Friday, May 14, 2010

Maxine on Saturday

Maxine makes a compromise... LOL!

That helps get you through!

c John Wagner
Hallmark, Inc.


Anonymous said...

LOL I'm never going to forget this mooning now LOL She is the bomb :) Have a good weekend :)

Judi said...

LOL! I'd be happy with peace or quiet this weekend! I hope you have a good one.
My Maxine for this Saturday is about comfort:)

Rinkly Rimes said...

I hope Maxine 'lives' forever! She's such an inspiration!

Annesphamily said...

I have posted a great Maxine on illegal immigration. I know,I know, I am an awful radical kinda gal! So I hope I connected with the post ok.

Tussy said...

She looks very active :)

My Bangkok Through My Eyes
Thailand In Photo

Ingrid said...

She really is priceless. It's a pity that she is not known at all in Europe, maybe in the UK.

Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
Great Maxine! A little peace and quiet would be wonderful around here some days. Mine is posted. Have a great Quiet day!

A View of My Life