Today we're celebrating our
One Year Anniversary of Ruby Tuesday!
You all should be proud how successful you've made this meme! I promised last week that I would give PRIZEs to 3 people who make a comment today (I can't count on Mr. Linky but please sign if it's there) and post a Ruby Tuesday post.
You can see Prize 1 below:
This Prize contains:
1. A journal with "New York: The Wonder City" written on a red cover
2. A Four-Leaf Clover Kit
3. An Itty-Bitty Buddha in a red box
4. A Barnes & Noble reusable book bag
5. A bookmark
Prize 2:

A suede journal (240 pages)
Prize 3:

Pocket Memo Briefcase with pen
I will post the winners late Wednesday May 27. I'll notify each winner on their own blog.
The winners should then send me their snail mail address (home address) and I'll send them their prize.

Thank you all so much for making this past year so enjoyable! I love going around to Ruby Tuesday players (I know I don't always get to everyone; I wish I could).
1. A journal with "New York: The Wonder City" written on a red cover
2. A Four-Leaf Clover Kit
3. An Itty-Bitty Buddha in a red box
4. A Barnes & Noble reusable book bag
5. A bookmark
Prize 2:

A suede journal (240 pages)
Prize 3:

Pocket Memo Briefcase with pen
I will post the winners late Wednesday May 27. I'll notify each winner on their own blog.
The winners should then send me their snail mail address (home address) and I'll send them their prize.

Thank you all so much for making this past year so enjoyable! I love going around to Ruby Tuesday players (I know I don't always get to everyone; I wish I could).

