Friday, November 06, 2009

Looking at the Sky on Friday

Tisha of Crazy Working Mom is the great host of this meme, called for short, LATSOF.

I have shown you my sky often. At top, looking west from the front of my house. And underneath the view from my side door looking West and showing the Empire State Building, NY.

This day the bright yellow and orange was gorgeous! Who needs to go to the Caribbean for incredible sunsets...

Yeah, I know there are no overhead cables and lightpoles blocking beautiful sunsets in the Caribbean! Oh well!


Miranda said...

Wow, gorgeous shots!

Robin said...

That is a stunning sky Mary, and to me, the black of the cables adds a nice contrast. Keeps it real if you will.

Rinkly Rimes said...

I'm sure the Caribbean has lots of wires and poles to. I couldn't believe the unsafe cables etc on display in Bangkok!

Loree said...

What a gorgeous sunset.

Margaret Gosden said...

Being a New York skywatcher myself, these photos capture an unusual rhythm. The trick is to make
the landscape as given work with the sunset and you have done it!

concretenprimroses said...


Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
Beautiful, Stunning, and Gorgeous! I have an award for you at my place, A View of My Life. Stop by and pick it up anytime. Have a great day!!

A View of My Life

Ingrid said...

Looks like a sky on fire !!

Calico Crazy said...

Just magical and perfect. I love the colored clouds in these.

Calico Contemplations

Terry said...

hi mary t.
funny thing is before you ever mentioned it, i never even noticed "the overhead cables and lightpoles" in this lovely new york sunset of yours.
how often beauty is found in our own back yard.
i always like this colour if a sunset sky because it tells us that we are going to have a nice next day!!
love terry

Maude Lynn said...

The colors in that first shot are just magnificent! Wow!

Unknown said...

the colors are amazing...don't mind the cables, they're an added interest.:p

Durward Discussion said...

But again, does the Caribbean have the Empire State Building? Beautiful sky shot.

Dianne said...

the color is so beautiful!!

Ralph said...

You have a nice view of 34th Street in Manhattan nicely. Given the size of this wonderful art-deco building, I can see where the term 'air rights' comes from. I haven't been in Whitestone, but I really like your neighborhood!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

"Help. the sky is burning, It is going to fall any moment, I must go and tell the king," shouts Chicken Licken.

Arlene said...

Gorgeous shots, Mary. I think it promises a sunny day the next day.

Happy weekend!

Desert Songbird said...

I love the texture of these photos - really lovely!