Monday, March 31, 2008

Manic Monday - pull

Congratulations to Nancy of Goat Rodeo for being Mo's inspiration this week. Her pulled pork sandwiches provided the word PULL for Manic Monday.

Do you realize there are 17 separate entries for PULL in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online? And many more phrases that use PULL:

There's PULL tab, PULL-Down, PULL the plug, PULL the trigger, PULL one's leg, PULL a robbery, PULL a prank, PULL an all-nighter, PULL a face, PULL a fast one, PULL the strings, PULL a punch, PULL one's weight and more.

I don't think Mo realized the diversity of the word PULL or maybe he did.

Isn't the word PULL starting to look like you should pronounce it PEWL?

Anyway, here's my contribution to Manic Monday:


from Henri II Buffet Cabinet (c 1890)

reproduction antique drawer pulls from my bedroom furniture

from a dresser my father made in the 1960s.



Durward Discussion said...

When push comes to shove, those pulls are beautiful.

anthonynorth said...

I think I've got the handle on this one ;-)

RW said...

Hey whats next weeks going to be "tug" lol! You no like Canadian Geese?

Jeff B said...

Oh the puns are flying here today. hehe

Julie said...

I was just wondering how much it would cost to replace the 34 pulls on my kitchen cupboards.

Travis Cody said...

We wanted to change the pulls on our kitchen cabinets, but we couldn't find hinges to match.

Happy MM!

Ingrid said...

You pulled the meme very far, lol!

Ivanhoe said...

Those are some pretty pulls! I love antique furniture, the workmanship is just beautiful and that history that it breaths on you...ahhh :o))))
Happy MM, teach!

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

As always, I learned a lot at your blog. Which is why I love it!!! I always pull for you. Yes, that was bad. Bad Nancy abusing the Poet.

Kimmie said...

I love all the pic's of the pulls. I too am a lover of the old antique stuff. I especially love to look at old glass door knobs. Great job with MM!

Kimmie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kimmie said...

Sorry post showed up twice??? So I deleted one.

Maria's Space said...

Mary, your blog entries are always so diverse. I love reading your blog.

Andrea said...

Beautiful not too fond of the meat being vegetarian.

Sarge Charlie said...

You got a lot of pull Teach, let me see, could we pull together and support John McCain. Smile.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful pulls!
Awesome post.

Mo and The Purries said...

Drawer pulls are much better than "pull my finger!"
Thanks for participating in Manic Mondays!
~manic mo

Desert Songbird said...

Those remind me of cabinets my mom and dad had.