Friday, March 13, 2009

Irish Spring commerical you won't believe!

I have not been paid by Irish Spring to reprint this ad. Ha! :)



Jan said...

Too funny.

Robin said...

That is flippin' hysterical!

Desert Songbird said...

Those wacky Irish think they can get away with anything. *grin*

Tink *~*~* said...

I don't understand. Do you shower with the pants on? How does that enable him to "get lucky"? I really don't get this!

Happy Friday,
Tink *~*~*

NOW PLAYING at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
March winds on the Sanibel Island Causeway

Queen-Size funny bone said...

And I like it too!

RA said...

LOL... This ad is a blast! Thanks, I needed it :)

Lenoirre said...

Hehe. If it was a real guy, maybe he'd look hot. Lol.

Travis Cody said...


GreenishLady said...

I've arrived via Robin in Israel, and am tickled by this, I must say (Though no-one here in Ireland would be silly enough to believe that!). I wandered back a few posts, and loved your story of the cards from the Afghan family. Glad to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Lucky pants... HAHAHAHAA!

♥ Kathy said...

OMG that was too funny!!!

Ingrid said...

I think they should pay you, lol !

Janna said...

I love how in picture #4, the "Luck Infusion" appears to be coming out of his rear end.