It's Ruby Tuesday again, folks!
The department store wasn't very busy when I went to shop.
Here are two shots I got before the store detective wondered what I was doing.
I'm eager to see what you have posted for Ruby Tuesday. Don't forget to sign Mr. Linky and to leave a comment as usual.
I thought you'd get a laugh at the cartoon below:

I can't decide if the gift-wrapped mannequin is elegant or kinky looking.
Love the cartoon.
I'm laughing at what Robin said because I was thinking the same thing. LOL
Lol~ I'm laughing as well at Robin's 'Kinky' statement!! :P
Count me as number four agreeing with the kinky mannequin. However you look at it, it certainly does catch your eye, which is, I suppose the point of a mannequin :)
sorry, that should have been "agreeing ABOUT the kinky mannequin." Robin, I wasn't trying to call you kinky :)
Love the mannequin!!
What a clever display. I love it. And the cartoon was great :)
That is one showing outfit on the woman silhouette :)
no expense spared on the mannequin lol..love the cartoon btw
I don't know what all the fuss is about, I like that ensemble on the mannequin.
Perhaps I've said too much.
I LOVE your header
Store displays are often very interesting!
Great shots.
I posted a Chanukah edition of Ruby Tuesday on my blog.
Enjoy the holidays!
The mannequin looks so catchy and I love the cartoon too.
My Red Tuesday
Amazing that you managed to get these photos inside the store! The mannequin is certainly a talking point! Less is more?
Nice impulse purchase display. You should pick up Mickey here...clever marketing scheme!
"Here are two shots I got before the store detective wondered what I was doing." - And? This made me laugh. Wondering what he said and what you said. Love that mannequin.
I met my husband one christmas eve in a ribbon similiar
same thought with Robin :d the cartoon is really funny :D Happy RT!
I have to go back to Macy's now! Lorelei loves Mickey....I hope our store has these!
Dear teach Mary,
This will definitely not be my Christmas outfit.
I can only dream of time time I was that young and slim.
Even then I'd wear more than a ribbon for Christmas mass.
You have got a quick trigger finger to be able to catch Micey in the escalators.
I'd like a picture of you at work.
Perhaps your husband??
From Felisol
I immediately looked to see what Mojo had to say. He is always so eloquent in his statements here. :)
Robin just said what we were all thinking. :)
My Hubs happened to be looking over my shoulder when I was linking. I just told him - only in New York. ;)
Loved the cartoon Mary!
I won't be able to post next Tuesday so today is my Ruby Merry Christmas post.
Didn't they have time to dress the mannequin. It does look kinky.
Mary, thanks for hosting Ruby Tuesday. I hope you have a Happy Holiday season and a Merry Christmas.
As a country bumpkin, I find that little mannequin (and its overlooked pendant) to be sexy in a sense that I'm not used to seeing here in the Berkshires.
And that cartoon elicited a much needed guffaw from me!
Thanks, Teach!
Did you explain to the store detective that you were taking pix for your blog? for a Ruby Tuesday post?
Love the photos and the cute cartoon about Dorothy.
WOW! I was thinking of wrapping myself as a gift! This is great idea.
You Got A Posty
All Little Things I Like
Love that first display! Your blog looks so festive Mary!! :D
I think the mannequin is classy and well dressed! Of course, she has a Barbie figure . . .
Your photos didn't 'come up' but I loved the cartoon. Also I can't find Mr Linky! So here's my blog.....
I think I'd like to be a window dresser in my next life, if I'm creative enough. I just love that red ribbon display. Thanks for sharing it.
I've got a truly unusual plant for you today, if you have time to visit.
Nice pic! I have a window display too ;)
I'm thinking of wearing that ribbon creation for New Years. Oy!!
love the cartoon
Funny pictures Mary.
Thank you for doing this fun meme.
Merry Christmas!
That ribbon-wrapped mannequin is weirdly effective. I know what you mean about getting the photos quick before you're told to leave the store - or worse. I've got a 'store' post today as well.
Love your foto both the mannequin and cartoon!!
Another from me because your photos popped up at last, along with Mr Linky. I think the ribbon outfit is rather attractive, but only if one has the model's proportions and definitely not in winter!
Love the cartoon ... too funny! Fun to see your Rubies and to read everyone's comments too ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Wow Mary, you have outdone yourself. I love that ornament in your header, and I'm so glad you didn't get into any trouble in that store. LOL
That mennequin does make you look twice. I suppose that's the idea.
