1. Not all bloggers blog about their cats. Not all of them love them and have at least three of them. Gattina has LOTS of cats: real ones, scuptures and figurines.
2. A few bloggers talk about their dogs. Usually not multiple dogs. But Misty of My Dogs Keep Me Sane has a few dogs (border collies) and obviously they keep her from being on medication. :)
3. Not all bloggers are incipient writers. Not all of them are talented. One or two are. Ian is one of the talented writer.
4. Some bloggers try to be funny. Some of them succeed and some fail terribly. Sandee is the funniest blogger on the Internet next to Matt-man.
5. Bloggers love awards. They give them out to all their friends, to bloggers they like, to bloggers with impressive blogs. There are so many awards... If you've never gotten an award let me know. I'll send you one.
6. Bloggers love memes and love to tag other bloggers with them. Memes keep bloggers busy so that they don't have down-time and have to leave their computer to do other things, such as make doctor appointments, take kids to school, take clothes to the cleaners or do the wash. If you haven't been tagged lately, let me know I can tag you right away!
7. Bloggers love to show off where they live. My state, my country, my mountain is better than your state, country, mountain. My town has beautiful rivers and streams; my village has sheep and goats.
8. Bloggers love to post pictures of vacations especially cruises. Here we are out all night dancing and eating at a gorgeous midnight buffet. And there you are bleary-eyed in front of the computer with no foreseeable break from your hum-drum life.
9. Bloggers need to tell you what their mood is for the day...happy, sad, bloggy (bloggy?), bitchy, distracted, predatory, energetic, quixotic (quixotic?) And sometimes the animated emoticons don't work. The one below is supposed to be "sleepy."
10. Blogger spend a heck of a lot of time posting to their blog for no compensation. So they struggle with whether they should BLOG FOR PAY. That is, write advertisements for some company that will or will not pay on time or ever. They take the chance that they will bore their fellow bloggers to tears. Bloggers who blog for pay run the risk that other bloggers will ignore their posts and leave no comments. :(
11. You can learn so much from bloggers. Many of them, like Sandy Carlson of Writing in Faith, write creatively about unusual things, for example, grafitti. Others write about flowers, grandium blosseous, or their children, humanos youngus. If you've never been a mother just spend a couple of weeks reading mommy blogs and you'll be ready to bring up scads of kids and not bat an eye.
12. Some bloggers tell you what they do for a living. Now some bloggers have interesting jobs, like Mo for instance. But most bloggers have dull, uninteresting jobs, that's why they're blogging.
13. Most bloggers LOVE blogging and give their all to it. They have created a world for themselves in the blogsphere. They are sympathetic and loving people who care about what happens to their fellow bloggers. They LIVE FOR comments and recognition. They usually give more than they get.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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You'd better be careful or you will join me as a B#t&h who complains about bloggers. I love it and I love your list.
I do not post my vacation photos, unless they are newsworthy, but do constantly blog about my cats!
The Pink Flamingo
Good one, Mary. And speaking of memes, I'm tagging you right now for the Eight Random Things meme. ;-}
Aaaww, sj, I'm not complaining about bloggers, am I! :)
Thanks Bobbie, for commenting and for tagging me for the Eight Random Things meme...
This has to be the funniest TT I've ever read. (I do realize that I fall into many of the aforementioned categories ;)
Come on, who doesn't love reading a fantastic post about coupon chief or the best place to learn about web hosting...LOL (I just assume that no one is going to read the "every other" posts. I've sold my soul to Payperpost...but I need the extra cash!
Anyway, also loved the sinking cruise ship, that was priceless. BTW: did you see that Dexter is coming to CBS!! I did a post a while back on it, so let me know what you think!
I must admit, my job as a full-time mom isn't all that interesting at times. That's why I blog - to have contacts outside of the home. Now, a college literature professor? English major that I was, I can relate to that!
This is great Teach. I won't tell Matt-Man. I think he's a riot. Very well done and I enjoyed the read. Have a great TT. :)
This is a very clever and well written TT! So much fun cuz it's all about us....
I don't participate on Thursday Thirteen but I enjoyed this post. Too funny. Very entertaining take on the blogosphere.
Boy Mary I get the feeling you REALLY Know some bloggers! LOL. Great list and right on. Have a grand TT!
Well, a few of those things are true about me!
HI!Wow, you have really known and studies about bloggers!Great post.
I am guilty with some of those.LOL!
Oh, oh!Those who do not pay at all for pay per blog is scary.One of my friends seem experiencing it right now.She is working hard to get all those opps and write about them but no payment!I will not mention the company yet because, "she" is still willing to wait.
