Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said...

Just beautiful.

Michelle said...

What a beautiful shot. Don't they just have the most graceful necks?

Annesphamily said...

Mary you are so sweet posting my giveaway! I will have to give some extra entries to everyone who has helped me out! You are such a sweetheart! I hope your week is wonderful!

Robin said...

Great catch. Herons have the most impossibly long, thin necks, don't they?

Lola said...

What a magnificent creature!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.


Ingrid said...

What a proud looking bird !

Auntie E said...

Very nice. they just look so graceful to me. Happy WW, .

My WW link for you

christina said...

Beautiful shot! Thanks for visiting me!

Anonymous said...

So graceful, so elegant... Beautifully framed by the background and greenery.

Today's WW is designed to make you laugh even if you don't feel like laughing! Come visit, you'll be glad you did.

Patti said...

Cool capture of this heron, Mary.

Unknown said...

We went on an eco tour the other day and passed a rookery where there were some bbat great blue herons... they were just beautiful!


♥ Kathy said...

How pretty

Mimi said...

"I'm standing tall and proud".