Those are so very wonderful. Who knew a mannequin and a ribbon could be so sexy?
Mary, I love your mannequin. You know red is very sexy to men. I couldn't see the kinks that Robin found. :-)
Cartoon is great!
I messed up and didn't sign into Mr. Linky when I posted this afternoon. Oh well, ...
Beautiful images and great cartoon. I love the simplicity of the mannequin's outfit.
hi mary t.
that nice red bulb and the sweet teddy bear that is dressed for the holidays reminds me of the old fashioned Christmases that mom and dad golden made for us nine kids!
i really like it!
i won't say merry christmas yet dear teach because i am sure that i will be here before the big day..
love terry
LOL! Yea... it's AMAZING how fast some of those stores send their "guy" out! I usually ASK anymore if it's okay for me to photograph this or that -- if I tell them I'm on a photo scavenger hunt, they usually oblige me! Sometimes they even go out of their way to set up a NICE shot for me! For real!
Sorry I linked twice but I had the wrong link the first time.
Love the first picture ! Here too I have to pay attention when I take pictures in a store, but usually it works !
Lol, the old lady looks funny !
Impressed you managed to get photos from inside a store. The mannequin is a bit of kinkyish but looks elagant at the same time. And the stuffed Mickey´s are just adorable.
I love the Rugby Slippers! How funny.
The kinky mannequin gives me an idea *ting*
I'm wrapping myself in red ribbons as a Christmas present to hubby. :P
I suppose I cannot post the photo of me dressed only in red ribbon for Ruby Tuesday. hahaha.....
I need to find time for RT again. I love the first shot of the 'naked' mannequin.
I saw the same Mickey's in OUR Macy's the other morning while walking the mall.
My R T is posted...it's all about Pecan Toffee Bark today. Come over and I'll share a piece with you...
Wow, shopping is the favorite word in this time of the year. I just becae your 200th follower.
Please check out For the love of Family
Oh my...you would have to be skinny and tall to carry off that first outfit!
Very unique!! I like it.
Shopping, shopping, shopping..
All along I thought I was following this blog already but I was wrong... Now I do.
My RT with Santa
Thanks for hosting another Ruby Tuesday! Love your shopping shots!
Whatever the mannequin is, I'll bet it got lots of attention, as it was meant to. Good marketing. Great shots. What did the detective say? And you to him? B : )
Good morning Mary, thanks for being our host for Ruby Tuesday..this mannequin is elegant with her red ribbon outfit...wishing you a fun filled day... hugs, Baba
awww i heart that heart bling! :)
u may view mine here
My first time joining Ruby Tuesday. What a wonderful theme. Thank you for hosting!
Your Ruby Pics are very festive &eye-catching !
Merry christmas !
so many holiday things and I really did like the cartoons. Hope you visit me today. Happy holidays Mary!
Nice pic.
Merry Christmas :)
I love the Display--what an EYE Catcher!!! The cartoon is also so cute! -Aubrey
Fun shopping with you!
I was once asked [and not in a nice way] to quit taking pics of the food bar at Whole Foods. :O/
LOL! I love Dorothy's slippers. Too funny. ;-)
What an interesting outfit. I guess the gal would love the necklace and the guy would love the outfit. ;-)
Paz (loving your blog's holiday look)
first time here,thanks for this wonderful meme
I'm gonna use that line...the next time someone stops me while on a photoshoot...
"I'm on a photo scavenger hunt"...you are one clever girl Mary!
What great photos, Mary! I like the contrasts of tones, and the contrasts of the actual photos, themselves. From mannequins to Mickey..such a unique mixture.
Good eyes on these!
Less is more but I don't understand why to but a mannequin with out a dress in window ???
And thanks for your comment in St. Lucia pic ! She is celebrated in Finland in Swedish speaking areas but not at all in other parts of Finland.
:) I like that mannequin! VERY elegent in a 'kinky' way! lol- does that make me kinky? Oh, my!!
I have mine up now!! (late as usual!)
I am so late today! I love the mannequin! Definitely fires up the imagination. :)
The cartoon is great too. :)
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Nothing but smiles for us this morning Mary. Funny, especially the ribbon wrapped mannequin. :-)
I've just posted my "frist ruby tuesday" post, sorry a bit late!! thanks for the opportunity!!!
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