Beautiful images, Mary. I have often watched or listened to online recordings of his delivering some of his speeches. A marvelous person, to be sure. I was born at a time when these marvelous people were being rubbed out. What a time!
I was 9 years old in 1967 and until today, I had no idea he'd been considered as a candidate for the Presidency. Wow, what a different country this would be now had he run and won. Instead, hatred took him from us all far too soon.
Hi Teach -- Glad you came, thanks for the good words. Jenna is my mid granddaughter, and is a college student.
I would have like to have set in on one of your blogging classes. I stumble through.
In common with you, I also taught. My courses were in business at San Jacinto College in Pasadena, Texas. Sam Cassell and Steve Francis, both professional basketball stars now.
Our newphew is returning home from Afganistan tomorrow. You've been there (Iraq). ..
Very moving images...Thanks for reminding us!
An inspirational figure. I wonder what he could have doen had he not been murdered. Happy WW
Great WW maryt! Thanks for the great reminder...
Beautiful images, Mary. I have often watched or listened to online recordings of his delivering some of his speeches. A marvelous person, to be sure. I was born at a time when these marvelous people were being rubbed out. What a time!
Thanks, Sandy! I appreciate your appreciation...:)
Prime mover and an inspiration! Happy WW.
What a great man he was too Teach. Excellent post celebrating his life, vision and birthday. Have a great WW. :)
Thanks for the reminder. I like these particular shots of him!
I so agree with jams.
many people still look up to him.
Very topical given the entry of race into the US election. His image and presence are timeless.
Great WW! How did I miss that today?
I admired this man and his quotes.
Thanks all of you! I'll visit your blogs tomorrow...:)
That is so sweet of you. Thank you for sharing.
I love the first picture. He looks sooo in love. :-) Thanks for the blast from the past.
Happy WW!!
My Wordless Wednesday #7: Which Catwoman is the cat's meow?
He's was a great man. And now there's Obama. Would he be remembered in history?
A remarkable man, indeed!
A remarkable man, indeed!
Great WW Mary!!
Excellent WW :) He was an amazing man!!!
Good reminder, thanks! Happy WW!
OMG, it was his birthday yesterday ! Fortunately you remembered !
Thanks for reminding us of this remarkable man and all he stood for. His murder deprived the world of a very special man. Happy WW!
Very nice pictures of an inspirational man.
My post is here.
Have a happy WW!
Good finds, Mary. Hard to believe they were taken so long ago. (I'm feeling old!)
Great images! Thanks for dropping by.
Happy WW.
This is a great entry for WW, I agree with jams, they are very inspirational. Happy WW.
This a great reminder for evryone..;)
.Happy WW!
mine's here
An amazing and world changing man.
Thanks again everyone!
I was 9 years old in 1967 and until today, I had no idea he'd been considered as a candidate for the Presidency. Wow, what a different country this would be now had he run and won. Instead, hatred took him from us all far too soon.
Anyone from Connecticut area that wants to go to a Martin Luther King, Jr. day scholarship breakfast should check out The Collins Foundation
GREAT WW post! Very inspiring - wonderful reminder.
such moving shots ... thank you for posting. :)
thanks, too, for the visit! :)
My WW post (droplets) was taken using my canon powershot S3 IS. :)
At this time of election, these 2 pictures serves a really good reminder :)
Hi Teach -- Glad you came, thanks for the good words. Jenna is my mid granddaughter, and is a college student.
I would have like to have set in on one of your blogging classes. I stumble through.
In common with you, I also taught. My courses were in business at San Jacinto College in Pasadena, Texas. Sam Cassell and Steve Francis, both professional basketball stars now.
Our newphew is returning home from Afganistan tomorrow. You've been there (Iraq).
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