gotta love that lighthouse.
My pic contains another lesser known New York landmark (sort of). :)
A very cool idea, Mary.
Thanks so much for hosting.
Great idea..oohee I hope you find a way to make it work!
What a great idea. I Love Ruby Tuesday.I finally have time to blog.
Hoo boy, am I late. Story of my life, you know.
Anyway, as I'm just getting here in the middle of the night, I think I'll just appreciate your kindness, Mary, and go to sleep!
I love your red lighthouse - wonderful photo!
I hope you don't mind me joining in. I'm pretty new to blogging and just finding my way around.
You know I played but I forgot to add my link!!!
What a lovely idea to send postcards to each other, I'm all for it!
I'll send you a postcard from Belgium if you want? Do you want one of my own pictures?
What a great post card! And you made it? Very cool.
That makes a wonderful postcard! Thank you so much for drawing it to my attention. I'm far, FAR, too late to be one of your first 10 commenters, but if you'd like a card from England, do let me have your address.
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