Happy anniversary Mary, I'm delighted to be a part of what you've created here.
Congratulations, Mary, on a whole year of Ruby Tuesday fun!
I really enjoy participating in this meme. We all seem to be looking for something red every chance we get. ;-)
This is truly a happy occasion! I so often try to think of what makes a Ruby Tuesday...all the time!. Reds are all around us, and this meme is what makes me see red just about everywhere!
Happy aniversary Mary creator of my favorite memes. May RT continue for many more years!
Happy birthday Ruby Tuesday! I've sure enjoyed myself this year. Thanks for your delightful hosting, Mary.
Pleasure's mine, I enjoyed hunting food with red on it! I did mostly fruits but my faves would be those related to baking!
Congratulations! Lets enjoy more years to come!
This being a holiday I almost forgot it was Monday. Never mind an anniversary! It's been a fun year (or part of a year for me). Can't wait to see what happens next.
Wow, this is neat! Having a continuing reality post grow so fast and have so many paricipants is special! Happy First Anniversary.
It is a fun post for us to make and read, seems there are always RED items waiting to get snapped and viewed.
Thank you too for having the contest. If the First Prize Winner doesn't like the NYC book, I have one I would trade. It is a pictorial of NYC, all photos taken by air.
Congrats on your anniversary!!!
Happy RT everyone!
Happy Anniversary to Ruby Tuesday.
The prizes in the first group are amusing. Does "New York the Wonder City" have something inside? Or is it a blank journal?
Happy Anniversary, Mary. Thank you for creating this fun meme. Red and Tuesday will never be the same again for those who participate. Love how we get such international and varied posts.
Happy anniversary to you and many thanks for letting me be a part of the 'red'!
One year is a long time. Happy anniversary and many happy returns on ruby tuesdays :)
Happy Anniversary to Ruby Tuesday! Thanks for the great meme Mary! :-)
thanks for all you do Mary
hard to believe a year has gone by already!
remember I didn't even like the color red a year ago, Ruby Tuesday changed that ;)
Congratulations for having a great idea and then sharing it with the rest of us! I LOVE playing every (or almost every) week. ;-)
Happy anniversary Mary! I always enjoy finding things to post for my Ruby Tuesdays, and you inspired me to create my own photo meme.
Keep up the good work!
Happy birthday to teach Mary and to Ruby Tuesday.
By now you probably are celebrating
your 30+ (Terry's suggestion).
Hope you have a great day.
Being allowed to participate in Ruby Tuesday has been a joy and an inspiration.
Hope you will continue hosting this meme for a long, long time.
From Felisol
Happy Anniversary!
This is a great theme that you started and one that I love to participate in. Happy Ruby Anniversary Tuesday!
Dear Mary,
all prizes look good, esp the 1st price since it has some "rubies" (red items). :)
Congrats to ur 1st anniversary for RT and also to the 3 lucky winners (will i be one of them? :D ).
Happy RT!
A wonderful milestone Mary!!
A great meme that has proved a great success :)
Happy 1st Anniversary to RT!!!
Oh Mary, Congratulations on a wonderful year. I have enjoyed this meme so much, and met so many super folks along the way.
Gee Mary is it just me or did that year just fly by.
ACK...no more green Glasses. Happy Anniversary Mary. :) Great job with doing Ruby Tuesday for a year :) Aloha
Cool piece of art! Happy Anniversary, Ruby Tuesday!
Happy anniversary, Mary. And oh look at that little Buddha kit. I got one of those for my house a while back. It's a fun little kit.
And here you are, just in case Mr. Linky goes bonkers again. LOL
Happy Anniversary! This is my first time participating. Will be on the lookout for red from now on! :)
Many thanks Mary for keeping this meme going. I've had so much fun finding all the red on my train layout. Congrats on 1 year.
Happy anniversary!
Congrats on the anniversary! Great blog and great job running it even with Mr. Linky giving problems.
Happy Anniversary and I hope you have a great Ruby Tuesday! :)
I did not know this existen before a couple of months ago.
Who knew!
Mary, Thanks for hosting this experiment in collective consciousness and community vision. What a great place to meet others with a whimsical bent and a passion for photography!
Congratulations, Gurrrl, on your first anniversary!
Happy 1 year anniversary to both Mary and all participants :) I agree with the others that Ruby Tuesday is a fun thing, as it continuously makes me notice everything rubyish!
Congratulations on your exciting blogoversary! Your idea has borne much fruit. Red fruit, of course! This meme has made an excellent and meaningful contribution to the creativity of many, many people. I hope you are proud of yourself and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Make someone you love give you a big hug for me!
I came to wish a Happy Birthday to Ruby Tuesday! And many happy more!
Happy 1st bday, RT! thanks for a fun meme :)
Congratulations Mary! I only joined recently but it's been really fun. Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!! Looking forward to more years of Ruby Tuesday. :)
One year congratulation to you - good work of you.
I just found it recently and I have enjoy it so far - it is good to know that always on Tuesdays it is something red.
Today I have been looking in my garden, hope it is not to much sex...
Ralph wrote... " makes me see red..". In sweden to see red - means that you are angry does it mean that in English also?
Have fun and hope to see you next week.
/MB Sweden
Congratulations! You have brought joy to my life.
Hooray!! Does this mean I have an excuse to eat birthday cake with extra frosting?
Congratulations on a most successful meme, Mary!
I have followed this meme regularly for most of your year and have enjoyed participating!
Happy anniversary! and may this meme run for a long time. :) Am posting my first Ruby Tuesday today.
