Monday, October 18, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Today's Ruby Tuesday!

Here's my design for my first three-letter word refrigerator magnet. I've chosen some 3-letter words to add to each design: fly, ask, hug, hum, see, try, etc. Go to my Etsy to see the finished product.

And here're my Santa Claus magnets. They're at Etsy too!


Lola said...

Love all those magnets!


Andree said...

I looked at your Etsy and I'm in awe. What a lovely creation you have made. The magnets are outstanding.

☺lani☺ said...

Great! Happy Week!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love those Santas Mary!

Maharlikah said...

Santa is coming :-)

Coffeeveggie addict. said...


Patti said...

I also love those magnets, Mary.

the 3-letter word idea is creative!

EG CameraGirl said...

How clever, Mary!

Marites said...

aw..those magnets are so cute! Love them! My RT entry is up now:)

Liz said...

Beautiful!!! Happy RT.

My Ruby Links:
Moms... Check Nyo

Cafe au lait said...

Happy RT Mary!

Mine are here and here.

Maria @ LSS said...

Cute magnets!

Anonymous said...

Those magnets are very cool, and VERY rubylicious!

My RT post is up here.

Gattina said...

Cute magnets. It's so funny to see a Father Christmas while I am on holidays in Egypt in over 100 °, lol !

Maude Lynn said...

How cute!

Anonymous said...

How nice my friend :)

Auntie E said...

Oh how cute love the red heart.

Felisol said...

As much as blogging has become a part of my daily routines and joys, and my blog friends are an immense source of inspiration, spiritual fellowship and interpersonal love and understanding, I have to put myself on sick leave for a while.
I've had as a principle that I at least should answer and keep in touch with the ones that bothered to visit and comment on my blog.
Lately I haven't been able to do that, and that makes me feel so shameful.
I have been struggling with this chronic fatigue syndrome for two decades, lots of broken bones due to osteoporosis, arthritis and now also gastritis.
I am blessed to live in Norway. I have appointment with our family doctor once a month, physiotherapist once a week, and I go hiking and swimming also a least once a week to keep this old machinery running.
I have family, a few, but dear friends and best of all husband Gunnar and Serina who care about me, and vice versa.
Thanks to Teach Mary and Gunnar I also have reached a new level of enjoying photographing.
To me blogging has been about sharing, preferably of the good things in life. Thinking about my blog friends make me feel rich, happy and conscious about values and interests beyond my own sphere.
I will in random order thank Terry, Amrita, Mrs. Mac, Saija, Lidj, Crown of Beauty, Trish, Debbie, Sonja, John C, Jim, Teach Mary, Leora, Robin from Israel, Pilgrim father David, Annie, Julie LBM, Constance, Pat, Diane, Cheryl, Deb, Maria Stahl, The Montreal Sisters, Colleen, Kris, E G Wow (who taught me to enlarge photos), Carletta, ilandavita, Nora Johnsen, reg,
Ralph and Patti and Raven. You have all put so much wisdom into my life, broadened my horizon and opened my heart.
I will be back. I simply cannot be without you.Please bear over with me and say a prayer if you feel like.

Gemma Wiseman said...

A great collection of happy magnets! That little bird is exquisite!

Livsnjutaren said...

Santa ruby ,like coca cola ruby;)

bj said...

What adorable magnets. I didn't realize you have an Etsy. I will add your shop to my list next time.:)
Thanks for hosting..

Karen Coutu said...

Your 3-letter word magnets sound so cool! Leave it to a teacher to come up with something so creative. :)

Misty DawnS said...

You're very creative! I'm going to have to go check out your store.

Grandmother Wren said...

A lovely etsy shop and a heartwarming Ruby Tuesday. Thank you!

viridian said...

I have visited you blog before, but this is my first time participating in Ruby Tuesday.

MOO said...

Quite cute! I should pick some of those Santa magnets up for my mama...BTW, launched a new blog this week, on all things "pie."

Power of Pie

Terry said...

hi teach mary...the looks of these scary pumpkins reminds me that halloween is on its way.
this year it is on a sunday and we usally go out but i have convinced bernie to stay home and give the kids treats at our door.
nothing worse i find is on a halloween when people lock their doors, turn out the lights and don't give the kiddies a treat and so this sunday i will go to church alone!!
have a wonderful ruby tuesday beloved teach and i hope you are all over your terry

Sandy said...

Cute birdie and love the magnets!

Sandy from the Heart of TExas

Becky said...

You are so creative Mary. Cool magnets!

ging said...

Ohh that's a cute magnets, I love that!

nuts said...

can't find the linky..
mine is here

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Wow, you've got me thinking. Wow is one. One is one. Gee . . . now is one. Gee is one! Now I can't stop!

How about luv?

Great idea, Mary.

genny said...

hi, i've seen your etsy and it is really nice. am here for my ruby tuesday entry. cheers!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

where has the year gone? Last night, we were in the church planning for our Christmas in the Park.

anne said...

This reminds me of my broken freezer crab magnet ouch! But your santa is such a beauty. Oh Christmas is fast approaching. Mine is up!

Linnea said...

You're so talented! I love them. They're darling...

Christina, Sweden said...

long time since i participated but this week it suited me and I got number 100 :-) anazing how popular this challenge is. Your ruby-collection is great!

Angie said...

HO,HO,HO all ready. Nice!!!

♥ Kathy said...

Those are really cute Mary! I like them! I can't believe I actually made it for RT this week lol and even though it's not even 8 a.m. here, I'm #108! Crazy. Just goes to show you how many people love red :)

Paz said...

I love your Etsy designs! ;-)


Helena said...

I checked out your Etsy store. You've got some real beauties there!

Jew Wishes said...

Love the magnets! Good luck with these.

Anonymous said...

Let's see. A comment. something meaningful, heartfelt and useful. Well, how about "Will love to seep into all the dry places we think we've made, in as many words and languages as there are, to wake us up to what we really are..." that should pretty much cover it.

Meikah said...

Hi, how's everybody?

I have not joined the meme for months now! Too bad eh? But am back and I'm glad to see all of you again.

Now spot the Ruby Tuesday in my post! :D

Carol said...

Stunning as usual.