Monday, January 10, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

My nephew took this photo on vacation.  A marvelous combination of REDs and black.Looks like a Spanish town to me... Any one know what town this is?


Halie said...

What lovely arches! I love the contrast of black on red.

cindy said...

beautiful place and brilliant colors too. happy ruby tuesday!

Felisol said...

Stunning red color.
I have no idea about the town or the country.
Mexico or Spain?
Had the walls been white, I'd go for Greece.

Gizelle said...

It's too dark to be Venice...Morocco perhaps?

Unknown said...

i love the light and shadows and the red walls. is this in Mexico?

Robin said...

It's beautiful, wherever it is.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Ingrid said...

It's surprising that it is so red, but otherwise it's impossible to say where it is, because all these little towns look the same, lol !

Kramer said...

My guess is Northeern New Meico.... But not Taos or Santa Fe....

Liz said...

Great capture. Happy RT.

Cafe au lait - LTS said...

It's literally painting the town red. ;)

Kim, USA said...

Happy Ruby Red Tuesday!

Maria @ LSS said...

Your nephew captured it well. Happy RT.

Lui said...

That was a pretty scene indeed. But didn't your nephew tell you? I wish he would so we would all know. ;-)

Lui said...

Btw, the rock band sounds like FUN! I'll try it someday! Thanks Mary!

Mary Lou said...

What a beautiful shot, wherever it is! Perfect for Ruby Tues.
thanks for hosting. I enjoy it so much.

Cildemer said...

Beautiful pic! The red is so vivid!
Don't know what town this is;o)

Have a happy RT****

Maude Lynn said...

That's a gorgeous picture!

toby said...

I have no idea where that is, but it certainly looks amazing! Very nice that your nephew thought of you when he saw it :)
Happy Tuesday!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

No clue what town, but I love the angles and shadows

Unknown said...

Beautiful photo. Could it be somewhere in California?

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful shot, the arches are lovely. I take a guess and say a town in Mexico.

Karen Coutu said...

What a wonderful photo! You hardly ever see that shade of red around here.

Unknown said...

Interesting place

Verna Luga said...

beautiful place.... color is so rich. Happy tuesday.

Hooked on Memes said...

The bits of bright blue among the red is fabulous! Happy Ruby Tuesday.

DrillerAA said...

This is a stunning capture indeed.

EG CameraGirl said...

Love the photo but I have no idea what town it is!

Tink *~*~* said...

I don't know the name of the town, but I love the mission bell in the "tower" thingie. Happy New Year and Happy Tuesday :)


Unknown said...

It does look Spanish. Do we get a clue? The colors are awesome, so vivid.

lina@women's perspectives said...

Very lovely place. Please tell us the place :)

Anonymous said...

looks like a spanish pueblo:))) love the rustic color of the walls.

Rubie Lee said...

here is mine,,,,happy tuesday

wow so wonderful photos out there.

Cacai M. said...

Oops I do not know what town is that but for sure, it is pretty REDS! I love it!

Here's my RT:

Paz said...

marvelous combination of reds, indeed. this is picture perfect.


Mom's Place said...

Somewhere in Europe, I guess lol.

Happy Ruby Tuesday.

Mona said...

indeed beautiful, nice one!

genny said...

nice picture, so red. mine is up! happy ruby tuesday!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What a gorgeous shot!
Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Roan said...

It's a place I would enjoy visiting, but have no idea where it is. I'm guessing New Mexico, though. Wonderful shot.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I always find it interesting wht everyone chooses to share. Thank you for hosting.

Greensboro Daily Photo said...

I have a WILD Ruby Tuesday photo today. Getting in Valentines Day mode!

Thanks for manning this meme. I see you've generated lots of comments. That is a stunning red that you offer us today.

Mimi said...

It is just beautiful, Mary.
I can also see a beautiful, clear, vivid blue sky!
Love the russet tones in the buildings!
My RT is up too. See you got quite a few this week! Must be we all need some Ruby in our lives to cheer up our January!

Jan Halvard said...

Happy New Year!

Jan Halvard,

srp said...

Wow! I am late today! What a BEAUTIFUL set of arches... It would be wonderful to know where this is!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Stunning Pic ! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Mona said...

nice place, happy ruby tuesday!

Desert Songbird said...

It is indeed a beautiful contrast of light and bright and shadow. I'm guessing, without knowing the answer, that it's in New Mexico somewhere.