Monday, February 09, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

This is the Ruby Tuesday before Valentine's Day. Why not take a look at my STICKY POST above and give my Valentine's Day Love Contest a try!


Then come back and enjoy my post for our meme.

Valentine's Day gifts:

Murano Glass Wine Stoppers
Topaz, Green and Amethyst or Black Sparkle, Red Sparkle and Aqua Sparkle



My favorite!

All the gifts were on sale at Costco last Sunday!



Don't forget to sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment!



Anonymous said...

wow, those red necklaces are pretty... love it!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed viewing all those murano glasses, wine stoppers, earrings and everyting when we were in Venice... I love everything you have here!!!

Robin said...

Those are just beautiful Mary, I adore Murano glass. In fact, just yesterday I took a photo that I absolutely love of my Murano glass vase, it's just waiting for the right occasion to share it. (No red, so I think it will end up as next week's WW - I've got something else lined up for this week.)

Anonymous said...

Oooooh... I adore the Murano glass photos, but I'd LOVE to have some chocolate (diet started today *g*)

My RT photo was taken durig our short trip to Majorca, Spain last week. :-D

Mojo said...

Some pretty impressive bling ya got going on there Mary. But you know nothing says love like a cold nose in the... morning.

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
Wonderful, tempting gifts.
I'll have to introduce Valentine's gift to my husband!!
I doubt that he would go for any of the gifts you have presented here.
I bought some Murano glass jewelry in Venice. Hear; bought, not got.

I love the Murano works. There was a lamp I would sacrifice much to get.
Then it was the flights back home..

Valentine's gift must go both ways or what??
From Felisol

EG CameraGirl said...

Some people really go out for Valentine's Day, eh? Good way to get the economy moving, I guess. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love the murano bottle stoppers. they look very fragile though. i don't think i'd be able to keep a complete set for long. heehee.

here's my ruby tuesday post:

the reds are in the 3rd, 4th and 5th photos. :)

Have a good tuesday!

me ann my camera said...

Gorgeous glass and yummy sweets. I love those too ... a special treat for a special day!

Carletta said...

Love the glass and jewelry Mary; but - bring on the CHOCOLATE!!! :)

Dora said...

Lovely wine stoppers! Happy Valentine's Day.

Anonymous said...

I ♥♥ Costco!

We went there today. Got bread (that Miltons bread - love it!), eggs, milk, salad stuff and Pluots (this really good fruit).

Oh, and had "date lunch" -- the $1.50 hot dog and drink. Doesn't get more gooder or more affordable than this!


Ralph said...

All reds for Valentine's Day are special, either highbrow (as you have shown) or lowbrow, what counts is that it is from the heart!

Anonymous said...

beautiful valentines stuff! for sure the chocolate is such a sweet and very affordable gift for someone.

Happy Red Tuesday from my end!

ninja said...

Hi, it's my first Ruby Tuesday post. Not really valentine thou.
PS. Love the Murano glasss.

Anonymous said...

The wine stoppers are looking good.

I bet my man will simple give me the sheepish grin this Saturday for not getting me anything...LOL!

Happy St Valentine's Day Mary!

Anonymous said...

Nice reds, nice gifts. I'll take one of each (for myself). ;-)


Tink *~*~* said...

My mom loves Lindor truffles, but she REALLY loves chocolate covered cherry cordials! I'm not so crazy about the glass stoppers, but I do like that bowl with the ruffled opening right below the stoppers - something about those colors that I really like.

Tink *~*~*
NEW at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* - RED Signs at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Leora said...

I had a busy day today, but given that today would be the day everyone is posting hearts, I stayed up to put up a heart, too.

You did find some pretty gifts!

Unknown said...

The glass wine stoppers are really pretty.

Happy, happy!

eastcoastlife said...

People are encouraged to spend to get the economy going. :)

I hope my hubby is going to do his part. haha....

I'm giving linky love to my commentators this V-Day!

Terri said...

Sorry, no valentines from me this week. Couldn't bear to look at another red heart. I hitched my wagon to a star instead.

Anonymous said...

Pretty. Happy Ruby Tues and Happy Valentines. Check out my entry "how colorful is the morning"

Anonymous said...

oh i just had my share of those Lindt chocolates! the dark variant though:) yum! lovely photos again!:) happy Rt to all!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,

I don't know why, but I just adore the V-day jewelry photo, and a woman wearing red in the background is a bonus! Red, shiny, heart-shaped = wonderful.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful, I love Murano glass things, did you buy some ?

Amber Star said...

