Saturday, April 17, 2010

Maxine on Saturday

John Wagner
Hallmark, Inc.


Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
Cute Maxine! Mine is posted. Have a great day!

A View of My Life

Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
It's me again. Forget to tell you, I love your header picture. Very pretty.


Rinkly Rimes said...

And the creator looks quite normal! Here's mine......

Judi said...

Is it just me or do John and Maxine look alike?:)

Mine is posted:

Enjoy the weekend!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

love this one

Ingrid said...

I saw a woman in a restaurant in Brussels who looked exactly like Maxine. I took pictures and put it on my blog today. It's really unbelievable !

Anonymous said...


Barb said...

Oh, Maxine, what a naughty (and hilarious) thing to say!

Mimi said...

Very funny!
Maxine says the things that most of us think at one time or another!
Saw the Brussels Maxine- it is uncanny.
Happy weekend, Mary.

♥ Kathy said...

Bwahahahahahahaa Mary!!!! That was too great!!

Anonymous said...

"... pressing too hard on the pillow..." bwahahahahahahahahaha!

Good one...