Monday, December 13, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Here is my most favorite shot of Santa Claus. I took this shot at the Atlas Mall in Glendale, NY last year. 
What have you got for Ruby Tuesday?


EG CameraGirl said...

Santa looks like a jolly fellow!

My Ruby Tuesday post is at
Tastefully Decorated

Lola said...

Like the Santa but can’t see the RT link!
btw Here’s mine (and more Santas!

EG CameraGirl said...

OK, it didn't work, so it's here:

Kramer said...

Love the santa, here's my Red Elvises:

lina@women's perspectives said...

He has a friendly face :)

Dimple said...

This Santa looks like a merry fellow, and no fake beard, either!

My Ruby Tuesday:

☺lani☺ said...

Hello Santa! I have here red bus

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hi Santa, nice shot Mary!

My Ruby Tuesday link.

Carolyn Ford said...

My Ruby Tuesday link is here:

Carolyn Ford said...

...and, what a charming Santa you have found, Mary!

Kim, USA said...

Santa looks like he is not looking for naughty kids. He looks nice. ^_^ Mine is up!
First snow storm

Gattina said...

That's a real Santa face, lol !
No linky today ??

Anonymous said...

Ho ho is my link..

Ruby Tuesday Post

Unknown said...

I like you Santa..he has real beard.:p

Gizelle said...

I used to like the guy until I learned he aint real (lol). lovely portrait!

My Ruby Tuesday entry, here.

Liz said...

Great shot!

My Ruby link.

Maria @ LSS said...

Hello Santa!

Anonymous said...

It's a good one :)

bj said...

I love that photo, too. :)

No Linky so will come back a little later.

Thanks, Mary, for being such a fine host. I love that you put your meme up the day before. It works so good for us.
xo bj

anemonen said...

That´s a lovely Santa. Hope I got visit from such a lovely Santa.

Terry said...

hi mary!..thought i would come earlier this time.
that sure is one plump santa clause!
but i think he shouldn't be trusted.
he's gone and swiped mr. linky!!
ho ho ho happy merry ruby tuesday dear terry

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Here is my link: Thank you for the Santa. I'll drop by later to see if the Mr Linky is up.

OK obviously I don't know how to post a link in a comment -- I'll definitely try again later ;>)

Unknown said...

Great shot of Santa. Have a nice day.

My Ruby Post

Gemma Wiseman said...

I adore this Santa face! Gorgeous expression with that wide eyed look!

Teresa said...

He is an awesome santa and what a great picture that is. exactly how i picture the jolly ole guy.

nonizamboni said...

Oh, he's the man of my dreams. And he's so photogenic too.

Felisol said...

A great, grandpa lookalike Santa, such a kind and good looking guy.
I'd totally confide all my wishes to him.
...And expect an answer.

Carletta said...

He looks straight out of Miracle on 34th Street.
He looks like a super Santa!

I've been away for awhile but it's nice to join back in this week.

Karen Coutu said...

What a great Santa! Very believable!! :D

Unknown said...

Mr. Linky is not wanting to accept my signature. Will try again later!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your Santa certainly looks cheerful. I hope you'll stop by and take a look at my giveaway for artisan freetrade items from Novica.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I'm back again. My entry is not being displayed by Mr. Linky. I'm # 30. Help!

Jan n Jer said...

Now he looks like the real Santa!

DrillerAA said...

Santa is just wonderful, he must be the REAL Santa.

Anonymous said...

could he visit us here? :)my youngest kid hoped to see santa this year..."i'm a good kid, mom" says she:)))

Marice said...

how cute!!!!

Melissa B. said...

Ho, ho, ho! He's a jolly old elf. Super snap!!

MOO said...

Oh, he's a good one...great capture!

Jeri ~ said...

Santa sure is a handsome fellow! And I'm not just saying that to make the nice list!!!

Lesa said...

That is one of the best Santas I've ever seen!

Kero said...

charming, friendly face Ho Ho Ho!

My entry is horse racing. click here

Angie said...

So that's where he is..... thought he went fishing!

Unknown said...

Is it a real Santa? .. kidding, lol
He is really looks like Santa.


Becky said...

I love pictures of Santa. This guy looks so kind and gentle.

Dianne said...

he has a wonderful face

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Now that is one fabulous Santa. I love him. Here it's just been so incredibly rainy I had to post a sunshiny flower from the archives:

Clarissa said...

Cutie Santa!Looks so merry fellow^_^

Anonymous said...

Such a happy friendly looking Santa. Perfect for Ruby Tuesday. Charmaine

jijie said...

I'm a new Follower and My sister recommend this MEME.
newest follower , follow me back

genny said...

nice shot of Santa!
mine is up,happy RT! cheers!

Eliz Frank said...

Thanks for hosting this hop. Happy Holidays!

Usba said...

Merry Christmas, Santa:)

anne said...

Santa Claus indeed is perfect for your Ruby Tuesday

Anonymous said...

We all like a smiling Santa ;-)

...there are problems with showing my name at your list :(

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I can see why it's your favorite. It's fantastic.

Kelli said...

that is a beautiful shot!

Kerri Farley said...

My apologies Mary.... I didn't "show" up on the list - so I posted again. Now there are two "blanks" at 84 and 85 - that are supposed to be me.... sorry about that!

Love your Santa shot!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

A handsome Santa and one of the best photos I've seen! What was he doing out of the North Pole so close to
Christmas? I hope he got back there in time to finish up all the toy orders!!!
Happy Ruby Tuesday!

toby said...

Amazing - he looks perfect! You couldn't have drawn him better :)

Auntie E said...

Very nice Santa indeed.
Festive Trees

Empty Nester said...

Ah, you discovered the real deal Santa!

Hooked on Memes said...

Your Santa really looks like Kris Kringle!

Hootin Anni said...

Mary....I forgot when I was here earlier to leave my link for R T....but, I wanted to invite you and ALL to come over and click on the link to my Christmas Day Giveaway and enter for a chance to win my gift.

You'll find the link with the top button "Hootin' Anni's Giveaway" [santa]

Holly said...

Santa pix are perfect!! ;D

Cildemer said...

Wow! Perfect shot! And this Santa looks a nice fellow!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice day****

♥ Kathy said...

Ho, Ho, Ho Mary!! I love it!

Shahz said...

Santa did come to the town... oh... mall!! heheh happy RT....Advance merry Christmas....:-)

Jew Wishes said...

What a nice capture of the jolly one.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I have been very remiss doing Ruby Tuesdays...sorry..Hope you and Vinny have a wonderful holiday Merry Christmas

Lui said...

I got the big red fellow too, Mary. But only his RED stuff! And mine is furry with four legs. ;-)

Joanna said...

Yes it's a great Santa although Lui's dog comes a close second.

Kranky Granny said...

Love it when the Malls hire a Santa with a real beard. But, I was shocked when I learned what they get paid.

We have a natural Santa that lives in our town and he does not shave for six months each year so that he has the right length beard. He only works from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve and lives in his RV parked at whatever Mall hires him that year. It is long hours and works every day but he makes enough for them to live nicely the rest of the year. They usually head out before New Years in the RV for someplace warm on a long vacation.

But, he does not like to reminded the rest of the year that he looks like Santa. In fact he gets kind of testy if anyone even mentions Christmas.

Paz said...

Lovely photo of Santa!


Sandy Trefger said...

Your Santa photo is beautiful!