Monday, December 01, 2008

Ruby Tuesday

I thought for my first Ruby Tuesday post I would write about Advent Calendars.

An Advent calendar is a special calendar which is used to count or celebrate the days of Advent in anticipation of Christmas. Advent is from the Latin word adventus meaning "coming." Some calendars are strictly religious, whereas others are secular in content.

The ones that I came across in the stores this season were very different, and much more elaborate, than the ones I used to know which were paper calendars and simpler.

Here are 3 (with lots of RED) I photographed at Target a few days ago. Parents put small gifts or candies in each drawer one of which is opened every day during Advent.

<span class=

The origins of the Advent calendar come from German Lutherans who, at least as early as the beginning of the 19th century, would count down the 24 days of Advent physically. Often this meant simply drawing a chalk line on the door each day, beginning on December 1. Some families had more elaborate means of marking the days, such as lighting a new candle (perhaps the genesis of today's Advent wreath) or hanging a little religious picture on the wall each day.

The first known Advent calendar was handmade in 1851.

The number of doors can also increase to twenty five or twenty six to cover Christmas Day, Hanukkah and Boxing Day, and further to thirty one or thirty two to include New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. This latter act was particularly evident over December 1999, counting down to January 1, 2000.

So what will be your first Ruby Tuesday post during the holiday season? Remember you can post on Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwaanza, or the Winter Solstice or Winter or anything you like.

I have created a few different Ruby Tuesday badges for you to use, if you like, during this holiday season:

Don't forget to sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment. Try to visit your fellow participants.

We all love visitors!



Anonymous said...

Those are very nice photos! Thanks for sharing some information too:) I'm excited about this season!

Happy December!:)

Btw, Mr. Linky isn't up yet..

But mine is here.

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

Oh yay ... Christmas :)

Mine is up ... but Mr. Linky isn't! lol

EG CameraGirl said...

Perfect post for the first of December!

Anonymous said...

Redddd! lots of them!

Yep, mr.linky aint here...

Catherine said...

I love this first wooden one. It is a little bit "vintage". Very traditional. Perfect for the 1st of december.
Advent calendars are well-known here. Many children have their own chocolate calendar. Playmobil toys company makes its calendar with a little toy in it for each day from 1st to 25th december. Don't you have this one in stores?
It's an impossible mission to make my near 4 years old son understand he can't eat all chocolates the same day!

Mojo said...

I can't look at an advent calendar anymore without thinking of Billy Bo Thornton in Bad Santa

But I like your inclusiveness in this post. Truly.

And while we wait for Mr. Linky, perhaps you'll have a moment to take in this:
Ruby Tuesday #15: Good Dog!

(It's not what you think.)

Leora said...

The Advent calendar reminds me of how we Jews count the Omer, the days between Passover and Shavuot in the spring. We use a steps up little mountain, with each step representing a day.

Since no Mr. Linky, here's mine:
Ruby Tuesday in a Tunnel

and here's Ilana-Davita's:
Red Branch

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
I am also fascinated by Advent Calendars.
I've written about mine, sewn in 1956 three days ago.
I wish you a happy Ruby Advent.
From Felisol

Anonymous said...

I like the cheap cardboard ones with the chocolate candy inside...

It's the kid in me...

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

most excellent...

I need to get the decorations together to have a Ruby Tuesday...not sure it will be tomorrow though

Ralph said...

Decorations should be taken out at the earliest for this festive month...Happy advent, Mary

Pia K said...

Lovely calendars. Advent calendars are of course big in Sweden too, since the 60ies there's the Advent calendar show on TV and on radio for children, more or less well made shows every year from Dec 1-24. They very much reflect the times and can be great fun for adults too.

Here's my post

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Those are sooo cute!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

my kids loved counting down christmas.

Jientje said...

Lovely pictures again Mary!
I am telling the story of Sinterklaas,
who brings the children toys and gifts on December the sixth!

MyMaracas said...

I love the way your subjects fill the frame, and the dynamic quality the angles give. You've made calendars look exciting! Nice post about the story behind them, too.

Dianne said...

I really like the top one!

I had a Colorforms Advent calendar. Remember Colorforms!!?

Each day would peel off to reveal some special picture or riddle.

Anonymous said...

I love this post on the advent calendars.


Patti said...

I had an Advent Calendar when I was little. These are beautiful ones.

Happy Ruby Tuesday, Mary! And Happy Winter, after yesterday's weather in this region. Brrrrr...

