I love this photograph for Looking at the Sky on Friday. Ya want to know why? Cuz the subject is looking at the sky and the sky is such a beautiful blue.
Tisha, our Crazy Working Mom is the host of LATSOF.
Go visit her for other participants in this great meme.
I love it too Mary!
Mary - A wonderful composition. The angel is very special and the sky so BLUE!
just gorgeuos
double use ! lol !
This may be an angel, looking above at the blue heavens. The beauty of a cloudless blue sky can never be overstated!
Wow...that is a crisp blue sky indeed...
I knew why. ;-)
This angel is looking up at a beautiful blue sky.
What a beautiful statue. It is just perfect for your post and I can see why you love it!
It really is the perfect photo for this meme. The sky is an amazing shade of blue. ~ Calico Contemplations
Lovely photo, Mary, at (nearly) the beginning of spring.
I'd look up too if that sky was above me!
i like it too mary t..the subject is looking right up through the blue sky and staring staight into the face of god.
blue is my favourite colour and my now next favourite colour beloved teach is red!!haha...love terry
Beautiful, Mary! You have such a talented eye. What a brilliant idea. Thanks so much for your support in LATSOF!
Happy Weekend!
It's just perfect for the theme. A great shot!
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