Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Yard Art on Thursday

A little family of sheep. They all have bright green eyes.

Please sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment if you are participating... :)

Remember I'll add your yard art photos to the slideshow on my sidebar.


Anonymous said...

Very cute.

Rinkly Rimes said...

I particularly like your froggy 'thinkers'! Dreaming about flies, no doubt!

Mimi said...

They're very cute!

ellen b said...

Hi Mary!
I love the lambs!
I'll come back and look for Mr. Linky later..couldn't see him.

Ivanhoe said...

Oooh, do I detect a new meme? I like it. I also like your beaytiful poppies :o)

Putz said...

green eyes from, eating all that greeeeen graaaaas

Gemma Wiseman said...

Cute lambs! Odd seeing them one behind the other!
No Mr Linky appearing so I will be back later!

Carletta said...

Love them! Very cool just after Easter. :)
I'm really liking the things folks are finding. I'm getting so many ideas for my own yard.

Mr. Linky must be out looking for Yard Art huh! :)

Small Reflections said...

Adorable ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Small Reflections said...

Adorable ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

judi/Gmj said...

Are these the famous sheep of Mary had a little lamb?

Sweet little ba-bas.

Ingrid said...

Very cute, they even smile, lol
Mr. Linky is missing, is he on strike ?

Unknown said...

Linky's missing for me, too.

Here is my link:

I like those lambs. My post is the total antitheses of sweet lambs! ;-)

Patti said...

Ba-a-a-a-a ..

They are cute. When I got here Mr. Linky was working.

Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
Those sheep are beautiful. Love those green eyes. Make them look almost real. Mine is posted. Have a great day!

A View of My Life

Kranky Granny said...

Mary, I love your sheep. I almost posted a gaggle of geese this week, but, decided to save them for next week and posted some horse sculptures instead.

Thanks for hosting this meme. I truly enjoy the hunt for new things to post about.

Patty said...

Aww the sheep are so cute <3

Dorothy said...

Lovely, checking in to see how you are and wow green eyes...

Dorothy from grammology

concretenprimroses said...

I love the sheep. And the concrete edging in the background is pretty nice too.

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

Oh, the sheep family is precious!