Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yard Art on Thursday

Okay here is my Yard Art on Thursday post this week.

You might ask, "What the heck is that?"

I think it might be a very fancy means of watering that beautiful green lawn. Attach the hose to the nozzle at the bottom and turn on the water. The water pressure turns the bronze apparatus which then spreads the water all around. I haven't seen it at work yet but I'm sure I'll catch it one of these days...

I'm eager to see what you've posted for Yard Art this week!

The tongue like a sharp knife... kills without drawing blood. ~Buddha


Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool. I'd like to see it in action myself.

ellen b said...

Well if that's a watering thingee then that really is cool! I'd love to see it in action...

Annesphamily said...

I would love to see that work! It must do a heck of a job because that lawn looks darn good! :)

Queen-Size funny bone said...

they are pretty but not practical

Ingrid said...

Funny thing, at least it looks quiet decorative and not like the normal once.

Gemma Wiseman said...

That's a novel idea! I imagine this would be the domestic version of water art!

♥ Kathy said...

I think it IS a sprinkler :) It's pretty too!

Patti said...

Yep, I think that's a sprinkler.

It's like a piece of artwork!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I haven't got any yard art yet...but I just love those red poppies! And, look at how green the grass is.

EG CameraGirl said...

It does look like a fancy-schmancy watering device. It's quite attractive!

lynda howells said...

As usual love your images.xx hope to see you on Ruby tuesday at my new blogsitex hope you are still wellxxlynda


hi everyone. I have decided to close this blog

and combine it with my daily blog, as l am getting so busy that l feel l am neglecting EVERYTHING!!!!
So my bog for myArt, my comps, exchanges, daily blog will be......

if you were a follower of this blog, could you please become a follower of this newe blog, so l can keep track of everyone still..pleasexx? thank youxx
Hope to see youat the new blog soonxx Please keep in touchx


Annie Jeffries said...

These are so fun. I've seen these operate. Kids loves to play in them too.

Robin said...

That is one very cool looking sprinkler. I bet on a sunny day it casts rainbows all over the yard.