Monday, October 12, 2009

Ruby Tuesday Giveaway!

I fooled around with a photo today in my Adobe Photoshop 7 and got this photo to post for today's Ruby Tuesday:


This GIVEAWAY is in gracious appreciation of everybody's participation in Ruby Tuesday!

Here's what I'm giving away:

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much Blocks that you see below:

These are burgundy and ivory blocks featuring three favorite traditional sayings "Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often", sayings that we can treasure and live by.

They measure: "Live Well" - 4.5 x 1.5" x 1.25"; Love Much" - 4.75" x 1.5" 1.25" ; "Laugh Often" - 5.25" x 1.5" x 1.25"

This contest will end on Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at midnight DST.

One winner will be chosen randomly (probably using Mr. Linky numbers). Please make sure you come back on Wednesday to see who won the giveaway. If you are chosen the winner, you must respond within 48 hours with your snail mail address or an alternate winner will be chosen.

So post your Ruby Tuesday post (you must have posted for RT or you won't be eligible), sign Mr. Linky (that way you have a number for me to pick at random), and leave a comment.

And of course don't forget to visit your fellow RT bloggers!


Leora said...

What? Me? First on Ruby Tuesday?

I love the door behind the flower - it looks like the flower is a twin with the cutouts on the metal of the door. Kind of medieval looking, perhaps.

Ralph said...

The old (door, steps) have a well worn quality about them. Worn, but made of the substantial quality of a long gone day, but still working well today. The colorful flower is newer but as complex as the architecture that surrounds it. The mixture of green and ruby seem appropriate, reminding me that Christmas is a mere two months away...

toby said...

Gorgeous photo! I'm not sure which part was affected by photoshop, but the end result is very dramatic!

Kerri Farley said...

Love your pic!!

Patti said...

HI Mary,
That old door is way cool. And the flower is quite artsy.

Happy Ruby Tuesday.

EG CameraGirl said...

Nice work, Mary. The canna looks great in front of the door!

Carletta said...

Love it! Great tones!
I like how the canna mimics the flowers on the iron piece on the door.
Well done Mary!

Here's hoping my number is lucky! :)
I posted on my photoblog this week.

Loree said...

Stunning picture. I love the old door in the background.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Mary. :) Good luck to all your participants. :)

Maria's Space said...

Very nice! I love photo work.

Robin said...

I love the look and feel of this image Mary, and what a lovely giveaway too.

Happy Ruby Tuesday to you all.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the grainy appearance of the photo! The whole image suggests memories of old worlds, crumbling a little but still romantic and beautiful!

marian said...

love what you did to the photo.. it's GORGEOUS!! your giveaway blocks too..have a great RT :)

Reg Szikora said...

Hello Mary I am new to this site. thanx to Terry S.I really have enjoyed exploring it and looking at other people sites as well.
I hope I did thing right and sent pics for your Ruby Tuesday. I put Terry S.threw the ringer trying!!!!
reg zikora

Mimi said...

I'm impressed with your photoshop skill!
Delighted to be in the Giveaway!
Happy RT.

Paz said...

Great job with the PS7!


Auntie E said...

I have played more with the graphics. I like the way the flower looks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this wonderful meme and for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I really love how artistic this one is. And you know me! I'd love a card like with that photo to send to just the right person. Nice work, Mary!

Jan said...

I like your shot of the Canna plant. Great give away, Mary.

Mojo said...

I believe I'd title this "I Think I Cana (Canna?)".

Interesting treatment! Loe the textur in the door especially.

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Isn't it FUN to experiment! Love your results ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Jim said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday. Mary, that is a very pretty picture with even having the red steps. Did you use a red filter of sorts?
Your prize is nice, they match my saying: LIG L2P (Life Is Good, Learn To Play).

Tink *~*~* said...

I had the day off from work today - gotta love those bank holidays - so I almost forgot tomorrow was Tuesday. Glad I remembered :)

Tink *~*~*

Marites said...

it's pretty! I really like what you did with photoshop:) my RT is up too.

eastcoastlife said...

That is a lovely old door. I wish I could use Photoshop, it's such a great tool.

Love the giveaway. Hope I could win.

Martha said...

Great photo

Great giveaway, I love the blocks!


Phoenix said...

What a gorgeous photo!! I love what you did with it! :)

Becky said...

That looks like a very old door. Has lots of character, and the Canna Lily is a perfect accent.

Ali said...

That is a really neat effect, great photo! I love cannas!

Karen Coutu said...

That might be my favorite out of all the Ruby Tuesday photos you've posted! Love the fall colors!!

CrAzY Working Mom said...

