Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Yard Art on Thursday

Come and join our Yard Art on Thursday meme! All you have to do is photograph some yard or garden decorations you see in your neighborhood. Then post about it, link to my post, sign Mr. Linky and visit other participants.


A lot of work for a tiny stream of water... I love the waterside turtle!

This week I'll create another slideshow of your posts right here on my blog.


Anonymous said...

Me too love that honu :)

Mimi said...

Love the yard art, Mary.
I will post this week, but need first to take the pic, and it's dark outside, so tomorrow, ok?

ellen b said...

This is a calming one... Would be nice to see a little more gush! Boy did I come across some yard art today! I'll show that next week. Happy day to you Mary...

Carletta said...

I'd want to see a little more water; but it is a lovely arrangement!
Good to be back this week! :)

Jan said...

I'd like this in my yard.

Ingrid said...

The little turtle is really cute !

Gemma Wiseman said...

A most unusual find! Someone had a very creative idea!

JunieRose2005 said...

Love this one!

I also have a Yard Art up this time!

Come see! :)

Junie Rose

Patti said...

Creative yard decor. I like the turtle too!

I missed posting for Yard Art last week and I was sad. But I doth return.

EG CameraGirl said...

Sorry I missed Yard Art this week, MaryT. Blogger refused to upload my photos no matter what I did. Finally, Blogger fixed the problem so all is now well!

Tina said...

I have added Yard Art on Tuesday in my I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY roll..

will join this week.
