Saturday, June 05, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

Tracy of Hey Harriet is the lovely host of Shadow Shot Sunday.


A small white flower growing on the sand dunes as I walked out to the Fire Island Lighthouse. Might be thimbleweed...

Some nice shadows though...


Christine said...

It looks like the Thimbleberry that grows on the edge of our forests. Is it a berry? It's very pretty, regardless. :)

Mary Lou said...

IT has a perfect shadow. I'm going to check out the site tomorrow.

Eyad said...

nice i like it a lot
Eyad Allhainey Photography

Chubskulit Rose said...

Great shadow, the flower looks like a butterfly on a shadow.

Sylvia K said...

Such a lovely little flower and such a perfectly beautiful shadow. Wonderful capture, Mary! Hope you're enjoying a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

What a great delicate shadow. I love it :)

Ingrid said...

Very nice shadow ! I am a little behind my comments, but had a look through your last entries. I just came back from my round trip through Morocco and am still half there :) !

robin. said...

a very strong shadow that it produced. nice shot.

Mimi said...

It's quite pretty for a weed, isn't it?
Reminds me a bit of a strawberry flower.

Margaret Gosden said...

Yes, a delicate looking flower - well captured!