Happy Anniversary Mary!! How quickly time flies, one year already!! And I still love playing, I have hardly missed a week since we started, looking for Ruby Tuesday pictures has become a weekly habbit!!
Happy Anniversary! I haven't participated for very long, but I look forward to Tuesday now, because of you! Thank you for your work in keeping up this meme.
Thank you for hosting this ever inspiring theme that connects so many nice people and congrats !!!!
I am glad I found your Meme. It has made me think about the photos I take. Even looking into a new camera. I use to work for Eastman Kodak and really liked taking photo. My child home had a Developing Room in the basement,Dad taught us how to use it. Some time in the 90's I lost the desire to really take pictures. Now I have acquired it back! Happy 1 year Anniversary Mary. May there be many more!!
I'm in for the week! Now back to the business of packing up my life! Happy 1st anniversary of Ruby Tuesday. Red has long been my favorite color, so it is easy to come up with photos to share!
Happy Anniversary! Miss participating on this fabulous meme.
Thank you Mary for inspiration and challenge. I'll never look at the color red quite the same way again!
Happy Birthday!
I love the notion of Ruby Tuesday and would love to be one of this week's winners! Congrats on the milestone!
Happy anniversary Mary and congratulations!
How exciting!!!
LOL! THAT was creative thinking for your anniversary Ruby! This is a great meme Mary! Thank you so much for hosting it!
It has been a fun year of my favorite color. I think I have posted 95% of the time. and how sweet of you to do prizes esp from your home state that I love so well:)
Mary, thanks you for the opportunity to show my photos. I wouldn't get to see or be seen so much without your venue. Happy anniversary!
Eaton :)
Congrats! Found your meme through Marie Reed's blog.
Congratulations and more power to your blog and RT meme!
All the best...cheers!
Great giveaway! I missed Blue Monday, so I hope to get a chance to post my Memorial day photos for Ruby Tuesday instead.
Congratulations and happy anniversary, Mary! I enjoy your meme and enjoy looking at the photographs from around the world.
Happy Ruby Tuesday to you, and everyone who participates.
Congrats on the anniversary of Ruby Tuesday, Mary! I know I haven't participated every single week, but I know I've been around since the beginning!
Today, I went for something totally different (I was playing with some of the extra photo-enhancing effects on Picnik via Flickr) and came up with an image that turned one geranium blossom into a psychedelic groovilicious pic. At least I think so!
Poor Mr. Linky still seems to be on the fritz, so here is a link to It's A Blog Eat Blog World
Cheere & Congrats on the Meme-aversary!
It takes a lot of work to host a photo theme congrats on the anniversary!
Happy Anniversary to Ruby Tuesday .. how wonderful ... and congrats to Mary who makes this blog (and Ruby Tuesday) so popular!
Congrats on ONE YEAR
I have been a tad lax recently, but am about to drop a grand on a new camera system, so I should be looking for all sorts of photo opportunities....
Hi Mary,
Happy Ruby Tuesday Anniversary!!! I love doing this meme. I am always looking for something red to shoot! Thanks for hosting this meme. It's wonderful! Mine is posted at my place.
Sherrie's Stuff
Happy Anniversary to Ruby Tuesday. I'm late getting going with my post and not too thrilled with it, but couldn't let the anniversary go past without participating.
I hope Mr. Linky recovers from his illness. Fortunately one of the few bits of html I remember is how to post a link so... here's mine.
Thank you Mary for this meme. I really enjoy being a part of this group. The people who post are fantastic.
Happy Anniversary, Ruby Tuesday! :)
So proud to be a part of this fun meme.
Thanks for hosting, Mary.
My RT post is Little RED Riding Hood.
Happy Birthday, RT! Thanks, Mary, for letting me look at reds a whole new way!
Happy Anniversary!!!! More Ruby Tuesday years to come :-)
Happy birthday Ruby Tuesday.
This is my second time playing and it's a Blast. You really look at the world in a new way. Thanks so much and Happy Anniversary!
I played along, here is my link.
I'm a bit late posting my Ruby Tuesday picture. I've been out of town. Hop over and enjoy my Stirling Castle Red Roses.
Happy 1 year anniversary.
Mr. Linky does not seem to be working. Here is my contribution.
Please come and visit.
Happy anniversary for Ruby Tuesday!!
Some neat prizes, Mary!! :)
I have posted some Ruby Red pics for you!!
Mr. Linky got lost so here is my link for RT
Hi Mary. I just published mine.
You should see it.:) Happy RT and congratulation once again!
Happy Ruby Tuesday anniversary. And thanks for the chance to participate in your generous fun give-away.
p.s. I love the Ruby Tuesday name, it couldn't be better.
I can't find Mr. Linky to post my Ruby Tuesday photo. It may be just my computer, is anyone else having a problem?
Here's my link for this week:
Since Mr. Linky is on vacation, here's my link. I love Ruby Tuesday!
Congratulations on a year of "red".. I am late with mine but I still wanted to visit the others... there are always so many beautiful reds around. My red is here.
Congrats on the anniversary, and thanks for hosting this meme! It's been a lot of fun, looking for red things and sharing with all these wonderful folks.
dear mary t...thank you for your dedication to ruby tuesday.
i hope that you will continue in the next year.
it is one day of the week that i really look forward to.
i hope that you look at what i posted. i was so surprised the doors that opened when i went into google images...just so incredible!
you are my beloved teach and i am glad that my bestest friend, felisol encouraged me to join ruby tuesday....love terry
Congratulations on the one year anniversary of your meme!
Does that make it a Meme-iversary?
Happy Belated Anniversary! This is a wonderful meme, Mary. I love it.
This is all kinds of fun! My very first post among all you wonderful bloggers!
Congrats on the 1000th post...
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