Sunday, April 06, 2008

Weekend Snapshot

This sculpture called Genesis can be seen outside the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Dentistry, at Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York. I pass it every time I go to the dentist and this day I decided to take pictures.

I also thought I'd look into the sculptor, Judy Brown. I was able to identify Judith Brown (1932-1992) as the artist.

Here's a little of her bio:

Sculpture was the main focus of her work. She was truly in her element, when she was in her studio working. Over the decades she experimented with many different forms of sculpting, but all were related to metals. These included steel, brass, bronze, gold, silver, and copper to name a few. Her favorite metal to work with was not a specific metal, but a type of metal...junk. All major pieces started in junkyards. She would scour junkyards with a portable oxygen/acetylene cutting torch cutting mangled pieces of metal that would turn into sculptures.

Here's a picture of her sketching:

This is probably a picture of her near the end of her life. She died at 60 years of age.



Travis Cody said...

It's a very interesting piece, quite eye catching.

Unknown said...

Sculpture is not for everyone, but I love these, thanks for sharing.

Small City Scenes said...

Very very nice. I would call it 'Leaping through Life'. MB

Ingrid said...

Very special !

Sandee said...

Beautiful Teach. Such talent. I've always admired folks with this kind of talent. Have a great day. :)

Carver said...

Those are wonderful works of art. Passing them would almost make it bearable to go the the dentist. Notice that I say ALMOST. I also like the photograph of the artist sketching.

RW said...

That is cool! Thanks for sharing Mary and the info very interesting!! Hope your weekend is going fandamtastic :D

Kostas said...

Splendid subject with very good sculpture, informative post! I thank!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Interesting art work. Lots of these type of pieces are found in NYC. It's just one of the reasons I enjoy the City. Thanks for sharing this one.

eastcoastlife said...

They are beautiful sculptures and the artist certainly had a great passion for the arts.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

The best part of those sculpture to me is that she uses metal found in junk yards. Salutes^

Heart of Rachel said...

Interesting sculptures. Thank you for sharing about the sculptor.

I wasn't able to join WS but if you have time, I'd like to share photos of our visit to Ocean Adventure. Take care.