It's been a while since I've posted a RT post. I love the give away idea. My kitchen is done in this theme so I would be excited to win. Fingers are crossed! :)

My post this week is a bit reminiscent of days gone by.

Have a happy Tuesday, RTers!!!

Dimple said...

Neat work-up Mary! Lots of red!

Mamí♥Picture said...

Wow that was pretty Amazing!
I totally love it!!
Thank you for sharing!

Terri said...

Come on Lucky 52! Love the giveaway, how sweet! Great photo Mary.

Cheerio said...

I know I have not blogged for quite some time but I do remember to have joined this. Hope I am still accepted here. Anyway, I just have the perfect post for this Ruby.

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

That is very alluring..the flower is perfect, and the old steps and door..well, what is inside is what I wonder?!

Ellie said...

This photo is on fire! Really cool ... actually really hot vision. I bet it was fun to play with the picture!

Candy said...

Looks like I have returned to Ruby Tuesday at the right time. Nice the Giveaway. And I love the results of your photo. Awesome!!!
Happy RT Blessings ;-)

Stephanie V said...

That canna looks very someone tied a knot in the stem. What I really love is the mysterious door that it seems to be guarding.

Gattina said...

The is result looks great !

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

The canna lily is OK, but the DOOR HINGE is great! And that reminds me, someone one said that Door Hinge is the only thing that rhymes with Orange, but I'm not sure about that. Where did you ever find that scene?

Terry said...

hi mary t...
i had to do my post over again because by mistake i put it on to a friend's blog.
it is a new guy who i have got interested in ruby tuesday..he takes such great pictures.
i used to baby-sit him and his brothers and sisters in my beloved is such a small world that i should be meeting him and his family after all of these years!
have a great day tomorrow mary terry

ps...that boy sure was a lot faster than me..he was the first one to post this week..hahahaha

Dianne said...

I love the rich color and texture

the door and steps are especially beautiful

Yrsa said...

These images make me think of christmas!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hello there, this is my very first time joining Ruby Tueday. I am not sure if I did it right though hehehe. You might want to check it out here. I love your give away!

Kerslyn said...

I love the effect! great photo. mine's posted early but I forgot to check here to leave my link.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh I forgot to ask where to grab the code for the badge, I just copied and pasted the button but it does not have a link.

MaR said...

I love what you did to your picture, it looks wonderful!!
Happy Ruby Tuesday:)

Cheerio said...

That is really lovely red flower. Red is my favorite color.

Nikotiina, Finland said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday :)

We had first snow in Finland yesterday!

Gypsy Lala said...

Beautiful art work by photoshop, I like the feel of the picture. Aquarium Fish

mousey said...

first time in here.

like that door and steps

mine's here say cheese

Anonymous said...

Now thats a wonderful eclectic photo for Ruby Tuesday.

I'm in,


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I like the way that came out. I may have to experiment with that.

B : ) said...

Magnificent! I would never have thought to do that. Thanks for sharing.

Hootin Anni said...

This is soooooooo "European" to me. Dunno why, but it reminds me of Europe. LOLOLOL

It's beautiful.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Beautiful picture and very unique!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

IN the middle of a big post is RED!

Love your skills with Photoshop Mary!

Marice said...

that looks nice :) i am joining!

Heidi said...

The Canna looks beautiful all doctored up like that! What a great shot! And what a beautiful door. It has so much personality!
Oh and I would love to win your red blocks, they would be the perfect color for my family room! I have to admit that I have a little touch of red in every room.
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.

moosh said...

This picture is stunning. Great job. I wish I knew how to do things like that.

Anonymous said...

The effect on this photo is great, that rustic old feel, I really like it!

Chie Wilks said...

Love the photos ...they both looking good..reddish woodish look so gorgeous

Ruby said...

awesome! thanks mary..happy RT!

JunieRose2005 said...

Oh my! That's very beautiful!!

Enjoy these beautiful autumn days!!


annies home said...

beautiful red decor love it

Nature's Beauty said...

joining for the first time..wonderful photos you got here Mary!thanks for hosting this beautiful meme!

Euronics said...

this one is special! love it!

Maude Lynn said...

That picture is amazing!

Lorie Shewbridge said...

The photo is so pretty, it looks like a painting... Thanks so much also for the chance at a giveaway, what a wonderful opportunity.
Have a lovely week!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Love love love doors and their possibilities. thanks for doing Ruby Tuesday and the contest is fun!!

dot said...

HI Mary!
I just dropped by to see the picture in color. I can't decide which I like best.
Noticed the picture of Jan & Bob in your side bar. That was great that you got to meet them!