Julie said...

Advent calendars in any form are so cool. I have a small tree with 24 tiny wooden drawers that contain a wee tiny ornament to put on the tree. I really like your pictures.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful amount of reds during this holiday season :)
Happy Ruby Tuesday Mary!

Dora said...

Happy RT! That's an interesting and cute calendar. How i wish i have one too. :)

It Meows #11

Tink *~*~* said...

Hi everyone! Hi Mary!!!

I love Advent calendars. One of my friends has the BEST one. It's made of felt, like a banner, and has pockets sewn onto it that can hold small treasures, one for each day of Advent. It's perfect.

I went to a restaurant on Captiva Island for Thanksgiving, and they were all dressed up for Christmas - so I'm sharing photos today. Hope you enjoy!

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Carletta said...

So many memories Mary! My kids especially loved these. I always looked for the ones when you opened the paper number there was a piece of candy behind.
It's hard to believe it's time for Christmas. I'm so looking forward to seeing what everyone posts today.
Mine's up - my Grandbaby - what else. :)

judi/Gmj said...

These are nice I like the traditional ones best. You have so much color! I love the header. This is going to be a fun season for Ruby Tuesday!

Sylvia K said...

I love the photos! I know about Advent calendars, but this is the first time I've any like these and they're lovely! Thanks as always for sharing and for hosting Ruby Tuesday!

MYM said...

Oh shoot!!! You have to delete the "groovin drowsey monkey" link on Mr Linky! LOL!!!

I guess I didn't notice and it put in the one I used on another Mr. Linky - for a music meme.!!! Sorry for confusing Ruby Tuesday people!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! I hope I can have that, too!

Anonymous said...

Lots of Christmas 'red' here ... I need to get myself in gear. I'm participating this week on my new Happily Retired Gal site on WordPress instead of at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Terri said...

Gorgeous calendars, Mary!

I posted an unusual Christmas stocking. Red, of course!

Unknown said...

How cool! We both had the same idea for our December 1 post!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary! I trust your Thanksgiving was wonderful. My daughter always really enjoyed the Advent calendars with the chocolates in them :0)
Happy December to you...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Teach. Also, my first time to see an advent calendar.LoL

My entry is up. Happy Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures! I brought my advent calendar over from England, but have found some beautiful ones here....Christmas is on the way! Mine's up too at:

I'll be coming round to see yours!:)

Karen Coutu said...

What festive photos! I like the second calendar the best. Thanks for the bit of history too!!

Ivanhoe said...

Mine is scheduled to post right after midnight. Happy RT!
I remember having an advent calendar as a kid. There was 24 numbered little windows and behind each was a little chocolate. You'd open the window number corresponding with the date it was that morning. It was yummy. I'll try to look for it in German or Polish store around here, if they still sell them, and take a pic :o)

RW said...

Mines up Mary and hey you need to get back into Creative Photography!!!

Jan said...

Cool post, Mary. Love the info. It's always good to learn something new every day.

Anonymous said...

thanks for writing about advent...

i had been planning to join ruby tuesday for a long time now... only today i got to finally sit down and post something for this meme.

Anonymous said...

those are cute calendars. i love the last one most of all.

here's my entry for this week...RUBY TUESDAY

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such interesting Advent items! Great range plus the bonus of being ruby!

Ingrid said...

That's nice ! You know all my life since I can think I had an advent calender it was and is the use in Germany since the 18 hundred something. When I moved to Belgium it was hard to get one for our little son, but my mother always send one each year. Now you find them everywhere !

Robin said...

Those advent calendars are so cute :).

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a first time participant! :) Christmas still gets me really excited! It's a coincidence that my first entry has a Christmas feel to it as well!

Happy Tuesday! :)

shaker said...

Sorry, my photo isn't about Christmas, but it's red, for sure !

Becky said...

Great post Mary. I love it.
Mine is up, but no Mr. Linky...

DrillerAA said...

Great photos Mary.
I already had mine posted before I came here, but I will be using one of the new badges next week.

lucy said...

Not this season but one I needed to remind me of better times!

Yrsa said...

You are so right, coming to think of it, christmas times gives loads of opportunities for ruby photographing :)

Anonymous said...

my first time to join ruby red tuesday! i love your photos!

Melli said...