By the way, mt TT is not up yet.I just enjoyed reading this entry of yours.
Thanks for the mention in this post! What a nice surprise. I liked your thought on bloggers who write for no compensation. This speaks to the deep need to write that so many of us feel.
Hehehe. Thanks for the link and the mention of my fur-kids. Right now, they are asleep in my kitchen and they are snoring ;-)
I love your list, happy TT! :)
Awwww, thanks, Mary! I do my best. Well, not always...just when I'm trying to win a big prize. :P
Good list! Happy tt!
Wow, I will admit I am very new to the blogging thing, but after reading this list I am not sure whether you like bloggers or even if you welcome comments. Hmmmm, I guess I have a lot to learn.
I would love to have you stop by to check out 13 Phrases & their Origins. Also you may want to submit a recipe to win a programable slow cooker (shipping included in continental U.S.) for the contest I am offering for National Soup Month. Happy TT! Blessings, Cricket
Great list Mary! Only a teacher could be so observant. Gosh, I hope I'm one of the good writers. How about I just assume you are talking about me? ;)
Happy TT!
I love your list. That Crazy 8 tag will be up tomorrow, promised ;)
Did you know the only goat living around here is my s*#pid neighbor? She´s one of a kind =)
Amen to #13.
What a great list. Sounds like you have a wonderful network of bloggers. Happy T13!
I loved the cruise ship photo. That was worth the whole read, if the rest HADN'T been awesome, but it was. Thanks for the laugh. Oh, and I don't blog about cats, either.
Nice list!
I do love your lists. They are all so true. I do hope I become like your #13.
I love your TT :) Have a great week!
* chuckle * what a fun poke at the blogosphere. :)
No tagging!
What a wonderful 13! So funny and with shoutouts to your fellow bloggers. I love it!
Great post.
I often feel quixotic. And being quixotic makes me feel bloggy. :)
Actually, I'm not big into blog awards (except one I got) and I do not respond to tags. I'm an eeeevil blogger. BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
Now, where is the midnight buffet?
You are right on the mark. Great list.
Cute post---i can tell you are a riot a mixed mind of thoughts
Nicely done and well worth reading. I was amused and laughing in agreement at the same time.
Well done Mary. I was amused and educated at the same time.
Well done Mary. I was amused and educated at the same time.
I talk about my cats quite a bit. Sometimes they're the only interesting thing going on!
my 13
That Crazy 8 MEME is finally up - as promised. Thanks again for the tag =)
Great post, and oh sooo true!! Your cartoon also got a laugh outta me! :-) Happy TT
That is an outstanding list and well written....please no TAGS, awards, I never turn those down, I am a bling gal...not.
I've posted a picture of my tea kettle on this blog, but the cat pictures are on a different one. :)
I actually *do* get paid to blog, but that is only because I blog as part of my job.
Happy TT!
LOL These are funny!
Haha! Love your list. Some of us bloggers are definitely peculiar critters. I thought I'd already visited you and commented - but I was wrong!
In response to what you asked on my blog, re: domains and paid hosting - it would basically offer me greater flexibility. I could have more than just a blog on my webspace - I could run a blog and small website side by side. Also, this PayPerPost thing I've just signed up for - most of the opportunities aren't available to bloggers who use free blogging platforms. So that's another blogging eccentricity for you - blogger hierarchy. I guess I just want more flexibility in what I do online. Anyway, I'll shut up now! Happy TT!
I just may blog about "Who's Your favorite bloggers?". You will be on it.
This is a great list. And yes, we tend to tell others about our lives. It's like a diary that we don't mind sharing with the world.
Man, that just seems wrong.
Wow! I really agree with all of this. Gattina loves her cats. Sandee is funny. I'll have to read Ian's blog since he's a good writer. I've only received one award, but that's okay with me. I spend WAY too much time blogging, but I love it! Great T13!
That's the best TT I have read so far and very true ! You spoke out of my heart ! (Thanks for mentioning me, lol but that is not the reason I appreciated your post !) I especially "like" Breastfeeding and Religious blogs, lol !
Siani, thanks for answering my questions...:)
That was simply fabulous. This is such a wonderful time to be alive and part of this community. Thanks for tying it up in such a nice package with this. Me likey.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to comment. I really love being a part of this community as I'm sure all of you do. This is becoming an important part of my life. :)
Sorry I hadn't commented earlier - I read the post and had my arms full of cat and meant to come back, and well thanks for the reminder!
How's that for a run-on sentence?
Anyway = thanks for including me & The Wren's Nest in your fun post!
That was really cool.
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