Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Swarovski flash drives*

theteachSkamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes
Orkut Graphics

* see first comment

See more Wordless Wednesday participants here.


maryt/theteach said...

Flash drives are portable data storage devices integrated with a USB (universal serial bus) connector. They are typically small, lightweight, removable and rewritable. You are able to store documents, pictures from your computers hard drive onto the flash drive to carry to another location.

Anonymous said...

beautiful!! I would want to use those--too valuable!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

What will they think of next. I have been using a more traditional looking flash drive and love it.

SandyCarlson said...

Mary, I'm looking at the grey thing pinned to my bulletin board and wondering if I'd have courage to put on that kind of bling! They are beautiful. So much for the traditional locket with a picture or two inside! You can hand a woman your life story on one of those things!

Unknown said...

now that's some serious bling! gorgeous!!!!

mine's up. it'll make you giggle.

Jim said...

I use them a lot. This is a nice, educational, WW. I have slacked off reading the NY Times but I sure checked this article out. Thanks!
Those cars belonged to a fellow now passed away. Before he died they were donated to the museum in my home town (Nebraska).
Happy WW!

Princess said...

Swarovski flash drives? Well, teach, I'm really wordless!!! You think my hubby will get the hint?
Great WW.

Jeff B said...

Hi Mary, I posted the groundhog meme today. Thanks for the tag.

Sorry if I haven't been by as regularly lately. Busy, busy, busy on a remodel.

Love the new picture on your banner!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I wouldn't mind wearing that flashdrive as an accessory!! :P

Anonymous said...

I want one of those... that's over the top for a flash drive! Do you students carry flash drives like that?

Travis Cody said...

Well, if you're gonna have one it might as well be attractive.

Anonymous said...

Very cool. I've not seen these stylish little devils. I like it!

Happy WW.

Natalie said...

Wow! Talk about expensive! I think I'll stick with the much cheaper basic flash drives.

Cynthia said...

No way...How much does that set you back?:)

RW said...

Hey those are cool looking now if the came in a lighter/ipod/toaster oven/can opener I would get one lol! Great WW Mary :D

Ingrid said...

No cat form ?? I would like to have one, looks nice !

Utah Mommy said...

But looks like diamonds to me lol! Cool stuff! Happy WW!
Totally Worn Out
The Future Pianist

Le Butterfly said...

Beautiful stuff.

Love your header photo.

jams o donnell said...

Haha they are flash drives in more than one sense. Flash storage and flashy looks at the same time!

Pretty Life Online said...

wow!!! what an expensive flash drives... these reminds me the quote "an expensive medicines are always good: if not for the patient, at least for the druggist" LOL! Happy WW!

MammaMayMiller said...

wow these are stunning!!! Could they become a new fashion statement?? Lovely pics :o) Thanks for visiting

Anonymous said...

For "the teach who has everything," I presume. Mary, how come you didn't show us this during Christmas shopping season? :-D

Anonymous said...

Wow! Whatever next? They're certainly prettier than the average Bytestor flash drive. Happy WW!

BTW, you have a special award waiting for you at my place.

Unknown said...

WOW! I love... I want... I need that heart-shaped flash drive =D


Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Wow, that's some serious bling....and I just have some bloggie bling for you today my friend.

The Mama Bear

Unknown said...

Yes, because I goofed again, you get all that you don't already have!

Mama Bear goofed again this morning.

ellen b. said...

For the blogger who has everything...

Mo and The Purries said...

That's some serious computer bling!
Mine is just a plain old flash drive.

I got a catalog in the mail yesterday of new flash drives for gift stores to carry - but none were crystal encrusted! Most were keychain figurines, like a frog that you pop his head off and there's the flash drive.

Great WW!

**"Liza"** said...

hhh that is one neat Flash drive..I need one of those..;)
here take a peak if you had a chance.. ;)

**"Liza"** said...

That is one neat flash drive, I need one of those..

Neen said...

I like those.

Robert said...

Fancy fancy! I never see one's like that at Best Buy!

My WW post for this week is up with more pictures from China.

Jos said...

Very bling indeed :)
a great novelty, I can see these flying...

Shelia said...

Hi Mary!

They're beautiful, but I don't know how practical.

Happy WW! :D

maryt/theteach said...

Thanks everybody for commenting! I just want to tell you that the Swarovski flash drives cost $180. each!

Anonymous said...

Bling drives - ha! My cats would love to rub against those.

Gabriel said...

And they say storage media have become inexpensive!

Happy WW, and thanks for dropping by!

My post: Ergonomics

Gabriel said...

And they say storage media have become inexpensive!

Happy WW, and thanks for dropping by!

My post: Ergonomics

Anonymous said...

Wow! These are beautiful--and practical (somewhat!)! LOL!

Anonymous said...

These ones are brand new! http://www.blingdrives.com.
They are a little more geared towards guys, but looks like they are trying to have something for all. have a peek. made a great gift for my friend that is a DJ