I LOOOOOOVE these! Advent calendars are the BEST! Very nice!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

HA! I got one done!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

DO you think your Mr linky overloads at 50? Advents are one of my favorites to do at Christmas i guess because it is interactive:)

Linda said...

Perfect choice for today.

Olga said...

Had to repost mine from last week: too much to do :)

Is Mr. Linky up yet?

Anonymous said...

Perfect pictures for the holidays!
Mine's up but not about holidays.
Mr. Linky is missing.

Anonymous said...

interesting photos!

will use the holidy widget next Tuesday.

mine is now old holiday photo. :) just a lil red.

Maggie Moo said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday-mine is up. It's not a holiday theme because I haven't yet decorated and well...I couldn't find any. :) But I played. :)

Mo and The Purries said...

I've never had an advent calendar. I don't know why.
I recognized those shelf labels from Target from a mile away, though.
I can't do Mr. Linky today for some reason, but my post is up at It's A Blog Eat Blog World
Ho Ho HO

Raven said...

Wow... what fancy calendars. Nice photos.

Here's a link to mine. I hope anyway... I miss Mr. Linky.

JunieRose2005 said...

:) I posted a Red Christmas picture! Will check on Mr.Linky later!
I like when people come to visit! :( so hope Linky gets back on!


Kaylia Metcalfe said...

I always loved Advent!

Happy December everyone!

(My RT is up)

Shasta said...

I love those ones you found from Target, how neat!!

I'm playing along!

Sherrie said...

Love your Advent Calendar! It's very pretty! And all the info you shared! My Ruby Tuesday Christmas is posted. You can see it here:
Take Care!!


Ivanhoe said...

Where did Mr. Linky go? He was just here last night :o)

Tina said...

Love the advent calendars.

Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

I have really fond memories of using an advent calendar when I was a kid. My great-aunt would mail me one each year. I wish she would still send them even though I'm long since grown up -- doesn't seem right to buy my own. :)

I've posted my Ruby Tuesday. It's not overtly holiday-related, but it was a game we played last week on Thanksgiving Day.

Gayle said...

My kids would have fun with those calendars. I would forget from day to day! :)
The White House

Anonymous said...

Where is Mr. Linky? I can't find him to sign up!

You can find me at

I love this new look for the site. Loads very slowly, but looks great. And the photos are beautiful and educational as well. I had no idea there were wooden things for parents to fill. Guess I don't get out much. They look adorable.

Anonymous said...

yay i made it again! nice knick knacks for the holidays!

Babs (Beetle) said...

I am very late today :O)

Lovely advent calendars. Plenty of red at Christmas time!

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful post..
There is one very important
Advents Calendar you have to add. They are filled with chocolates;-)
One chocolate for everyday in December. Made in Germany and by Lindt in Switzerland.
A gift to my children and now to my grandchildren.
- Cheers.

Anonymous said...

This is my first Ruby Tueasday ever ... I hope I did it right.
No Mr.Linky, so here it is:

Bye !

Anonymous said...

it's my first time to join ruby tuesday! i got envious of my friends. hee hee. :D

christmas is truly in the air! :)

Anonymous said...

nice photos, Teacher Mary.

Jim said...

Mary, you have found the nice (and red) way to count down to Christmas.
I am more laid back about it. All I have to do is go to church on Sunday and our minister will be preaching on the correct count down day. When he runs out it is Christmas.

I am late getting it up, but my Ruby Tuesday is now on JIM'S LITTLE BLOG tonight. Go there from my profile. I'll keep it up for a while. :-)

Jackie said...

Love the calendars. We used to always celebrate Advent. But, now with all of the kids grown and my husband gone a lot I haven't done it in quite a while.

These are lovely Mary!!:-)

Hallie said...

can't wait until Christmas!!!

Mine is up too!

check it out!

bj said...

hI, I am bj and wanted to join your Ruby Tuesday. I can't seem to find Mr. Linky to sign up, tho...
I'll check back with you on Monday...Many thanks..

Anonymous said...

Your ruby tuesday post made me so jolly and brought a wide smile to my face. Im so excited over xmas!

I had problems with my blog site yesterday and couldnt participate until now.. But better late than never! ;o)

docemdy said...

I don't see Mr. Linky too. My entry is about Christmas too.

Terry said...

Dear Mary T
I don't know much about the Advent Calendar.
I have learned a lot from Felisol's posts last year and now I am learning from you.
Have a great week Mary T..You deserve it..Love Terry

Jama said...

Mine finally up: