My Ruby Tuesday post today shows my grand-nephew, Jarome, AGAIN (Please don't get bored!) with a little touch of RED in each photo.
This time we're at the park, it's sunny and 40 degrees F. His poor mom who's from Trinidad thought it was FREEZING! So while she bounced around shifting from foot to foot, Jarome and I (Vinny and daddy Carl were with us too) went on the slide and rode his tricycle, i.e. Jarome rode the tricycle and I ran after him!
So what have you got for Ruby Tuesday? A little RED, lotsa RED? Can't wait to see...

Mr. Linky's below, waiting for your signature. Leave a comment and visit your Ruby Tuesday friends, okay?
Jerome must be the happiest and luckiest little boy in New York.
He's smiling from ear to ear and his eyes are shining with joy.
The red scarf made his winter outfit perfect.
Mothers are supposed to be a little worried about their firstborns.
That's the way they learn.
I bet Jerome was all sweaty when he came home from his tour in the park.
I so feel with Jerome's mother; cold and hunger are the worst enemies of a mother. Must be reminisces from darker ages.
From Felisol
What a happy child..Jarome doesn't seem to mind the cold at all lol!
I was cold, but mom being from Trinidad had to be freezing - living so close to the equator with sunny skies and warm temps...
Jerome is cute, but give a kid his own set of wheels. And in ruby? Of course you had to give chase, he wouldn't want to stop on your terms - what kid would??
Jarome's a QT for sure! How could we EVER get tired of that delightfully happy kiddo?
Hugs and blessings,
I have to smile Mary - I posted one of my Granddaughters AGAIN!
Jerome always has a bright smile on his face. He looks to enjoy life - so sweet and wonderful.
A big wheel! My kids loved theirs and still grown as they are they talk about riding them round and round.
Looks like Jarome found his own super highway to tool around on. :)
When I clicked back I realized I forgot to add that I lOVE your new header!
What a sweet child, Mary. How are you feeling?
I'm with Jerome's mom - 40F IS freezing! He sure doesn't seem to mind it though, what a cutie.
Jarome looks so happy and handsome!
Thanks for visiting my Lola Lifeline post - glad you enjoyed it! Incidentally, the bichon with attitude is Tamara!!
I really love Ruby Tuesday - such fun!
Have a great week,
Lola & Nora:)
Jerome is a happy and lucky child and he looks so sweet with his red scarf.
He's a happy little guy! The cold doesn't seem to be bothering him one bit. How about you?
Happy Ruby Tuesday, Mary. Thank you for posting (again!). :)
BTW, my son-in-law is from Trinidad.
Man, I wish I was that little again. I wanna go down the slide too! :)
Tink *~*~*
Jarome is clearly having so much fun he isn't thinking about the cold! Looks like you had a fun day too.
I won't get tired of seeing pix of him. ;-)
How could I EVER get bored with Jarome! What a cutie!
He's still adorable - I don't think you need to worry about anyone getting bored - not over here, at least :)
And by the way, I love your new banner photo - how cheerful and colorful! Have a great week!
He doesn't look a bit cold! Won't be long before he's teasing his mom about her wimpy warm-blooded nature.
What fun! and probably better for your heart than any old angio-thingy.
Just simply adorable!!!! I so love viewing family members that are so cute like Jarome
My R T is posted early on Monday afternoon...hehehehehe
HERE You'll need to scroll down a bit below my Tuesday's Heads or Tails meme.
How could we get bored? He is far too cute. ;) Happy Ruby Tuesday. :)
Coming from another tropical country, i'd feel the same as your grandnephew's mom:D Jerome's really a cutie:) have a good week, everyone!
Bored with such a cute little child to photograph? Never. Awesome photo. :)
Mary! Love the new look of your blog!! I'm never bored visiting here. :)
Aw, what a sweet little thing he is! Looks like he's having lots of fun, too! Also, I like your new design here. :)
No way we'll get bored with Jerome's smile every time we see his contagious smile :)
Happy RT Mary!
I agree with storyteller..... We could never get tired of seeing a smiling beautiful face of a lovely little boy!
I think the red of the scarf makes his eyes sparkle more! Enjoy his visit...
O, we would never get tired of seeing photos of this cutie...
Thanks so much for hosting this beautiful RED day...
He'll keep you young, Mary. How could anybody be bored with him? What a sweetheart!
I will never get bored looking at precious kid's photos esp if as handsome as him.
My Ruby Tuesday
How could anyone get bored with a cutie like that...Michelle
He is one handsome boy! I just found out we are going to be grandparents~ first time! I can't believe how excited I am about it. Can't wait! July seems soooo far away.
For a handsome boy like him, no one will get bored.
Cleveland Airport
Great pictures!! I love your model.
A cutie patootie! I'm not surprised his poor mom was freezing. ;-)
Love the touch of red in your photos!
