Saturday, January 09, 2010

Maxine on Saturday

© John Wagner
Hallmark, Inc.

Hi my friends! I just bought myself a MAXINE calendar for 2010! And it ocurred to me that there are an awful LOT of MAXINE cartoons. They are on the Internet, on cards and in books.

She's a fiesty old girl and I think she'd LOVE having this (and your) special place on Saturdays. What do you think?

So would you like to post a MAXINE cartoon on Saturday with me each week? The only thing I ask is that you link back to me in your post.

**Don't forget to give credit to both the cartoonist, John Wagner, and Hallmark, Inc.

See how I did it above.

If you do want to join me, great! Just grab a cartoon from the web or scan it in and post it on your blog on Saturday.

I'll put up a Mr. Linky and you can sign in and leave a comment as is the custom with all blog memes...

Keep in mind you can use the Mr. Linky widget. Just go to Mr. Linky, click on widget, click Blogger (if you are a Blogger user), click on the original Auto-linkies, select a meme by clicking on "Maxine on Saturday", then generate the code. If you have trouble let me know and I'll see if I can step you through it in an e-mail.

OR just click on the "Get code" below and see if that works...

Before I leave you I have a question to ask you about Maxine:
She's always got a pooch with her, what's his name?


Mary Bergfeld said...

That is one wonderful cartoon! I love it. I know a Maxine or two, but then don't we all :-).

Rinkly Rimes said...

Thank you for a great idea! I'll be following regularly if it continues!

Kranky Granny said...

Wow! One of my favorite ladies. I have been saving Maxine items for years.

Will do my best to join in each week. Can't wait to see what shows up to add to my collection.

Queen-Size funny bone said...


CrAzY Working Mom said...

I ♥ Maxine! She's my kinda gal. :)

Auntie E said...

Great idea, weekend are always slow and I love the humor aspect. Mine will be up on Saturday. I will link then.(on my living healthy blog).
Let's see could it be Floyd?

Judi said...

That's a great idea. Count me in. The dog? I didn't know the dog had a name:)

SandyCarlson said...

I'm in! Happy New Year, Mary!

♥ Kathy said...

Oh how funny! I just totally posted a Maxine picture!! HA! Great minds think alike ;) I'm linking my post in with you Mary and please come link yours in with me!! Happy Saturday ♥

♥ Kathy said...

Oh yeah, link it in HERE please!

Judi said...

My post is up
<a href="></a>

Durward Discussion said...

Missing it for this week as I wanted my "Take This Tune" to run all weekend so people have time to enjoy all the links. Maxine is great and I'll jump in next week.

Putz said...

as long as you are always with maxine when you have a picture, oh nuts you know what i wish, right????

Ingrid said...

That's a great idea, that's one of the best cartoons I know ! I will try to participate but I am not sure if I find enough cartoons, not that we all have the same. said...

It can't really have success, I feel so.