Sunday, October 03, 2010

Memeless sunday

 I am going to follow suit and post a "Memeless Sunday" post for Gattina's new meme.

So what do you do for a "memeless" post? You just post anything you want!   Here is a photo I took yesterday at The Queens Botanical Garden.
A circular waterfall that uses rain water. We've had quite a bit of rain lately so when we visited garden this week this waterfall was in full flow. I sat next to it for awhile and just listened to the soothing sound of the water.


Ingrid said...

I had to look twice to see what it is. nice picture !
Thanks for joining a memeless meme which became a meme, lol ! thanks to you !

Jan said...

I love the sound of water, be it in a fountain, stream or the ocean waves. Very relaxing. Traditionally Tai Chi is done beside water, but I teach inside on a wooden floor, for stability, for the seniors.

Robin said...

What a gorgeous fountain, I love it.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Christine said...

That is a beautiful photo, Mary. And thanks for bringing Gattina's non-meme to our attention. Gotta love a meme, or non...

kelvin s.m. said...

...wonderful...d(^^)b... all seems a blessing...!!!;)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I'd love to listen to it, too.


Lui said...

Wow, I wonder if it has a small hole in the middle that drips and make sounds like the one they have in Japan that is perfect for meditation?