I love seeing Jarome! He makes me smile
I remember your header as a photo from a while back, am I correct?
it's really beautiful
What a little doll! I know you'll never get tired of him just maybe tired from him *wink* Love the header Mary very creative!
Love your little guy and his bits of red!
I have one of my 'Alli' this time!
It's 84degrees Fahrenheit here, like Jerome's mother I too think it's freezing at 40 d! lol
Mary - I don't think anyone could ever get tired of that cutie.
I love the wonderful color of the syrup bottles on your header.
Thanks again for hosting this meme -- I am having so much fun with it.
Jarome looks like such a fun-loving character! The look on his face in the first photo is of pure joy! Wonderful!
Very cute, but I would have preferred that you are sitting on the bicycle, lol !
What a sweet little guy.
He is such an adorable and happy child. Happy RT!
such a happy kid!
How could we get bored with such a cutie-pie
Hey, 40 degrees is a heat wave up in Northeast Wisconsin! Love the captures...
The Softer Side of Sears?
he is such a cutie, he look good with the red, and I noticed he like to wear red scarf too.
Your little guy is adorable - your photos wonderful - almost feel like I'm there enjoying it with you.
What a great memory shot. Love the red accents. Oh yes one can feel cold in what we feel is warm weather. My dad is always cold when he visit here in the fall and winter. The weather is so mild where he is compared to here.
Your nephew is a darling child! Thanks for sharing his adorable smile!!!
Great pics of Jarome! Love how the red is just an accent piece in each one!
And yes, I bet his mum was freezing her tropical tookus off! :)
When I passed the crazy goat statue on my way to the post office here in town the other day, I noticed someone had be-decked the bronze livestock with red scarves, so went back and got my camera. This is one sculpture you have to see to believe!
It actually has a 'message' by the sculptor, and its message strangely fits for today - my first day as a grad student!
Have a great Ruby Tuesday.
Mo from
It's A Blog Eat Blog World
I don't think he feels the cold, look at that cute little happy face!
I accidentally signed up twice as number 101 and 102. Sorry! Could you remove one?
I've see my friends do Ruby Tuesday for about a year and finally decided to try it out.
Who ate the cupcake? The bottles are beautiful!
Funny that in winter 40 degrees is great weather for outside activity! He is adorable!
My Ruby Tuesday
hmmmm... you said it was freezing cold, but Jarome didn't seem bothered with it. :)
I have lots of red because we are going to celebrate Chinese New Year!
Kids are so great for RT...they always seem to have some red going on around them. Fun photos.
In the park on a RED scooter...WOO-HOO!
Enjoy the sunshine ;-)
Beautiful playtime captures of a real cutie! That red scarf really makes that photo pop!
And, by the way...I love your new header! How colorful and whimsical that is!
Lucky Jerome! Normally I'd say that the red makes the shot, but not that top photo. Wonderful.
His mom needs to do more than hop around to be warm. Go walk up a hill or run after the bike; that'll do it.
Very cute little tyke on his tyke
awww what a cutie!
Oh, he is so cute. But 40f degrees is about.. plus 5 so Yes, It can be cold if it is windy. We have about 22-24f degrees now, that is about minus 5,3 degrees here.
But bored? is that possible? I don´t think so :)
Have a good day
A cute boy & he's having a ball !
How could we ever be bored with that adorable face. I love that smile, that joyous expression.
The photo with the bike is a real classic.
I have a lovely hand-crafted sparkly red beaded wind chime featured on my
Purrchance To Dream Ruby Tuesday post today!
Mary, he is just gorgeous! And obviously likes a bit of speed too!
Lovely RT post.
Mine's just up now- bit late!
dear mary t...how could we ever get bored looking at this little darling?
i have just now have had the time to come down..it has been one busy week, so far!
his poor mama, eh, freezing like that and you guys playing in the "warm" weather.
well, i remember a few years back when betty and i went on a bus trip to north carolina in september, that the bus stopped at the ocean..the first time i had ever seen the ocean...most of the passengers wanted to go shopping.
shopping? ha..betty and i and one elderly lady of 80 wanted to jump into the ocean. now usually i am afraid of large bodies of water but betty was with me and in we went, dresses and all!. the weather was just under 60 degrees and those americans that were strolling along the shore, just rolled their eyes when they saw us and i am sure they were thinking, "oh those crazy canadians."..ha!!!!
have a very happy ruby tuesday...love terry
He had so much fun.
Wonderful post.
What a cutie he is! Looks like he's having lots of fun. :)
How could we be bored - that boy is so dang CUTE!
Jarome is going to whip Grand aunty ship shape with all this running around. I bet there is plenty of laughter.
P/s post more Jarome's photos, he is very very cute.
Yeah, 40 degrees F is no picnic for us, warm-blooded people ;-)
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