All that was on sale last Sunday at Costco! Oh man..I missed out on that one. Beautiful glass and would have made a very nice Christmas gift for my daughter next year. haha ;)

I put my entry up just now, but it is set to post in a couple of hours when it is actually Tuesday and not some weird hour wherever Blogger is located that is a couple of hours earlier than where I live. And we live in Central time, so who knows where they are located. Probably Grand Cayman or something....or Bermuda.

It is way past time for me to go to bed now. :)

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

i love the necklaces... think if I steal your photos and leave it lying around the house the Maifan-San will get me something red for V-Day?


Anyway, my RT is up.

Anonymous said...

Oww they're all nice,, Love the Murano glass!!! Love the Lindt too!!!!!

Becky said...

I love the necklaces! And the Murano glass.

My RT is up. here, if you get a chance to stop by.

Catherine said...

Bonjour Mary,
Murano art works are so colorful, each object is synonymous of Joy.
I've visited a fabric overthere.

Do you share your chocolate with Ruby Tuesday participants ?

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Mary, the Murano glass is amazing, particularly the wine stoppers. But the Ruby colored necklaces are my pick.

Have a great Ruby Tuesday. :)

My Ruby Tuesday

Unknown said...

the murano glass wine stoppers are stunningly beautiful! and the chocolates...awww, i'm craving for some.:D

Kranky Granny said...

I just learned about Ruby Tuesday and decided to participate. I hope it is okay that I encluded an amazing true story with my photo of my ruby ring.

Jientje said...

What a great sdelection of pictures this week Mary!! Love the jewellery, and the wine stoppers are gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

They are totally lovely!
And on Sale is always good ;)

Jim said...

Mary, you are pretty red romantic this week! You have some pretty things here. I like the necklaces the best.

Of course red is your thing, you almost invented that color, did you invent Valentines Day (remember when Al Gore invented the Internet)?

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Beautiful reds Mary...I put up a photo of a red sunset that I captured while with my Love

Melli said...

Oh! I got my daughter one of those wine stoppers for Christmas! They're gorgeous!

Linnea said...

Thanks for all the scrumptious RT images and thanks for hosting again! Happy RT.

Dianne said...

the wine stoppers are beautiful - I love glass - so clean and crisp

you're such a romantic Mary :)

Patti said...

Oh my! 55 already here and I haven't taken any photos yet. I can't keep up Mary!!

♥ Kathy said...

I love your pictures this week! Especially the wine stoppers! I want one now lol

Patti said...

I'm all Ruby Tuesday ready now! tee hee

Those red necklaces are lovely, and like the others I also like the wine bottle stoppers. Very nice photos, Mary.

Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
I love all your RED! I really like those red necklaces! Very Pretty! Mine is posted. It's a Knight! Have a great day!!


Raven said...

Nice reds.... I'm partial to the chocolates myself...

Ivanhoe said...

I love Murano glass. Happy Valentine's Day, Mary!

soulbrush said...

my goodness you have been busy. wow love that valentine. i am so enjoying my ruby tuesday posts now. thanks mary.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I LOVE, ♥, LOVE those Lindor Truffles!!! I hope you have a lovely Tuesday and a Happy Valentine's Day. :)

RT ~ The Red Slide

Maria's Space said...

That is totally my favorite candy too.

Pia K said...

My favourite is the glass bowl, quirky, colourful and personal (and perfect for chocolate treats), me like!

MyMaracas said...

Gorgeous stuff, and the photos just glow with light and color. The necklaces are to die for.

Mine's pink this time. I hope that counts.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Your site is beautiful. Love those colorful glass wine stoppers!
I linked to my site instead of just to the valentine prompt? Sorry. If you'd like me to change it let me know- Thanks-

The Cunning Runt said...

Great Ruby shots, Teach!

And how special is it that this Valentine's Day finds me madly in love???

JunieRose2005 said...

Loved all these flashy reds!!

I posted this time!


Terry said...

Oh boy!
What a beautiful display of ruby red Mary T.
I do declare I get later and later every week with my post but so far since I started, I have missed only one so that isn't too bad for a procrastinator like me!
I guess it is better late than never,eh Teach?
Hope you and Vinny have a great Valentines day on Saturday!!!
Love Terry

docemdy said...

Wow, that's a lot of gifts.

Late submission. I've been having trouble posting from Flickr.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful Valentine's Day for YOU ;--)
I was too busy for Ruby Tuesday this week but hope to play next week.
Hugs and blessings,

Julie said...

Oh Mary! My heart skipped a beat thinking about my trip to Venice a little over a year ago. I have a precious necklace to mark the event and my mom (who took me there) ordered me a lovely Murano embellished watch for this past Christmas. It's beautiful glass!

Thanks for making me think about that trip!