Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

Red poppy for Ruby Tuesday

Please forgive the delay in posting Ruby Tuesday this week.


☺lani☺ said...


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Whew! I'm glad you're all right, Mary! I was beginning to worry. I see, however, that Mr. Linky has decided not to make an appearance, so here's the link to my Teleferico

Mika said...

That is a cute little thing! :)

Here is my entry

forgetmenot said...

Things don't always go as planned. I like the "Ruby" Ruby Tuesday as well as the red shoes- both "eye catching". I went ahead and posted a Ruby Tuesday post on my blog, so come on over everybody and take a look. Mickie :) And, red poppies are always perfect.

Felisol said...

Dear Teach Mary,
what a relief that you found time to post
Ruby Tuesday this week too. I love the cute, optimistic poppy, a symbol of hope and victory.

lina@women's perspectives said...

Cute red stuff :)


Carletta said...

That little poppy reminds me of my grandpa and veteran's day.
Was worried something might be wrong so it's good to see this post. :)
No linky but my post is on my Round The Bend blog. Clicking my name should take anyone straight to the post.

Marites said...

it does give accent to the dashboard. Mine is up!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Glad everything's OK.Great red pic!
Eclectic Reds

Cildemer said...

very cute!
Thanks for sharing;o)
Here is mine:

Have a nice and happy RT****

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the isolated colour of the poppy! Beautiful atmosphere in this photo!

Here is mine:
Strange Boat Emblem

EJ said...

Tiny but pretty.


Sue H said...

My first entry on your Ruby Tuesday list! Such fun photos.

Francisca said...

That's a cheery little red flower in your car, Mary. I don't see a Linky tool, but here is my Ruby Tuesday.

annies home said...

is there still a link up here? I shared at http://shopannies.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-kind-of-bird-is-this.html


carol l mckenna said...

Neat photo! Love those poppies the veterans put out ~ Creative photo ~ Carol (A Creative Harbor)

BearBoy said...

Awesome shot!
No linky here, so here is my photo!


Ruth said...

That's a cute little red flower!

My entry:

Cacai M. said...

pretty cute little thing! Thanks for sharing! Here's mine: http://www.cacai-m-place.net/2011/08/ruby-tuesday-rambutan-fruit.html

Anyway, no linky eh? :-) Have a great Tuesday! ~hugs&kisses~

Kramer said...


Have a happy, ruby Tuesday....

Sasha said...

Glad you're okay! Come visit me here to see my entry :)

Kim, USA said...

That is pretty cool!!


Fifi said...

Here is my entry ;)

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Kooki said...


Come join me here!

Books Blanket Coffee said...

Some things that make me smile!

I am so glad you are okay, Mary :)

Adie said...


This here is my entry ;)

Bookworm said...

Come see my book clock!

Faye said...

Ooh red poppy, love it! ;)

Come with me to the park!

Bebe said...

Join me on the road...

Morgan said...

Be with me on my rest day, will you?

Vi said...

Come see my my mini postcard set!

Have a great day everyone! ;)

Fifi said...

I love red flowers, that is cute!

Mine is here

Alicia said...

Be creative! That's one of my goals in life.

Come see my entry ;)

Happy Wednesday! And here's hoping everyone's safe and sound wherever you may be.

anne said...

Lovely Mine is here Anne’s Sweet Life

Schotzy said...

Nice Ruby red post today
and hope you'll visit m, too! Just click my name to visit me!

Pooch said...

A lovely reminder of those you have served, inluding my father.



Dorincard said...

Nice flower...Life is hectic...:)

Maria's Space said...

Sweet. I remember my dad had a collection of them in his car.

Rinkly Rimes said...

As usual I posted a 'ruby' and then forget to send you the URL! Still, better late than never!

JunieRose2005 said...

Very nice Ruby Tuesday!

I have a post up too!


Cheryl said...

Issues with Blogger this morning...Love your red poppy photo.

caloy said...

hi, im planning to join the Ruby Tuesday next week.. i have already added your badge to my blog so I won't forget :-)

reyapot said...

hello.. visiting u here..

Forty Pound Sack said...

So cute - made me laugh ~